
>Poke-poke-boom, poke-poke-boom

>Brave stance-Upswing-Slam-Full burst, Brave stance-reload, Poke-Poke-Slam-Full burst, Brave stance-Wyvern fire
>All while keeping track of a very punishing overheat meter and wyvern fire cooldown

Why have so many games been dumbed down recently?

Other urls found in this thread:

DBZ Fighters had one-button combos and people seemed to like it.

Because they're trying to attract new players, and simplifying gameplay is one way to do that. It's done to keep new people from getting too overwhelmed.

you're trying way too hard nintensoy the combat depth of the game is as deep as its ever been

>Figure Brave mode is for casuals because of brave dodge
>Try it against super variants
>Half my healthbar gone

They fucked many weapons

There are people who liked the overheat meter?

Yes. Probably the best idea ever, there are just so many ways to get to red heat and maintain. Full bursts, combo shelling, overcharged shells, and then using WF to lock it in just feels so fucking good.

The best players don't even need to use WF. I wish I were that good.

The styles gimmick was awful.
MH generations was the only MH I've put down before I got to Grank, it felt like every weapon lost its personality and feel.
It looked cool, the animation work was outstanding, but I felt the game lost rather than gained with that.

>Nintensoys are actually begging for MH to be turned into koolz shonen anime again.
Being this much of a contrarian retard

Many shit things in Gen/X were fixed/improved in XX. However many won't know that because it wasn't localized and will see XX as just a polished Gen turd.

>defending Generations

Really? That sucks.

>Brave style

oh right my bad i forget Gen X is too shit to get localization. My mistake.


>World shitposters don't even know the difference between Generations and XX

That's OK I guess, I can't tell the difference between MHW and MHO either.

I do miss Tri mechanics.

Where dodges and pre planning matters more.

The use of WF to lock the Guage was the stupidest idea ever. WF is suppose to be your big burst damage that you only use when the opportunity presents itself, not something you waste in the corner so you damage doesn't plummet.

>World shitposters

Oh boy, I can't wait for the divide between 'true' MH players and the FILTHY CASUAL WORLD AUDIENCE.
>oh you didn't import a game unavailable in your region, shame its' the TRUE MH EXPERIENCE FOR ELITE MH PLAYERS LIKE MYSELF.

What the fuck? Why are you so butthurt over XX being the better game? You can import your own copy any time you want, you know?

>Playing a game in moon runes

No thanks.


Why would anyone be butthurt over the fact a game is good?
You can import it but that doesnt matter, it's not for this region, it's in another language.. Hardly anybody will do that.

This is why people call you casual. You have no right to get angry over "elitists" mocking you when you're actively shunning fun because of some squiggly letters.

sorry I never played a G Rank version of Generations. Did that ever get localized? I know World got made and is selling well but you'd tink if XX was so good and if MH was so popular they'd release it worldwide. HMMM I WONDER WHY XX ISN'T RELEASED GLOBALLY YET?

>realistic combat

>anime shite

Disagree that world was in any way 'realistic' but XX was way too over the top and Anime.

Or, maybe I just like being able to read the fucking text that was put there with the intention of being read, retard.


oh no, lad. that's not how gunlance is played in world
it's either scoop-slam-swipe-reload-slam-swipe-reload or scoop-slam-burst-reload-slam-burst-reload
and don't even bother with wyvern steak

hey mike

>the combat depth of the game is as deep as its ever been

I still enjoy Wyvern stake, it feels more personal. Also I keep accidentally triggering it when going for the quick reload

The heat gauge was poorly executed shit that is a prime example of Gen/XX's bizzare choices. Compared to 4U, you're only dealing +5% melee damage on red heat and breaking even on orange. Juggling this is not difficult at all but the whole mechanic comes off being vestigal as fuck. Realistically, the only saving grace of GL during Gen/XX was Adept's perfect guards, Brave can do all the P3rd Auto-Guard throwbacks it wants but it didn't save the weapon from being mediocre.

Contrast to World where the Slam + Wide Slash loop actually does a good deal of melee damage even if it's rather slow, and two chainable backhops that each cover as much distance as an extended Lance backhop (who can't chain it twice), the weapon actually has some mobility now and other shit like being able to dodge out of shelling or even tacking on Focus if you really like charged shells. Only kind of issue now is that said melee loop kinda makes the lateral thrusts a bit useless.

But whatever, I don't think anyone on Sup Forums actually 'mained' GL seriously, at least throughout each generation. You'd probably use a more serious getup to get deeper in the game and then just rock whatever the fuck afterwards on monsters that aren't as challenging. I did know one guy who actually did and he was bitter as fuck that other weapons could more reliably deal more damage.

>Worldfag implying World isn't anime shit

If you really want to read the text that badly then no one is stopping you from learning Japanese you massive pussy. Actually fighting monsters (you know, the fucking point of the game) requires no reading.

Yeah, I sure as fuck love to use Secret Art #41 - Thousand Black Whirlwind Dancing Blades of Annihilation in MHW.

>>realistic combat

You obviously haven't played World.

It's called Brave for a reason, you are supposed to be at ~30% hp for majority of the hunt.

The dodge only gives you knockback resistance.

>WF is suppose to be your big burst damage

Nonsense, Wyvern Fire has been inferior to a simple poke combo in every game damage-wise. You use it to break hardy parts or activate a stagger.

Arguably it's still bad in XX since you don't need it to maintain red, but at least it has some purpose.

That attack is so fucking hard to land. You have no idea.

b-but muh anime

>*potions sprints out of the franchise*

>still using a clip from the beta

As long as it adds to the combat depth instead of detracting from it, who cares? It helps cover the DB's greatest weakness in not getting the high breaks, if you're good enough to use it.

>People still use that old-ass footage
Goddamn, the game already came out a month ago. At least post some new webms if you want to shitpost.

Why? It works just the same on the release version.

>thought I could potion while a rathalos was facing the opposite direction while flying
>he swoop 180's me for poison
wtf why isn't it like old monster hunter??


They're attempting shitty deflection because they know they can't win the argument any other way. Running while healing is so fucking broken that the only reason you're not allowed to heal from the pause menu like in Dragon's Dogma or BOTW is because there is no pause menu.

Are you all new to the franchise or why do you criticize the combat for going back to the roots? I hate that fucking anime combat in Generations, holy shit.

I wouldn't mind Gunlance having another mechanic. Maybe gauge that increases with shelling and boosts Wyrmstake or speeds up WF.


>not anime

>literally a press O to doug button

>"Gee, what a neat armor set. I wonder what skills are on it."
>Go online
>Try to look it up, but don't know the monster's name
>Try asking around, and eventually figure out the monster is called [insert moon combo here]
>Look up the armor set
>Everything is in japanese
>Google translate botches the entire thing
>Japanese skill names and English ones aren't direct translations of each other, so I have to retroactively go back and learn the differences between them
>Armor has new skill never seen before
>No idea what it does
>Need to ask a gook who knows what he's doing, because the game explains this shit so badly you can't even rely on a direct translation to explain it to you (a series problem in most of the games, but worse off because you can't even fucking read what little it does offer you)

>After all that, go back to the game and try to build the set
>Requires a monster part not tied to the main one it comes from, and the icon for the mat is a generic one

Don't get me wrong, I'll buy a Switch and XX the day it gets a localized port (because it does look fun), but MonHun is a dime a dozen series that gets a new release every 2 years or so years. I ain't doing homework for the fucking thing every time a new thing comes up just to say I played the final (and outdated) iteration of a series that resells itself multiple times over with subtle changes.

Glad that shit doesn't bother you and you're able to enjoy the game despite it, but I don't have time to deal with it.

Just let Gunlance load Bowgun ammo.

tldr: I'm a casual babby and the reason the whole industry is going down the shitter

Only problem with GL is you need a YUGE opening execute a combo, otherwise it's mostly poke.

BuJaBuJaBu for LR
Full Khezu for HR
Full Guild set for GR

There. Now you have no excuse.

>Wants to spend less time looking things up and hunting
>Willing to buy the exact same game the day it gets a localized port as to not have to jump through retarded hoops to get back to the core game

>Somehow correlates to "the cancer that is ruining the industry."

>"English text is fucking casual, amiright fellow Nintenbros?"
Capcom leaving Nintendo with World has mentally fucking harmed you, holy shit.

Please don't bring console war shit into this. Just call him a dumbass and move on.

You're a fucking retard, OP. I've been gunlancing longer than you've been alive, World has THE best GL combat I've ever seen. Stances are shit, and you can take your animu spirit bomb ult and shove it up your ass like a wyrmstake shot.

>Full Khezu for HR
Jesus why would anyone do that to themselves? That get up is ugly as hell and requires you to fight that boring fight multiple times just to get all the parts needed for teh armor.

Didn't want to make an entire new thread to ask this so here:
I wanna try this game out because hunting dragons and dinosaurs sounds cool but the closest I've gotten to playing any Monster Hunter game was a demo on my 3DS.

Is this worth checking out? Convince me to spend the rest of my tax money on this game.

>>Poke-poke-boom, poke-poke-boom
if you do that then you're doing it wrong

>Building cookie cutter netdeck armor sets
>Not experimenting with different ones and putting them up to the test against various monsters

It is astounding how many people just power game 4 options with every game in this series, and nothing else. Shit is fucking hamster wheel tier.

>Tax money for video games

Bulgaria is that you?

it's fun!

I love XX and Brave Style is some of the most fun shit but I hate these console war fags who haven't played it who pretend like it isn't the easiest entry in the series.

I mean shit, I can blast through most of high rank with low rank armor while in 4 I got my shit kicked in as soon as I started.

No but I'm American so it's a 3rd world country nonetheless.
Not enough info.

woah, that's cool, that being said not sure it would have worked in Word's maps

Valphalk is daddy you fucking queer

>playing rune removes all the fun
wow thanks for telling me

Reminder to the skeptic-fags who are going to be so BTFO yet again in a few days when this is all proven true

Deviljho is coming out March 9th.
Lunastra and Oroshi are part of the spring update as well.
There will be balance changes for older weapons, and "new" weapons added that aren't part of the Jho/Luna/Oroshi pack.
Alatreon is coming in the summer title set for July.
The pack will include Shaggy with the title update monster headliner being Zinogre. The Zinogre trailer will drop in April.
There will be a Shonen Jump crossover with Black Clover in May.
There will be a God of War crossover for Sony PS4 in June.
In May there will be a full Elder hunting Luna/Teo/Kushala/Kirin/Nerg.
In September there will also be the first release of a new map called the Shimmering Lagoon. It's half jungle and half lagoon with a series of caves connecting a hidden second lagoon. Plesioth, a new world subspecies of Royal Ludroth, a new world subspecies of Barioth, a new fanged wyvern based on a crocodile, and Chameleos.

>I can blast through most of high rank with low rank armor while in 4 I got my shit kicked in as soon as I started.

Only if you never get touched.

Kiranico's page for mhxx fixes 90% of those issues user, it has everything translated and you can search for monster names in english and it shows you all the armor skills in english too so I don't know what your problem is. And yes, I did play the game and know what I am talking about.

>playing gunlance

It's really fun!

Platform war faggots sincerely need to get a loaded gun and blow their fucking brains out. MH threads are some of the only good things about this fucking god awful shit hole.

Because the Khezu set is super-easy to make (1, 2 hunts tops) and you have to hunt it anyway. No matter what set I make, I always find myself being able to make Khezu's set.

Extra healing is great too, since you probably haven't unlocked the honey farm.

I'm sure it will change later but I don't take much since you can upgrade your armor much farther and easier than the other games since they add a few levels where you take only materials.

>MH threads are


Also no, MH threads were always full of filthy casuals begging for help advancing through the ranks and posting monster porn.

>There will be a God of War crossover for Sony PS4 in June.
honestly i'm totally ok with that if that means kratos dual blades

You do know gunlance has always been like that, right? World didn't invent the gunlance or something.

>There will be a God of War crossover for Sony PS4 in June
We're gonna get Kratos new axe as a switch axe?

>MH threads are some of the only good things about this fucking god awful shit hole.

They were never good. You can stop acting like you aren't a nuworldfag.

And that's still 10000000000x better than the usual bottom of the barrel trash threads this board has on a daily basis.

Ok but when are they bringing back double notes for hunting horns?

How hard is it to play the Switch version of XX?

>don't like someone's opinion
>call them new

Kill yourself. You probably played LS in 3rd gen you fucking sub human.

Easy if you are willing to put some effort into the thing that you enjoy, and if you aren't you shouldn't be playing any other Monster Hunter than World anyways.

>There are people ITT who haven't even played the free demo of XX


Also is Dragon Instinct worth it? Stamina loss reducation seems a bit meh.

If you played past monster hunters it is pretty easy using kiranico. If not, then it can be a bit hard but doable.

Agreed, unless it's a thread about animals or microbiology.

Easy. Even easier if you've played Gen.
There's pictures of what monster youre hunting, pink quests are hunting, blue are capturing, and just look up gathering on Kiranico.

Only things I've had to look up are skills and occasionally monster materials but you look up monster materials anyway in the English one and most of the time you want specific skills or armor sets anyway so you look those up.

Rathalos has always aimbotted people.

I might pick it up then. The lack of content in World definitely left me wanting more.