Why does this country's games have shitty animations?
Why does this country's games have shitty animations?
Because it existed over 80 years ago.
Most A E S T H E T I C borders right there, beats even imperial Germany
The question is not why does x country have shitty animations
Its why does only south korea and japan have good animations
The reason is simple they put in the work
>when the kingdom that created your country isn't part of your country anymore and it's people regulary demonize it and blame it for WW1,WW2 and Nationalsocialism
t. Germany
>the country of no fun allowed
>the country of working till 67
>over 40 hours the week of actuall work an not just sitting around
>Cares about anything vidya
Good joke mate.
I'm 26 and a Student and still get flak for not working and playing vidya, even though I'm a normie by Sup Forums standards.
You have shit taste if you think that beats the Wilhelminian empire.
german people have small penises lol
they ran out of gas
>The country of cheating and lying to consumers and getting away with it Scott free
I-It's okay when Germany does it...
>ostpreussen pictured
>Germonkeys still s e e t h i n g they lost territory when they declared war on the etire world
because you have to fill formulars for each frame of animation. While germans are good at filling formulars it does take away from time of animating.
>another Sup Forums-bait thread
Why does Sup Forums shit on every western country? Is this the white guilt thing I have heard about?
Since when are amerifats concerned about health and consumer rights? That was a revenge action for taxing google.
>*Genocides Prussians*
t. I don't know what migration is
All the good men were executed by allied forces and other Jewish powers.
war was declared on germany you dipshit
>History with Sup Forums
Mutts are beyond help though- every single one of them is thick as pigshit and lack basic common sense. Them lying to consumers is expected from scum like that.
Germany is an economy in a significant surplus and part of the EU which is meant to be surprisingly biased towards consumers and buyer protection. Germany shitting on that and getting away with it is a shit move.
because whites are shit at everything
Danzig is Polish now Adolf. You lost remember?
Wrong map, friend. There's a good cunk missing to the west. ^^
There is no Danzig on this map, you stupid faggot,
That's Königsberg, based retard
>country of robots
>make robotic animations
It's all they know.