Let's talk about Vermintide
Let's talk about Vermintide
I'm glad the longbow is top-tier again. Fuck hagfags and trueflight autists, I need to be stacked with enough arrows to put down every special, every monk and berserker, and probably every rogre that spawns, because the fucking Sienna isn't going to do it.
> 3 teammates downed by a rat ogres crew.
> Rat ogres dead but some shieldcuck still alive.
> Elf spends 9 billion years whacking at this fucking dudes shield rather than reviving any of us.
Around Elves, watch yourselves.
>shitters all go down early on forest map
>rush through clusterfuck gulch, and get lucky with no assassin spawns, only hookers
>they're all piled up in the middle of the fucking hills
>bile troll spawns
>slave swarm spawns
>try to hold shit together
>almost dead
>hear the ding of my special readying
>stuns them all long enough to get the whole team up
God specials are fucking fun sometimes.
Surely the soft launch tomorrow will include all the maps?
I think it's safe to assume it will, since they want to carry the progress over. It only makes sense for them to use the launch build for that.
What do you do in this game and why is it so cheap?
You kill ratmen and chaos shits. It's cheap because it's a multiplayer only game.
It's left 4 dead with a warhammer skin. It takes unique concepts such as character building with a selection of talents, weapons and Weapon abilities. Superior bantz in every conceivable way, if you like the warhammer universe.
Y tho
What do you expect to actually change from beta to release, without being severely pessimistic?
Honestly I think it's just number tweaks on talents, abilities and weapons.
Boring linear systematic. I want challenges, I want random. Not collect books like pokémons.
Waywatcher is getting the nerfs, I just hope they wont butcher the Handmaiden career in the progress.
dialogue getting unlocked
Then wait for heroic deeds
Best first person melee against hordes ever made. Cheap because the devs are madmen
Y’all fucking shilling this all over, what’s the game about, what’s a game with similar style of play, and why should I play it besides the fact that it’s Warhammer, shill me shillers
Ive had the best time in the bet using a drake cannon and becomming the dwarven version of hitler, they wont touch the drake in the final build, right?
Playing Markus as foot knight with attack speed buffs on trinkets and talents and a halberd with swift slaying just fucking melts everything. The halberd is just so fuckin good anyway like why use anything else for Kruber.
So Heroic Deeds? Books are an important mechanic that relies on the greed of the players.
>joggin thru forest cos of magic doodad
>elf taken by catcher
>shes on other side of the map
>"help me"
why is the dwarf always pro and elf a shitter?
I genuinely don't think that there are any shills at all for this game, most people posting straight up love warhammer or have played the previous game.
Well that sounds awesome.
Do you need to not be a loner? Like is there matchmaking and auto-queues and such where an autist like me could hop in?
I haven't seen any video or whatever about vermintide 2 so far but vermintide 1 is mildly popular in Sup Forums to don't be surprised it's here
vermitide 1 is kinda like left 4 dead and sadly has a hard time standing out compared to it. Four players coop against creeps ranging from weak shit to huge muscle guy.
Excellent melee combat in Warhammer Fantasy. Core game is iterated from L4D, as in 4 players move through maps and there are special enemies that require teamwork or skill to beat.
In addition it has skills, talent trees, a shitload of weapons that all have their own niche and a progression system.
Oh and excellent characters who constantly throw banter at each other
Call me retard, but I tihnk the game would be more fun if you could use more than 1 ability.
Yea i played with an elf who was basically speedrunning the level ahead of the team.
Kept getting caught by specials and just barely saved by us as we caught up.
Finally she goes too far, gets killed by the bile troll she triggered miles ahead of us and proceeds to rage quit causing the mission to reset.
Fucking elves.
>everyone compares it to l4d
>the granddaddy of them all gauntlet legends is a medieval hack and slash is always forgotten
Feels bad man.
More stuff unlocking in the keep.
Are there actually two types of chaos sorcerer, hood-wearers and baldies? Only sometimes they're called leeches and sometimes windy bois. I thought sorcerors had both options under their belt.
Yeah they're two different ones.
Bald are braap wizard hoods and grabby bois.
So I need friends. That sucks.
Its two varities. The amerimutt with KKK hood is the succ one. The other one is the brapcerer who summons brapnados
Or you play with randoms because surprisingly enough the community has some pretty decent lads.
>mfw finding out you can dodge the Klan Wizard
>[story about how an elf player is bad]
[complain about elves]
[praise dwarf]
Yes to all though the occasional "help" "tome" or "grim" in chat might be necessary so be sure to stock up on tendies
Oh boy
Hi there, feanor
I fucking hope not, I want to actually save some content for the actual release
I'd prefer it if they'd just buff sienna's stuff to be on par with the drakegun, but I suspect they'll leave her as she is and just nerf the gun since she was a balance nightmare in the first one
can we all at least agree that this game looks pretty damn bad by 2018 standards
>Quick Play
>Ha-ha, sorry, your character is unavailable. Pick Inquisitor or Faggot Witch
Every time
What? It's a good looking game.
Are you expecting AAA graphics for a little more than indie game?
>outing yourself as an elf picker
maybe if you picked an actually interesting character like Victor fucking Saltzpyre you wouldn't get cucked so much
>nerf healing talents
>nerf elf
>buff fire witch
More optimistically I would like to see the entire talent tree be reworked into something that is more conducive to the playstyle of each subclass but I don't think its gonna happened.
What kind of fantasy 2018 have you been experiencing?
No, it looks fine, and the lack of photorealistic graphics and celebrity voice acting means the devs don't need to shill it for eighty fucking dollars like some nigger companies try to do.
I mean come on for ambient occlusion it uses ssao, that's decade old technology that has been significantly improved since
Ima fucking Foot Knight Kruber.
Oh well my mistake then
I actually see kruber the second least, after witch
wow you guys sre butthurt about elf players
sorry I wanna play as the best character, not my fault you guys enjoy handicapping yourselves
What if grims and tomes where replaced by ranald's bones except instead of rolling for loot you would roll for enemies to spawn.
Yeah I guess elf players are handicapped enough as it is
Is this 'We wuz fantasay kangz'?
The packmasters strangling the elf, that's my job!
You cant find a single nigger in these games unless you count black rats
Do higher difficulties spawn 2 or 3 monsters together? would be fun to deal with 2 or 3 chaos spawn or bile troll.
Should we save her?
on champion you regularly get duplicates of special rats, but not bosses as far as I'm aware
Not that I know of but you can totally get to enjoy a horde a big guy and maybe some brap wizards at once.
That probably sounded better in your head
>gauntlet legends
That's exactly what an elf pretending not to be an elf would say
Heroic Deeds and Last Stand will undoubtedly do that stuff
So what's considered hardest boss creature atm? Troll, stormfiend of the chaos spa
you have it backwards
you're the one using a crutch
What is with the autist speak in OPs image?
Written by a black orc
>want to play Vermintide 2
>hate Steam
This is some upsetting shit right here.
Ma nigga. Headbutting bosses to buy time for the team like a proper chad, all day long...
Chaos spawn. Stormfiend is annoying because of the armour and also because sometimes it'll just sit on a ledge where you can't reach and flamethrower you. Troll is ezpz, even the rogre is tougher than the troll.
Count me in
I find the trolls vomit super annoying though.
It's just Skyrim x Dynasty warriors
I have a solution for you: play on a console
no its skyrim and dynasty warriors but there is only sewer rats to fight
When will this skyrim meme die
Don't have one. Was going to get one with this year's tax return but I got Hebrewed out of a bunch of dosh by Uncle Sam, and what's left is already earmarked for other shit.
Do you hate STEAM for any particular reason or is it just hate against DRM?
Steam works together with chinese land development moguls to map the interior of your household via sonar
Anyone else wants them to nerf the friendly fire damage?
Getting shot once is around 1/6 of your hp and an Elf once burst me with her triple trueflight down to 20%. It's even higher than unpatched Vermintide 1 right now.
It'd be nice if fall damage was less dear, too, considering ladders will take every opportunity to catapult you away from your destination
I played the beta yesterday, got bored pretty fast, I spent 90% of my time just by mashing melee.
How I am supposed to put 400 hours into this?
Try a harder difficulty. If that doesn't do it for you then it's probably not your game.
when does pre order beta start, why we have to suffer?
By playing on difficulties that punish you severely for not actively looking for specials and getting your health stamped out of you for not using all melee mechanics + teamwork.
I played normal like once or twice in Vermintide 1 before going on Hard and working from there.
I played recruit and most of my team get's smashed to death in seconds, is this normal too?
Idk I always enjoyed games like killing floor, thought this was gonna be good for me.
The lowest difficulty is full of people with brain hemorrhage. They would get killed even without enemies to attack them
How do grims work?
Do they spawn randomly and replace tomes or do they have their own placement?
Because I can't find shit.
>wont butcher the Handmaiden career in the progress.
What is there to butcher?
Tomes and grims are always in specific places.
They have their own places and it's always the same.
They usually involve some sort of tricky jumping or blowing a wall open with a explosive barrel.
Usually there's always someone in your group who knows where they are. Just ask or wait till they go pick up themselves.
Yes, I had plenty of new players get wrecked even on recruit.
The beta was open for everyone so someone who never played Vermintide 1 probably gets shit on pretty hard. Recruit is also a good bit harder than V1 normal.
what's the best starting class?
also what the fuck is the main base for?
The spear, that's about it really. Suppose the increased dodge distance is nice.