>that guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Other urls found in this thread:
>That faggot who keeps making shit threads
i wear pajama jeans because they're comfy and don't look like im a try hard
>fence sitters
>that guy who dosen't wear any pant at the gym
>going to the gym
for what purpose? buy a used treadmill for $50 on craigslist, some weights, and presto: you never have to awkwardly exercise in front of other people again
I wear sweat pants and t shirt to le gym, am I not gay?
>browse and post on Sup Forums
You're incurably gay
kill yourself
I'm that guy
I'd hate boogie less if he was an SJW rather than a fence sitting cuck.
whatre u supposed to wear, yoga pants?
kill yourself faggot
fuck off
>you never have to awkwardly exercise in front of other people again
just because you're an insecure bitch doesn't mean others will be
You're in public right? Wear a fucking tuxedo you classless sack of shit.
The gym has way more equipment. No one cares what you’re doing at the gym. If you’re doing something retarded they might snicker, but that’s about it
fat or slim he is still a cuck and a sjw cunt
It depends on the day. For instance, everybody in the whole world knows that you're supposed to wear mining equipment to the gym on Tuesdays. It's common knowledge.
No one actually cares if you wear basketball shorts at the gym.
Sounds more like OP needs a catwalk than fucking treadmill.
>people wants us to be proud of him for cheating his way of losing weight
How can you still like this guy? Why do people still follow him? Is it out of pity?
You're so dyel even dyel's know you're dyel
>not wearing a leather bondage suit to the gym
Make your own jump rope out of plant fibers and do pushups. Never have to buy anything. Bulking is a complete waste of time and gay af at that.
>that guy who wears clothes to the gym
What video game is this thread about?
Oh I see.
>Use the bathroom at a gym
>Theres shit on the toilet seat
>Theres shit on the sink
>Theres shit everywhere
I wear Jeans
I started going to the gym recently and I always feel really horny after working out. Is that normal?
If you’re a fag maybe
probably just the extra testosterone boost. how old are you?
you missed the shit stuck to the ceiling
25. I never really got horny much before going to the gym. Now I'm constantly horny. It's annoying as fuck.
yeah it is lad, its just cause your body is getting pumped full of happy juice
not bad.
Theres no gym for your chin
wow weird. i'm not sure, are you seeing lots of hot girls at the gym or something? it's probably just because your body feels extra good/attractive so it kicks your sex drive overboard.
same happened to me, but it also doesn't help that the gym I go to is pretty unisex, so I get plenty of tight female asses to stare at.
Yeah there's usually a few hot girls working out and they always wear tight clothes. I never cared much about wanting to bang women before but now I constantly think about it.
yeah m8, especially if you're lifting heavy. After I deadlift I feel like a fucking golden god and get horny as fuck
what's wrong with my chin?
sounds like a positive change, i would just go with it! i'm in the complete opposite situation and it sucks.. i have zero sex drive for my gf at all despite both of us working out a lot.
I wore pajama shorts to the gym for the longest time.
Sounds like you have some sort of delayed puberty m8. Do you have a small dick?
sounds like both of you need a fresh pair of genitals to have fun with, maybe try out swinging.
Yes. It's only just slightly bigger than 4 inches
El beastador ripping boogie a new one
yeah i don't know what the issue is, we have never been able to have sex or do anything above fingering. her sex drive is pretty low and i don't find her attractive apparently so i can just never get hard for it... it happens to me with some girls but not with others, my dick is too selective for its own good
Holy shit he's still around. the fucking BEAST
this guy looks like a fucking super villain.. however given the video that was just posted i can only imagine that he's a super beta instead
niggas do you even understand testosteron? Working out lowers body fat (which binds testosteron) and stimulating your muscles to grow also causes testosteron levels to rise. Higher testosteron is gonna make you horny and it's a healthy thing.
GOAT PR breaking songs right here
But it's annoying. I want to fuck and fap all the time now. Before this I only had to fap like once a week maybe.
>not knowing about the beast
He's far FAR from a beta
>probably just the extra testosterone boost
>niggas do you even understand testosteron
are you retarded
>tfw Boogers is losing weight faster than you
welcome to being a real man
How do men operate like this? I basically want sex 24/7 now. I have to fap in the morning, during my lunch break, when i get home from work and before I go to bed. This is a big change for me.