

Game A.
10/10 game play.
Characters are normal and generic life like people.

Game B.
8/10 game play.
Characters are cute anime girls.

>cute anime girls
>8/10 gameplay
There's no games like this. Either way A.

anime is fucking gay


>objectively better game vs objectively worse game with animuu shit
Anyone who doesn't choose A is retarded or a weeb (so retarded).

>Characters are cute anime girls.
Even if it had 10/10 gameplay I would not play this

Depends on the game, but in most cases, Game A

If it's a story-driven game that's heavily character-centric, then Game B. I want interesting characters and not Bob McGeorge.

>10/10 story-driven game
>somehow doesnt have interesting characters
I knew anime retards were retarded but holy shit

this. delete anime.

So are you

>10/10 game play

Third nuke when

Tumblr meme

imagine being so much of a pleb that you need your characters being anime girls in order to like them

A is the only good option

>remakes that are inferior to the originals

B is a good option.

game play is subjective, 10/10 for you might not be 10/10 for me
cute anime girls are always cute anime girls

game B

what dumb question is this

gameplay is the essence of a game why pick the inferior product

Reading sure is hard buddy, but I think if you took another crack at reading OPs and that user's posts, you can get it.

Who in the right mind would pick B

Game A. I play games for the GAMEplay and not for stupid anime girls. If i want anime girls i'll watch a fucking anime.

yet I bet you hypocrite faggot wouldn't play Dwarf Fortress because the visuals aren't for your liking

Imagine being at computers

A, but I’d prefer a 10/10 anime game


so fat you look and see food

>10/10 game play.
>Characters are normal and generic life like people.
Isn't there supposed to be a downside?

A. You're a fucking retard if you pick B.
There should be another board for anime video game benders.

i will have a blast with a 8/10 game and a blast with a 10/10 game so i will just pick b

dwarf fortress is mandatory before posting on Sup Forums

I think the problem with its visuals isn't that it's ugly it's that it's fucking confusing to make sense of it.

What's with all the porn today? Are the mods sleeping?

the mods are skipping their schedule, when they are supposed to be active and hiroshimoot doesn't give a fuck as long as these retarded jannies and mods pay him money have more right than other users here.




Game A.
10/10 game play
Characters are cute anime girls.

Game B.
8/10 gameplay.
Characters are normal and generic life like people

reddit spacing

B is like danganronpa v3. Although i can't find flaws in it's gameplay

>10/10 game play
>Characters are cute anime girls.
where's the downside

all threads are full of waifuposters and shitposters

I literally dont care about graphics if gameplay is good

that's like 95% threads anyway

more images like this
same with the shark anime drawing

A you retard

>Last of Us vs. Nier Automata

both were a 6 at best though

I'll take a great anime game over an excellent game with real life characters and modern themes. I play for escapism, and nothing could make me play though a game with obnoxious homely faggots talking about the developer's worthless political views.


Game A.
10/10 game play.
Characters are normal and generic life like people.

Game B.
8/10 game play.
Characters are cute animal people.