Soul Calibur 6

So according to the "leaker" again, Soul Calibur devs are looking at online forums for opinions about the game, and in particular places like Sup Forums, Reddit, etc. So what would you like to see in Soul Calibur 6?

-Taki nipples
-2B (Nier Automata) guest character
-Very lewd when all the females armor is broken
-People do not like big muscle brown women. People like cute and sexy women with tanned skin. (In response to the rumor)
-CROSSPLAY!!!! online population needs to stay alive! Very important for fighting games

Other urls found in this thread:

I want them to not listen to Sup Forums, or, god forbid, /fgg/.

Bunch of fucking pedophiles who don't even know why SCI & II were so great.

yes and lets start by not listening to you

Their only listening to chans for an unfiltered opinion not suggestions

2B a shit

I'm fine with that, I also post on other places.


>People do not like big muscle brown women
>implying they can't be cute
Namco don't listen to this fucking guy.

Cassandra and a tag team mode.

I want a weapon master mode and multiple weapons for each character

to be frank, I want another Soul Calibur 2/3, and bring back Zasalamel, damnit.


>bring back Zasalamel, damnit.

hes been announced already silly!

Butt physics

that looks disgusting and faggots like you are minority fetishists. people like you pretended to liek Zarya but in reality not one single person likes her, theyre 1% as popular as cute girls like D.Va, Mercy, or even brown cuties like Pharah

Now this... is an idea I can get behind

>People do not like big muscle brown women. People like cute and sexy women with tanned skin.
You have the most shit taste possible you gigantic faggot.
Namco, go all in on the big brown muscle girl.

loading screen taunts

well I haven't been keeping up too well

taunts should use the ps4s inbuilt controller microphone.

t. the one homo who likes Zarya while brown cutie Pharah gets all the fan art and attention

I agree with this guy. Maybe add a Southeast Asian warrior or female Jaguar Warrior from the Americas

Pharah is ugly

Nobody listens to /fgg/, not even /fgg/.

Shop fus

that girl isnt even big, shes just toned

>People do not like big muscle brown women

I know this is a bullshit roumor but just incase they are listening.

I know fighting games these days all talk about making thier games simpiler to understand for casuals.but when you make the games simple you lose the e-sports money and you lose -future- hardcore players. a robust single player rewards the player for -just playing the game- even if they don't understand the indepth systems. they can normaly button mash and get by and some people just want to do that and never play online. hell even hardcores sometimes want to take a break from the high stress online and mess around with characters they barly use. this also allows casuals to convert to hardcores. the longer the player is playing the game the more likely they are to gain skill and the more likely the are to want to play hardcore and thus maybe become the next e-spurts cash cow.

another negelectic demographics in fighting games are people who want to make dress up dolls with in game editors. please be sure to have pleanty of unlockabale options and don't lock it all behind DLC. if you must have cosmetic DLC be sure it's a ton of parts in a pack for a fair price. ($4.99 -$9.99)

Oh and please breaing back Taki, Amy and Hilde. one other personaly request. bring back the custom fighting styles from 3. maybe lock them to single player because of balance issues? oh and that RPG mode was pretty sweet too.

Save the big brown warrior woman for the sequel or for DLC

Focus on characters from SC1-SC3 instead
Have Hilde and Setsuka as DLC

Bring back Amy but change her name to Viola and trade in the rapier for the crystal ball+claw

I just want Dampierre back so i can troll people online. Even if he's pre-order bonus or DLC later on the line, i don't care.

Please include the OST from other games, especially Soul Blade.

>-People do not like big muscle brown women. People like cute and sexy women with tanned skin. (In response to the rumor)

I like both.

>female Jaguar Warrior from the Americas
Her theme.

All I want is a decent offline mode. Story modes in fighting games are always my favourite parts.
Needs a really good character creator to the point that it basically negates needing licensed guest characters.

>Namco listening to anyone on Sup Forums let alone Sup Forums
>Sup Forums talking about fighting games.
this is too funny.

I'll take any excuse for a soul calibur thread

Namco, as long as you bury SCV and never speak of it again, I'm cool with whatever you plan to do for SCVI

/fgg/ is so crazy and filled by actually challenged people right now that they don't even take themselves seriously anymore.

You can troll people with Yoshimitsu as well.
So here's hoping Yoshi gets in

the only thing I want is cross play

Just make Soul Calibur 2, but prettier.

From what I understood they only read Sup Forums when it comes to leaks, real or fake they might be.
Their gameplay design pandering to FGC personalities like Maximilian, Aris and SBFP is much worse. On one hand I trust people like Aris when it comes to giving suggestions to gameplay aspect of the series since he's been playing it competitively since SCII and knows most of the aspects of the games, but at the same time I fear that shows a weak idea on what the game should be from the devs' part.

Max is a shill, TBFP will play the game anyways so wanting their opinion on it is strange

Aris is the one that should matter

Blonde maxi

Short hair Siegfried

I unironically agree with this.

Maaaybe don't leave in the 2g bug, just to see how shit works out then, and buff Talim/Yun a bit.

what's reverse rage

They're almost doing that

Oh, and make the stages slightly smaller.

No Raphael no buy

Does this seem normal to you?
You are not in a good minority. Autism is rare and advanced intelligence is rare but one is sought after and the other isn't.
Please refrain from adding any further input.

No Siegfried at all famalam

You know how T7 has rage mode where you do more damage at low health? Well in SC5 (and SC6 apparently as well from gameplay we've seen), characters RECEIVE less damage at low health. Like half as much damage.

Fucking retarded.

you mean damage scaling like what happens in every fighting game ever made? wow what a crazy concept

There's a lot of mechanical complexity there that SC2 didn't have (or need).

I mean, make no mistake, the NIGHTMARE RIDE-BY-SLICES RIDING A LITERAL NIGHT-MARE is fucking baller, but super meters, reversal edge, reverse rage are all things that don't add much overall.

The more damage your character takes the less damage he takes from attacks. Supposed to encourage ending matches with big moves over poking someone in the ankles. Results in needing to be poked in the ankles 5 times instead.

As a Raphael player I love pokes and want to win matches with pokes.

Taking feedback =/= designing the game around preferences of others
If they pandered to Aris they would just ending up making another SC2, and we already know it's not like that.

>other fighting games do it
>that makes it good
neck yourself

It's not a crazy concept or new (it's called Guts in other games) but it's still dumb as hell.

SCV and SCVI, as far as I know, adds a flat damage modifier instead of a % one (which is more or less just to make hype comebacks a thing; many anime games had been doing this).

This is pretty unique. It's an important difference, because it means low damage moves are more affected by this.

Good man.

To me that just seems like the healthbars are bigger than they visually appear. Nothing really wrong with that.

I'm not a huge SC freak, but there was a girl in 4 iirc that had a shortsword/shield and her grab was a move when she shoved her pussy in the other character's face and leglocked their head

If that character stays keep her grab the same please

-4 chan

>pokes you

More ballbusting moves namco. Like Seong Minas opening treasure.

He's been a staple, so i'm confident he'll be back at least in the main game.

Bring back Setsuka right now I know you're reading this you fucks at Namco.

Hey Namco. Just have all the characters from 1-4 and just charge for create a soul shit. The people who like making custom characters are retarded enough to pay for dlc for it.

>it's an "user wants fighting game to be lewd but doesn't even buy it when it comes out" episode

You're a fag, bro. Go play another game.

you were saying, reddit libtard?

Why? I want the actual characters included in the game. I don't care about the dress up shit so I want namco to put alll dlc towards that instead.

Why isn't EYE installed you double Jian?

>it's an "user wants fighting games to be lewd but doesn't even play them after a week" episode

because im on my laptop right now

That was so predicatable, I've already been Guard Impacting.


I'll try to explain the difference.

Let's say you have 100 life.

Game A lowers damage after 50 life by 25% and after 90 life by 50%.

Game B lowers damage after 50 life by 5 and after 90 life by 10. (flat values)

In Game A you have roughly the same results as just elongating the HP bar, since every move is affected equally, and they still deal the same relative damage.

For Game B:

If you have a 20 damage move, it'll behave roughly the same.

Your slow 40 damage move will be less affected.

Your fast 10 damage move will literally deal no damage at 90%, meaning you are forced to use other moves.

You can say that the second system isn't inherently bad (needing to take risks to close a round is an interesting comeback mechanic) but they are absolutely not the same.

>none of them are even installed

The purpose of DLC characters is to bring people back after the initial boom is over. People won't come back if it's just some create a character mode that should have been in from the start. You want this game to die idiot.

Costume dlc

I want all characters from 1-4 in the game by default. I don't want to pay more money for characters. DLC should be guest characters from other games or custom character shit because then I can ignore it.

So you have longer healthbars and big moves are buffed at the end of the match. Sounds fine to me.

That's fucking embrassing LOL shadowverse is shit.

They should just sell topless outfits for the girls as dlc. Would set sales records for dlc.

And that's fine. As long as you understand that GG Guts and Reverse Rage are not the same mechanic, my work is done.

Making you understand why Reverse Rage is not a good mechanic for SC is a fight I1ll let some other user fight.

Yeah let's compromise the game so you can have some more characters right away, good idea.

t. cuckold who spent 100$ on blizzard universe the rng card game

Holy shit. Unrelated but there is a literal cow in my front garden right now. What should I do?

2B would be strange in a soulcalibur, Geralt or a dark souls boss could be better

Whats wrong with guest characters as dlc? If anything that would probably sell better than a regular soul calibur character as dlc.

Because guest characters should be in at the start like every other Soul Cal.

Thanks for explaining, I never noticed that.

This isn't new, it's obviously the guys who keep making shill threads and proceed to defend the stiff 2D boob textures jpg.

>Oh no no user, t-they are definitely huge!
>l-look at this totally not stale webm, the bounce, did you see the bounce!??

They should fix the problems if they want people to buy their game, not 24h damage control camping.

>-People do not like big muscle brown women.
Speak for yourself, gay man

yeah I dont get why people want bayo/dante/2b that much

Soul calibur isnt a very combo heavy game at all

I'd like Nioh guy if they took advantage of his weapon switching so he's not a shittier Mitsurugi

Whats a very popular tv show or game right now? The guest character will be from that.

I want them to bring back the Character Viewer and stuff that they had in SC2 and 3.

dark souls character would be sick too, i'd like both.

Guest character will be Noctis as DLC

We are your guest characters for tonight.

For fapping?

Bring back Link.

God yes please fuck somebody somehow please make it happen.

The guest character better not be from some anime bullshit. Better be from a game.