What's the verdict on Nioh?

What's the verdict on Nioh?

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Not dark souls?

its alright but not worth playing for ng+ and up

Good to Great

Mediocre and wasted potential

Pretty great. Delightful co-op.

Base game was pretty good but they completely ruined it with the dlc.

t. jaded Sup Forumstard

>What's the verdict on Nioh?
random crashes in co-op make it a loner's grind


more fun then dark souls


>wish the game was better

Why are Nioh fags so easily triggered and defensive? Why can't you be cool like your Dragon's Dogma cousins?


most likely a sonyafrican even though the game hasnt been exclusive for a while.

-t shitter story fags who stick to one stance and get rekt

I knew it

Now you're really gonna get triggered

have to do self imposed challenges to make it remotely challenging (mainly no living weapon)
repetitive to the point of feeling like a boring grind
I can't manage to finish it, even though I've got a combined 1000+h in the dark souls games

it's still MILES better than LotF & that other shit soulsclone but in space one

Imo Souls > Dragons Dogma > Nioh > that space one > literally torturing myself > lotf

Solid 6/10

-mediocre to terrible everything else
-literally negative effort put into level design and enemy variety
-shouldve just not bothered with having a story if its gonna be this shit
-rng loot system makes exploration pointless since you never find anything good, all your good gear comes from farming the revenants
-often very lazy "difficulty" by giving the boss multiple oneshot moves, which combined with really shit hitboxes make for uninteresting fights
-way too many human bosses with hyperarmor

That space one? The surge? Thats not in space...

Whats up with the level for the DLC in this game btw? Why the fuck is DLC meant for levels 220+ when everyone finishing the main story is like ~110 max? Were they seriously expecting people to play the game AGAIN just so theyre not horribly underlevelled?

Not that I mind, it was a nice challenge and spike in difficulty after very easy game when suddenly everything starts oneshotting you, including the trashmobs, but I dont get the logic behind this, how do normies even complete this game, do they grind up to 220?

Did you not notice that mission levels quickly outpaced your player level even on NG? On the highest difficulty they go like 300 levels over max. They were never supposed to be the recommended level, just some some rough indication for the difficulty of a mission, nothing more.


fuck i shouldn't have sold my vanilla copy and played that instead of the complete edition...
but then i have the odachi.

went a bit too hard on the >le so hardcore like dark souls, you die a lot :D

but I liked it overall

Gets shittier the longer you play it

seriously why would you waste and destroy all gained intrigue and respect by ending the post with such a blemish as 'hyperarmour'. try using the word poise. P-O-I-S-E, you know, that word that accurately describes the effect of which you see?

hyperamour... fuyck me ur 6 right?


I got it on PS4 near launch, I liked it.

no argument kek


This. Had my fun with the base game. Didn't bother finishing the DLC. Grinding for gear and levels wasn't fun for me.

souls idiots coined hyperarmour, the thing i am revolting. why don't you play legacy of kain or something that predates the entire franchise and did similar tropes. oh wait i'm talking to a retard.

>I dont like gameplay because I play at a basic level and rather not master it at all

Loot system is needless too many menus but the diffuculty is pretty on par. They just have to improve the enviroments and enemy variety if they want to compete with the souls crowd.

9/10 game for me.

>combat is like if you took three similar weapons in dark souls with different movesets and combined them into one
>each stance has its own set of skills you can unlock
>ninjutsu and Omyo magic are both baller as fuck, get to use lots of toys and tricks
>summoning/"invasions" are handled better than the souls series, can be summoned from the main menu into specific or random encounters instead of physcially walking to the boss, putting down your summon sign, and waiting
>kino as fuck 1600 japan era
>better fashion than dark souls since you can glamour sets
>diablo-styled looting, leading you to wanna kill every enemy and loot every chest for sick loot
>bosses are fun
>despite what some would tell you there is enemy variety, over 30 different mooks found only halfway through the game, not including DLC

this webm makes me glad I didnt buy it

>souls idiots coined hyperarmour

-t souls babby who hits once and and runs away

I hated it, for a dark souls clone it really missed what makes dark souls great, it really does lack the subtleties and intricate details that dark souls is really known for.

for that alone, I couldn't recommend it. I couldn't force myself to get past the second mission

>despite what some would tell you there is enemy variety

You just couldn't help it. A lot of the points were already fishy but you just had to go there and make your opinion worthless.


Like i said I only ust got to the fourth region and I have over 30 different mooks in my bestiary.

Of course i could skellington with a sword and skellington with a spear as different enemies because they have different movesets,


they coined poise

man just learn the combat system

that itself is fun

stop thinking of it as dark souls for christ sake

Got 500 hours in this game.

It's good.

they coined a word that was in the english dictionary whereas hyperarmour isn't? for the love of god stop being a fucking retard.

Ninja Gaiden with a stamina bar. Incredibly cheap DLC bosses. Not really worth playing through more than twice.

>it really does lack the subtleties and intricate details that dark souls is really known for

bzzzz bzzz bzzzz go the buzzwords

HAHAHAHAHHAAH. you thought poise wasn't a word up until that point? nice brain

your mistake was ever thinking it was a souls clone

>Ninja Gaiden with a stamina bar

There it is, finally

Got rid of it and got AC: O instead

I thought it was good. They just need to iron out some things and such if they ever made some kind of sequel.

Terrific game

Worst fucking bait of all time

But it's not bait. At least Assassins Creed in Egypt is comfy and the world is amazing even though the combat sucks

As someone who reached floor 999 of the abyss the grind is tedious and not that fun I wouldn't ever do it again.

>recommending Ubishit games
>recommending fucking Asscreed fotm shit
jesus christ

at least nioh can be replayed

8/10 game before PC announcement, 6/10 after

There's a "neverending" dungion in Nioh? Shit man i'm excited.

deep combat with great aesthetics but pretty boring level design, loot grindfest, and artificial difficulty. a good new franchise that hopefully continues and weeds out its weak points.

I'm not recommending shit. I'm merely saying I got rid of Nioh and got Assassins Creed instead. I didn't have fun with Nioh. I'm having fun with AC.

>artificial difficulty
Care to elaborate instead of using retarded buzzwords?

Good game, bosses sometimes feel cheap.

>frogposter prefers eating out of the dumpster
Can't say I'm surprised desu

Fun and gratifying if you like feeling like a hacknslash samurai man.
Co op is good if it doesn't crash on you (PC fucking sucks).
Level design gets boring but could be worse (DaS has this over it).
Worth the buy, I'm 40 hours in and at the third continent.

I really hope it continues, it has a lot of potential

It's fun and frustrating at the same time. I feel like the difficulty gets rather out of control on the ng+ modes. I quit at Way of the Demon. I was just burnt out at that point. Not much variety in enemies and it gets boring playing the same areas again. Which by the way some areas are way too fucking long for what they are. Loot pinata system is tedious and boring. You'll be picking up trash most of the time although I guess some people enjoy that system. Soulmatching is a huge money sink beyond belief. However the strength of enemies later on is so outrageous you might wonder what the point of even upgrading armor is. Combat is pretty nice although I really have to question how important the stance system really was in the end. I guess it's nice for variety. Also I'm probably going to be a faggot for this but I honestly disliked a lot of human boss fights. They're just not fun.

too hard. spent 10 hours on the boat boss and gave up.

The combat is fun and i like that you have special weapon stats which give the game a bit more depth but man are the environments forgettable. Thats one aspect where the Souls series truly outshines it.

You literally dont need to grind for anything. Kill couple of revenants, they drop divine gear, youre set for life.

Oh right, youre playing on a pirate. Then dunno.


Ninja Gaiden with stamina - shit.

>actually thinking this

Fucking retard, gas yourself.

Started out fun enough, then you realize it's kind of garbage. I didn't even bother finishing it, stopped like 3/4 the way through.

To much frustration, fuck this shit. DaS can be fun and frustrating at the same time, this one can't.

Is it me or there's a massive difficulty spike on Iga's castle? ( the frog one)
Spider, Yuki-onna and Tiger dungeons were a piece of cake but even the scrubby ninja NPCs are kicking my ass in this one.

Bloodborne > Dark Souls > Nioh > Demon Souls >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Dark Souls 3 > Dark Souls 2

>its alright but not worth playing for ng+ and up

That's the crux of the game. Higher difficulties change enemy placements and actually introduce a whole bunch of new enemy types with new attacks, but most people won't even care to play them or even play the randomly generated dungeon.

Team Ninja is literally terrible at everything except combat and should stick to making pure Action games.

Fuck the shitty micromanaging in Nioh.

>DaS3 before DaS2


Bloodborne > Demon Souls > DaS1 > DaS3 > DaS2 >> Nioh >>> Code Vein >>>>>> western soulsborne clones

>dying to literal trashmobs

Pretty good Dark Souls clone. Could be argue that is has a deeper combat system but it is generally agreed that Dark Souls is still the best overall at what it does.

No character creation, no buy!

>he doesn't know

I'm all in favor of chargen but how pathetic do you have to be for its inclusion to be a make-or-break factor

>beat main game on release
>try dlc after a year
>every enemy including bosses somehow hit harder 500% times more than main game a year ago
Yo fuck this trash, this is what dark souls 2 pandered too

you're expected to go into it having played at least part of ng+

well its code for "I want to play a female" and you can play as abunch of females

Why though? NG+ is supposed to be an addition.
Shouldn't affect first time experience in DLC's.

because its fucking nothing note worthy

The combat is sex but the enemy damage and speed is bullshit.
Got the giant skelly, gave up and made a new save.

ng+ existed before the first dlc came out, and ng+ introduces new gear rarities and equipment levels
you were expected to have continued playing the game before they released the dlc

You played code vein yet?

you don't know shit, faggot.

>waifus and anime and souls combat

It's already confirmed cancer

I know it existed, it's supposed to be post game shit where you have shit to do after beating the game, that shit is optional. That's some shitty ass expectations since most people put down a game after they beat it unless some DLC came out.

you're allowed to be as salty as you like but you wanted the reason why and I gave it to you