What went right?

What went right?

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It's cheap. Most people don't give a shit about anything else.

The controller's great, I use it for my PC every day.


Also this.

Good launch price.

Decent exclusive line up

Dirt cheap now and a far easier option than paying outrageous gpu and ram prices.


It was the only real console on the market at launch, that fact somehow keeps being a thing 5 years later

brand recognition

MS dropped the ball big time with the xbox brand. Sony capitalized.

PC gamjng is in a really shitty place with the crypto fad. FAR cheaper to just get a console right now.

Targeted normies better than Microsoft did with the Xbone.

Remasters and PS3 cross generation games. Persona 5 was a PS3 port that runs at 1080p30fps on PS4 because it was a fucking port in 2017.

5 years in, let's see if what went right will be addressed and...we're out of time.

PS1, 1994
PS2, 2000
PS3, 2006
PS4, 2013
PS5, 2013+6=

PS2 did better and it still got replaced by PS3 in 6 years.

Miners ruining PC for everyone else

Best and most games
Best price
Best controller

Really, what didn't go right? Not much for Sony.

Me not buying it and ascending back to PC master race before last year's Bitcoin boom

I've always preferred Playstation and love my PS4. Load of Japanese and western games to enjoy. It's fast and snappy does what I need it to do after a long day of work.

I'm glad it sold well it deserved it. It's still going strong 5 years later game library wise so that's good.

More games than xbone. Had the xbone gotten the same games as the ps4 I would've switched.

I agree with you bro

Hyped for Days Hone, God of War, Ghost of Tsushima, Spider-Man, etc

Truly, PS4 is the best place to play

Honestly this

They focussed on the essentials and cut on bullshit, allowing for the best price

BluRay movie player

It's a PlayStation

It’s affordable, has all the multiplats and nice exclusives, didn’t suffer a shit pants PR disaster like MS did, and like the Switch, has killer great marketing.

Both MS and Nintendo fell flat on their fucking faces with the Wii U and Xbone. All Sony did was put out a normal console.

except for the useless touch thing

Is this the shill HQ?

>hey how about a console where gimmicks isn't the selling point but the actual games?
And thus PS4 was born.

Maybe user is genuinely enthusiastic about PS4 and it's upcoming games, there's not much else to be excited for the other platforms ain't got shit in 2018

How much are they? I feel like I should just wait for the next console. I play all my games on PC and I have had the same hardware since 2010. I really just can't justify upgrading or buying a console.

Also, half my friends play Xbone.

Find a cheap one if you're interested. A lot of the good exclusive games are Japanese, so if that's not your taste then there's not much of a reason to buy one.

Console cycles are at least 7 years now, could be 8 like Xbox 360
PS4 will be announced in Jan-Feb 2020 and released that fall

>Paying for online.
Fuck... I forget about that. Ya, I'll just stick with my PS2 and PC.

PS2 was replaced in 6 years. Fastest selling console, got replaced by the High Definition PS3. PS3 was top of the line hardware, manufacturing was 800 dollars, sold at a 200 dollars loss at 599usd.

PS4 is using generic bottom of the barrel mobile processor and isn't 4k ready. It has everything going against it in long term. PS3, I know you're millennial and can't remember, was really future technology; the PS4 was outdated on day 1 because of its horrible netbook CPU. You don't want games to be hamstrung for PC gamers on CPUs from 2010, do you in 2019? The Xbox One version of Fortnite runs at a resolution of 584p in 2018 and it's CPU is actually faster than the PS4. Sure man, these consoles are powerful.

You retard why do you think they released PS4 Pro? Precisely to extend the console gen. And PS3 wasn't future proof. It was a technical disaster. They spent so much on CPU leaving it with a mediocre GPU.

>no portable
>no kiddie games
>no weeb trash
>no soy games
>no wip yahoo
>has games

no RRoD

Only if you are retarded i upgrade from a i5 first gen 4ram and a r7 260 for a i9 1080ti custom loop 64ram and a 4x1080ti just doing crypto

It doesn't matter how powerful the console is or what you want, this is prime time, Sony is making money, the install base is there, developers are targeting their games for PS4, the companies in charge don't want this generation to end anytime soon

Also PS3 simply wasn't strong enough for HD games at 60 fps. So PS3 games had awful frame rates. Whereas this gen PS4 is powerful enough for full HD 60 fps gameplay so you can extend the life of the gen longer. Most people on PC haven't moved past 60 fps 1080p either. There are only marginal differences in graphics. The fact that fucking Fortnite runs 60 fps on PS4 is amazing and a testament to it being more than enough for most gamers.

It was a $100 cheaper than the Xbox one at launch and Microsoft learned that people who bought a Xbox 360 were not brand loyalists.

Gravity Rush looks fun but I hate weebshit, should I buy?

It's ouibshit

>PC haven't moved past 60 fps 1080p
Yeah on 2007 maybe
We are currently at 4k and 240fps so try to keep up kiddo