This game is pretty fun, its what i wanted from a minecraft story mode...

This game is pretty fun, its what i wanted from a minecraft story mode. I hear it didnt do well on ps4 and i hope it fared better on the switch.

This game interests me but I'm waiting for the sequel

played it on ps4 and thought it was pretty mediocre all around. enemies have worse tracking then dark souls 2, building/resource gathering becomes tedious after the first chapter, and the camera is pain. I would give it a 6.5/10 but the sequel looks a lot more interesting.

Im having quite a blast with it, hours go by so fucking fast i dont remember the last time i was this much into a game.

The second one won't be out any time soon, and the first one is great. You should play it.

>I hear it didnt do well on ps4 and i hope it fared better on the switch.
it did well enough and got a sequel
i doubt it will sell much on switch since it's not a nintendo game

How do I into DQ? I tried playing IX and VI but just hated how slow everything took, and the lack of basic quality of life stuff

Here's how: dont.
Get builders instead.

meh, game is too easy I lost interest

I didn't really like Minecraft but I would lie if I said I didn't have some fun with it.
Maybe I'll check this game out since I really like DQ and the fact that there's a story

Mainline DQ is very old-school. VI is one of the harder entries to get into, according to most people, and IX is weak because of its reliance on local multiplayer, but if you hated them, you probably won't find the other games that different. I'd recommend V, VIII, or XI if you wanted to try further. Otherwise, the mainline series just isn't for you. You can give Builders a whack for a more action-y RPG with building elements or Rocket Slime for a colorful adventure game. There are a bunch of other spinoffs, but I would be confident that you'd like them if you hate the mainline.

It actually did well on PS4 and Vita

That's why they are doing a sequel

Thanks buddy. What about Joker, should I try that?

I enjoyed the demo but I'm not sure if the full game will keep me as engrossed. Trying to decide on my next switch game and it's between this, MK8, Splatoon 2 and Bayo 1+2.

I didn't like Minecraft, but I loved Builders. If you're a DQ fan too, I highly reccomend it. The story and quests great motivation for your building, and the whole thing is much more aesthetically pleasing.

Joker is part of the Monsters spin-off series, which is the monster collecting genre, like Pokemon. Personally, I prefer the classic Monsters games on the Gameboy to the Joker series (although I have not yet played Joker 3), but I think you might find the pacing too slow if you find mainline DQ too slow. They're somewhat grind-heavy.

The chapters that follow the first one (which the demo uses) are significantly better than the first one, in my opinion. They have more interesting settings, more materials, and new gameplay features like a cannon and vehicle. How much you get out of the game will depend on how much you enjoy the building.

I'm in love with this game. I agree, OP, it's exactly what I always wanted Minecraft to be, with room types and villagers mattering and organized raids on my base and it not looking like shit

I really hope 2 goes a little deeper; let you make dungeons for other players to go through maybe, or make it so the different towns are connected later and you have to establish trade routes between them. And make combat a little more interesting

On the whole though I'm super happy with it, and I've really enjoyed the characters too. And while the story's fairly simple it gets kinda heavy here and there, and I love the idea of being Building Prometheus. DQ charm is here in spades, I only wish the puff-puff parlor was an actual room you could build

The sequel looks way better but the story mode is fun, you should play it

IX is hot garbage

If you like Ultima Clones, 1 is pretty fantastic.

I'm on the fence. It does a lot of things I wanted out of a minecraft story game, but since minecraft had so much emphasis on having you experiment with things and figure them out on your own, the constant mandatory tutorials in Builders are a huge turnoff.

I simply loved it

played it twice, platinum and all

You mean the missions to build shit? They're part of what I like, villagers making requests about what they want in town helps it feel like a living place to me. And I still discover tons of recipes on my own

Thank god for cladding but I wish there was some way to change all this brick into stone once I realize it doesn't stop hammerhoods

It surpassed 1 milion copies worldwide, retard.

It's the total lack of agency in the tutorials.

before you even start any of those building missions they tell you step by step by step how to do it all in the same cutscene.

Even when I started the game I made it to the exit on my own, but the door was locked up because I didn't place all the blocks in the exact locations the tutorial wanted me to.

What if we made minecraft...

But finished making the game instead of saying "FUCK IT" and releasing the alpha?

Best idea anyone's had in years

It's fun, but I want more from it

That ends pretty much immediately

>the constant mandatory tutorials in Builders are a huge turnoff.

Dude, it's like 3, maybe 4 "blueprint" buildings per world. And they can be rebuilded into whatever you fucking want seconds after game registered them.
The rest is free build, and it's fucking best fun I had since MC alpha

The only two problems I had with this game is: A) area for your settlement is so fucking small,
B) camera work in caves is sucking nigger donkey dick

I agree with you on the camera but have no idea how they would improve it

It's a great game. I'm surprised at how much of a hold it has on me. I just want to play it all the time.

>and IX is weak because of its reliance on local multiplayer,
You know that you can make a party without other people right?

Yes, I know. The game still felt lacking as a single player experience for me. It didn't manage to have the same charm as III, and it felt like a step backwards after VIII.

I finished DQ1, I'll be playing through DQ2 next and then DQ3.
Are those 3 enough for me to get into Builders? Since I heard it's set in the world of Alefgard which is what the first 3 games are in.

>The game still felt lacking as a single player experience for me.
Despite the fact that there isn't much emphasis on the multiplayer aspect.

You have to either replace it with stone wall manually or manually replace it with soil and then apply stone cover which is more cost effective. Like it or not you'll have to do it to keep those cheeky fucks at bay.

Seems more like a game that is so casual that you can just mindlessly waste tons of hours.

You will probably feel more attachment towards the setting than i who doesnt have any previous experience in the series but so far i havent felt like things are going over my head.

I beat the game, then played a few hours around Terra Incognita. Can you get villagers in that mode? Even generic ones that just wander around town and spout generic lines?

The sabrecat is neat but I don't really see much point in building a ton of stuff if it's just gonna be a ghost town.

That post reads like a bunch of buzzwords thrown together to get an angry reaction out of people.

Doesn't matter how it reads when it's true.

Yeah random villagers will show up in addition to friendly monsters. I forget what determines it though, may depend on what you have built or just time passing.

Oh, sweet. That makes things much more compelling.

It does matter.

>when its true

Opinions are not facts, i thought we established that back in 2013.

So you are saying minecraft with a story mode has deep engaging gameplay?

user, you're on Sup Forums.
Opinion and fact doesn't matter to a shitposter.

I enjoyed it a lot more than I thought I would. The story mode and the boss fights were a ton of fun.

Builders is based only on DQ1. That said, you can fully enjoy Builders without having played any other DQ game. There are only a few references to pick up.