Should i buy overwatch?
I mean this character looks cute and animeme
Should i buy overwatch?
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You should have bought it ages ago, it's shit now.
Oh why?
Game is relatively fun to play casually, specially if you have the luck to find a team that actually goes for objectives and not for kills. It's almost a necessity to play with a premade team, this is not League of Legends where you can get fed and carry your team, this is STRICTLY a team game, and randos most likely don't understand the huge "get on the point" ping in the hud.
The competitive is absolute shit, and the level of play is abysmal. I consider myself a slightly above average FPS player and ranked platinum.
Idk the fun's all gone and Blizz can't balance at all.
If you try and play competitive you'll be grouped with shit cunt nerds who'll have a winge if you play a hero outside of the meta.
So in other words it's like any autistic moba right?
welp that sucks
Pretty much this, sorry
don't fucking do it, game is shit and dying right now, let it be so
all maps are awful chokepoints as they were from launch, new heroes are battleborn-tier unoriginal shit (sombra and ana was only good ones), skins are basically meme references and pop culture media pandering and as was said above Blizzcucks can't ballance shit, the state of Mercy is fucking ridiculous and apart from that you get reported by triggered retards for using voicelines, playing hero they like or don't like, punching basketball on spawn or fucking breathing. I'm not saying other competetive games not shit, but OW is at fucking atrocious rate of bullshit right now.
and don't forget about buzzword "toxic" you'll get this a lot
I just bought the game last month.
I initially avoided it because I don't like buying games solely because they're popular, but the game is fun as fuck. There's a ton of different characters and playstyles to suit your preferences, and tons of different map variety that reward exploration and experimentation.
It's a very well-designed game, if people ITT shit on it it's mostly because they're being contrarians for the sake of it--classic Sup Forums.
Overwatch is a shallow game designed to condition you into loving and purchasing Loot Boxes
I actually got it yesterday and I'm having a lot of fun, an this is coming from someone that usually never plays any form of FPS games.
the only thing good about overwatch is the yuri
all i keep hearing is the 27th hero is going to change things up plus i think with the buff of mei and the changes to sombra the game maybe getting better. but the one thing that caught my eye is that there were soooooooooo many bug fixes so who knows maybe in the future it will get better
or because jeffy ruined the game giving every new hero a fucking shield
>average looking korean girl with an obnoxious GAMUR GURL XD!! U GOT PWND NOOB attitude
>turn her into submissive gothic lolita blonde qt
Blizzard isnt even trying to hide the fact that they just want money from waifufags and perverts
You really really fucking missed the boat.
The player base is much smaller now, and akin to the deviants and NEETs that now populate TF2.
The balance of the game has been completely fucked due to Blizzard's policy of rotating metas and reactionary changes, it's a new tank meta now IIRC
And with every hero the game just gets less fun to play
I dropped it around season 4 after hitting masters.
Like a hot pepper....give it time...
you should have played the "free weekend" they had so you could taste the thing by yourself.
why they should hide it?
being honest is the best politic
Theres nothing wrong with that.
moria, sombra, ana, don't have a shield doomfist doesn't have a shield orisa has a shield so one character or am i missing a character
It wouldnt be a problem if the game was actually good
A business model based on keeping men interested in waifus is destined to fail. It can't grow past the demographic of lonely perverts it panders to and will eventually bleed out to the point where it needs to start price gouging the dedicated players to stay afloat.
shit game shit playerbase shit company shit waifus shit balance shit hitboxes shit everything
I've been casually playing qp on PS4 because I don't think it's a good game competitive-wise. Playing Tracer is satisfying, harassing their back lines, making plays, it's good when it works out in your favor. I like playing Ana too, but I suck ass as her which can bring down the team.
> fan base
there is always going to be a horrible fanbase in everything
Don't make the same mistake I made, OP.
The game looks beautiful, I agree. It also have a lot of waifus, but it is a terrible FPS.
Look, everybody has endless ammo, almost everybody has only one gun, you don't need to aim with half of the characters, press "q" to kill the entire enemy team, et cetera. Plus: There aren't one single good map.
Just keep watching OW's porn.
>an this is coming from someone that usually never plays any form of FPS games.
Now you know why you are having fun, you never played a true FPS. You are the target audience.
But this business model is very profitable.
Look at Lol of legends, it uses the same business model and it is very, very profitable.
In fact, OW is just Lol of Legends in first person.
Colorful, waifus, easier than others games from the same kind, et cetera.
I bought it a year ago, played for 70 hours and haven't played since. Only the 1 odd match a month.
>I consider myself slightly above average and ranked platinum
>ranked slightly above average
You can get permabanned from the game for not picking a meta character in ranked play.
I wish, I fucking wish I was joking.
Most of the so called "veterans" will dictate you on how to play "properly".
It's like they've forgotten that they were a newbie once.
That said. New players will feel the heat.
>But this business model is very profitable.
Its a short term business model. You cant keep people invested in the same product for any extended period of time solely with waifus. Other games that bank on waifus (fighting games, weeb shit, DOA volleyball) release a new entry every year or two - they change up some character designs and add new girls for people to obsess about.
LOL, like all MOBAs, is propped up by people on the spectrum that love the repetition of the gameplay. They are playing it more for the gameplay and less for the waifus than OW players
This isn't true. You're a shitter who heard a rumor on the internet
What the fuck point are you trying to make here?
That Torb shitter got temp banned for being a screaming fucking child about his shit pick.
He then proceeded to bitch about it all over the internet.
When he finally calmed down after his nap, he realized how fucking stupid he was and ate his ban.
You're not going to get banned for picking off-meta unless you also decide to be a fuckwit the entire time you're doing it. Which means you deserve it.
Toxic is as much a buzzword as the word asshole is. Don't behave poorly, don't be an asshole. Pretty clean cut.
The game places you where you belong and not where your pea brain thinks you belong
You are dumb.
Well that's fine but what's wrong with him saying Plat is slightly above average? It's higher than 61% of other players. That seems pretty much "slightly above average" to me.
Most of the times yes.
Nice, got me
I wish you were right
tired of shitty hanzos shooting with no pressure as their team dies for 30 seconds, getting 2 insignificant kills after his whole team died because it was basically a 5v6 while he missed all his fucking shots but the two kills at the end means he's doing his job
51% above would be slightly.
His post made it seem like he was dissatisfied or he felt cheated with where he was placed
Oh so it's semantics. Go fuck yourself then.
I wish this were true but it would only ban people picking DPS before tank and healer slots were full.
What? First time I replied to you. Rank doesn't matter anyway.
What they need to do is stop fiddling with buffs and nerfs with the characters all the damn time until they become unplayable and give a campaign mode with co-op.
The last time I had fun with Overwatch was during the Uprising event.
>Rank doesn't matter anyway.
Rank doesn't matter between 2000-3500
above you have people who are consistent and decent until you start getting really good players in GM
below you have people who don't know whats happening and where tracer backcapping a 2cp map happens
and in there you have a mess of way too many people. Players that are just along for the ride and don't really play to win and are in plat because it's the "default" place to be placed, some good players trying and failing to carry heavy teams and tilting themselves off the face of the earth as they jump up and down 800+ SR, people who belong there, people who belong lower but are there because of blizz' forced 50/50 match making algorithm and they wont drop enough because they get matched with people who will carry them, and of course some second accounts playing stuff they're shit at at a lower than plat/diamond level but just picking widow or whatever they normally play and hard carrying back up if they get too low
>average looking korean girl
Yeah, no.
we wuz d va n shiiiet
It's shorter like this who believe they should be in master when they places gold, that system and blizzard and even all other players are out to get them and bring their SR down. That if they just had a good team then maybe they'd finally be placed where they SHOULD be.
Dva is in no way average. She is also 2D
Shit moba that not deader than Titanfall 2, cancerous no banter allowed kids friendly community
Back to tf2g friendo
>that face
Now I know who drew this
Artist is called
>this is coming from someone that usually never plays any form of FPS games.
That's because you were their target audience.
>tfw was Top 500 before I quit the game
>never looked back
you just did
Lol get a load of this garbage sym main. Hey buddy, maybe if you didn't pick a character that should literally be removed, you wouldn't get reported for bad teamwork. If you wanna play sym go fucking play quickplay. Because you don't carry enough weight to make it so that our team wins, it's basically a 5v6. That's why you can get banned for picking an "off meta" hero, because it's fucking BAD TEAMWORK.
>character obviously wears tights
>is drawn wearing thigh highs
Why does this always trigger my porn autism?
the game is riddled with 12 year olds, cheaters system and map imbalances, stupidly low re-spawn times make it almost imposible to carry badies when solo que'ing....just don't bother.
When not pandering to SJWs and other millennial freaks,the art style can be pretty attractive though.
Jesus Christ I hate retards. IF YOU JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PLAY QUICKPLAY. That's what it's there for. Competitive is a place where good teamwork gets you the win and that means not picking torb on attack you fucktard.
actually fake news you heard from Sup Forums
Literally two fucking heroes have shields that can do anything for your team, winstons shield is literally gone in seconds regardless. So stop shitposting, 2 out of 26 is a pretty good ratio.
Post more slutty cat girl
Hallmark of Nu-male games.
If you're such a person, you'll like it.