A neckbeard walks into gamestop today

A neckbeard walks into gamestop today...

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Sup Forums is too young for this, they won't get it.

What a shame.

>Audience begins woohing

>claps for 10 seconds

I've worked at a shoe store once, the costumes are actually really decent, it was the coworkers that were huge cunts.

>it was the coworkers that were huge cunts.
What was their problem?

>Al complaining about young kids asking for Madden and FIFA
>that random hot mom that comes in and starts flirting with Al, but her little snotnose brat cockblocks
>Griff telling Al, "I told you so"

What video games would a man like Al play?

>Aaaal! I wanna play videogames!
>Not now, Peg.

They just liked to bully me. And they didn't like that most customers were more receptive to me because I was better salesman than everyone else.

>Al would turn this down
Was he right to?

You sound like a bitter homo fruit.
Good thing you were bullied.


Should've bullied them back.

>Bud, are you sure you'd rather play Overwatch right now? I have a game we could play, and it only requires one joystick
btw, did Bud end the series a virgin?

>tfw they canceled sequel series following Bud and his family
Maybe it would have been bad but I still would have tried it out.

For a manlet he managed to score quite a few times throughout the show. Shame it ended with Kelly paralyzing him once she got her masseuse degree.


Fuck off nigger, what do you want me to say? Have you ever worked a wagecuck job before? It happens to everyone in retail.

It was just mainly my boss so I couldn't really do that, I left and found a better job instead, at the time. But I did like selling shoes to nice customers though, I actually like retail. it's just a shame I can't just do my job without having some jealous cunt trying to fuck you over anyway she can. Its the sole reason I'm glad I don't have to work a job anymore, just to not deal coworkers.

Wait what?

Are you serious?

Oh, not paralyzes, cripples him actually. Here's the summary from the final episode:

>Gary is restocking the shoe store and donating all the old shoes to Filipino orphans. When the lunch delivery girl accepts old sandals as payment because Al and Griff have no money, they realize that the shoes have trading value. Meanwhile, Kelly finally gets her masseuse license, but accidentally cripples Bud when trying out her skills on him.

That's one of the more depressing things I've read this week.

>yfw he won more awards for Modern Family than Married with Children

>I'm glad I don't have to work a job anymore

How did you pull that off?

God, I wanted to fuck Kelly so much. Dumb teen bimbos are the fucking best


>Hey user, nice weather we're having this time of year.

Remember, Al was genuinely smitten for a gay dude who cooked for him before he caught himself
Bud was not a virgin but that's because really fat girls kept spiriting him away against his will

Funny you say that, Kelly turned me off from dumb chicks for life.
Not that many of them would date a nerd guy anyway. But I was never interested in the ones who were.

>Meanwhile, Kelly finally gets her masseuse license, but accidentally cripples Bud when trying out her skills on him.

I'm nineteen and it used to be on when I got up for school
It's still being syndicated

>ywn be repeatedly raped by fat chicks

I flipped my house and I'm living off of that. I bought another property and I'm in process of flipping that at the moment. If this one is a success like my first house, I can probably see myself doing this as my main job.

And now for our weekly meeting of NO GIRL.

>That episode when Bud got a huge pair of tits because Kelly poisned him with some bug spray

The show was full of niche kinks

Good luck, user. Make sure to tuck money away in case there's another housing crash like the one a decade ago.
What area do you live, if I may ask?
My friends and I have toyed around with this idea, given that we do handiwork and can do basic reconstruction ourselves.

Anyone else do the "Butter" side quest? I hear it makes a lot of money, but you have to have Peg's mom as a companion. I'm not sure it's worth it.

Here's the superior version of that show



You're better off sticking with Griff or anyone else from the NO MA'AM faction. You lose out on too many quests if you have Peg's mother as your companion.

I thought so. On top of that, she's just plain unpleasant. Thanks.

So, despite being portrayed as sleezy, mean and hopeless, hasn't Al been a fucking great father? Stuck with his wife and kids, working along in a shit job to keep the family sustained, getting shat on by everyone, got his football dreams crushed and still... he kept going along and took fucking responsibility.

There's a lot of exaggerated stuff, sure, but it's implied pretty often that they actually do give a shit about each other.

>all those opportunities he had to just drop his family and leg it with hot women
Guy had an iron will.

He's a good cuck, yes.

Las Vegas. There is quite a lot of cheap properties here. I didn't really own a house but I owned a triplex that I bought for 30k. I just refer to it as my house for convenience. I put in about 10k in repairs, new fuse box, etc. And I ended up selling it for 95k. Originally I was using it to rent out rooms to people. I was trying to start a business as a landlord, but that was a really terrible idea. I ended attempting that for years while I was working day jobs. I could've sold it years ago and could've made a good chunk of money then. But anyways, yeah they're are plenty of properties here that can be fixed up slightly and sold for a good profit.

Hell, Al would go beat up a guy at the drop of a hat for Kelly if there was even a slight hint she was wronged.

What the fuck is this shit?!

Everyone had a boner for Kelly, but we all know that she was the true best girl.

Not everyone. Jefferson can be a bit flaky when Marcy tries to stop you by swtiching sides and wearing his YES MA'AM shirt.

Is Al one of us?
>loves his family but really just wants to be alone
>best times were during high school and constantly relives those glory moments in his head
>pushed back against marcy and her SJW agenda
>had opportunities to be a degenerate and cheat on his wife but remained loyal because honor and integrity mean everything to him
>prefers tits over ass
>loves white women
>best friend is black
>supports his country by only driving domestic
>loves chicks but doesn't put pussy on a pedestal

pls no bully he had a hard life you know

>that VR episode
They knew what they were doing.

Argentina remake.

Kelly best MwC waifu.


>best times were during high school
School was fucking awful.


>that Bud
Fucking lel.


Damn all these are afwul


Too bad those great tits are in a trash heap now.


>that Russian Kelly

Not-Al looks like he's about to go on a killing spree.


>that show that appeared to be a spin-off of married with children but you can't remember the name
I bet y'all remember these titties, tho. My 10 year old self jacked off hard back in the day.

We have a sculpture of the guy in the middle in our city. Not even joking.

What is this background?
>fucking birb instead of dog
Jesus Christ

Can you imagine a show like that airing in todays political climate?


But it still airs on TBS in the morning



Modern Family is exactly that. It's Married with Children in nowaday's political climate. Comes packaged with a gay couple that adopted a girl too.

They really went into a different style for the intro.

The one dude and his dad trying to swindle people?

What is Sup Forums's opinion on Grandmaster Beat?

So is it full SJW, or does it pretend to make fun of SJWs while promoting them anyway?

Appropriately, Al Bundy is the best character on that show too. Phil's alright. Rest of the cast is terrible.

American Dad
However, I'm sure part of the reason is because it's animated.

lel no way

nips through shirt does things to my pee pee.

here's the true intro

There are a ton of shows who do this style of adult humor.

How many red pills do you need to eat to believe that?

yeah nah its famous meme channel

you can't be serious. they literally copied and pasted the intro with their own characters.

Thanks for the info, user. I live far from there, but just last night we were talking about investing our money into being landlords, but flipping homes seems to be a better idea. Laws here (NYC) are seriously tilted towards favoring the tenant, and the slow pace of housing court generally favors which ever side is in the wrong, because they can get away with it for years.
Meanwhile, the housing market never stops booming, if we can rent a place out to an honest tenant for two-three years, we could make a hefty profit.

>holds a shoe
Now that's deep.

thank you Jesus , married with children hits in the feels cause used to watch it with my older brother , glad other countries got to see a version of it , although not as good

Would you prefer the Max Payne one?

she and her tits slowly took over that show while mrfloppy was actually the best character

there was an episode where he talked about shooting some guy but to not leave any trace that could lead back to him he also talked about shooting several other random people so that the police would look for a connection

>glad other countries got to see a version of it , although not as good
The original version was also aired everywhere around the world, often dubbed.

Well, not really...

looks like Russian Drake and Josh

>jacking off at 10y/o