Bout to start this for the first time.
ENG or JP voices?
Bout to start this for the first time.
ENG or JP voices?
ENG for shits and giggles
JP if you like the taste of cock
JP unless you're an ironic memester.
English, the dub is a bit janky but still a lot of fun. It has its highs and lows, but is overall quite good and works for the silly and serious moments. The Japanese dub is actual shit. This is coming from someone who almost always plays games in Jap too. The only good characters in Japanese are Rex and Zeke. Everyone else has the most generic voices ever, which is made even worse because of how unique the English dub is with all the voice actors from different parts of Europe. In English, Rex seems a bit bad at first, but he gets way better.
You don't have to quit to the main menu or anything to change the voices, so what I do is, I leave it in JP most of the time. But sometimes I'll switch it to English if I'm just out doing side stuff so that I can hear the post-battle banter and shit.
Japanese only if you know no japanese, or are completely fluent.
The subtitles are way off what they’re actually saying, so if you’re pretty okay with Japanese, but still learning it’ll drive you nuts.
ENG dub was too britbong for me so I had to switch to JP.
sell it and your shitch and go play the better game on WIi U.
Why does Rex sound like he is about to call everyone a poofta
English voices are grating and becoming annoying fast when you hear the same 2 lines every 5 minutes.
When willl people stop using dubtitles they are the worst. specially when they change names for no fucking reason
JP. The voices fit the characters a lot more. Also the cast is incredible.
Dubtitles are okay if you speak Japanese in-fluently. I only half speak it, so dubtitles where they change shit like names is generally fine.
>ENG for the memes
>JP for the full anime weeb effect.
that's a tough one.
If you speak it fuently you dont need subtitles. So its never okay hearing something while the subtitles say something comepltly wrong
I love me some welsh catgirl. Zeke's voice in English is pretty good too. The problem with subtitles is they aren't there for battle dialogue.
I can't imagine the game having half of the charm that it does without the English dub, and it does have its genuinely good moments.
Both lad
Do it like I did
Dub this!
JP is the only choice.
The objectively correct answer is whatever your text language is set to, because the localization job is a pile of memey shit that changes things on a whim and if you understand a lick of gookspeak you'll find the differences extremely noticeable and jarring.
Personally, having played the game in original text and dub I was absolutely baffled by the voice direction in the dub. I have no idea what the absolute fuck the localization team was thinking. The only characters that made it through unscathed were Zeke and Malos.
Japanese, for sure. They have a bunch of A-list seiyu and their performance shits on the English dub. Although the subtitles are still bad.
English dub is a kick in the balls if you aren’t expecting it, the accent is pretty thick and out of nowhere but it grows on you as you play.
The English dub is really bad. I had no problems with the dub for Xenoblade 1 and X, but this one was just too shitty.
voice frequency isn't any less in JP though, the only difference is that you can't understand what they're saying
ENG for hilarious Britbong memes and to understand battle banter
JAP for an actual competent, non-cringe dub
Better in Japanese:
>Rex, Pyra and Mythra (these are your main characters), Patroka (relatively minor villain)
Better in English:
Basically this, very few voices are actually good in the Jap dub
But what if I want lip syncing
Play a game that isn't Xenoblade 2
>lip syncing with generic loli voices
>no lip sync with alright voice acting
but muh glorious seiyu folder over 1000 times. Muh VAs are literally Holywood stars
Dub Malos is the best.
English. All the Scottish and Welsh accents are unexpected and refreshing. Nia's voice is pure sex.
First playthrough was JP.
I'm thinking of going EN for the NG+ when the patch hits, just to have some laughs.
Is the 1.3 finally out ?
No, March 2nd
Ah too bad. Thanks user.