I dont get it

I dont get it

Build cucksheds

>See enemy within rifle range
>Open fire as they're running
>Instant wall
Why do people play this

hrehehe its WACKY FUN! XDE

>Go somewhere
>get a gun
>come back 10 minutes later
>go to the nearest shack and kill the guy inside

Y'all just suck at this game. It's fun. Get better at aiming and fort building. Noobs.

Also you need strategy. And braindead people have trouble with this.

>Still no sfm porn of thicc constructor

It's not fun, but I keep playing.

My friend gifted me the single player yesterday, and it's fucking awful. The battle royale mode is all that's worth playing, but even that is unoriginal and inferior to pubg anyway.

This is Fortnite not PUBG.

Oh, y'all paid for the game i see your anger. I got the free version.

I've never played PUBG, this is pretty much what I have done in every game I won...unless it was in a team

What the fuck is wrong with nu-gamers?
Guess im too old to understand the new fotm games, i never got the hype behind Overwatch, PUBG and now this...

Man, i miss the times when everyone was playing WoW and Dota, it was so much simpler

More focus is on fort building i think is anons point. Not camping in concealment.

You miss the times when people exclusively played shitty games? Indeed simple times.

objectively better games than overwatch or le battle royal clone No 1321493422

When weapon skins?

The thicc constructor is part of the "save the world" mode.
Unless they add her as a skin in the battle royal mode, you are not goint to see her often

Couldnt you understand the hype for blizzard new IP?

I'm not sure who you're trying to make fun of

Because now it takes a little more from your brain than
>position crosshair over running enemy
>left click
>left click again
>congrats on your easiest kill ever, just like all the others
Now you have to actually have good tactics for either assaulting that player or killing them from where you are but there's just a whole lot more thought out into each fight now. Which is actually fun for people who aren't brainlets and can handle a bit of complexity.


The games ok with a few friends while drinking but the building cucks ruin it. Game would be infinitely more fun and skillful without the building.

>plays game like a giant pussy
>man this game is so fucking easy lol why does anyone play it
Enjoy all of your one kill wins while I try to beat my personal kill counted win of 14. Must be really enjoyable beeteedubs, all that watching youtube and shitposting while youre playing videogames

not really, blizzard has been disappointing fans since diablo 3, starcraft 2 and wow expansions, i had the impression that majority of people dont trust them anymore

Me neither

Is Sup Forums too dumb to build ramps and push enemies?

I really don't understand the hate. A lot of people find it really fun, myself included. Maybe you need to just play games again instead of trying to overanalyse every tiny aspect of the game.

>le if you dont enoy my fotm dogshit game you must be dumb xDDD

>OP says he doesnt get it
>not even shitting on the game
>defensive fanboys get insta triggered
every signle time

I've only ever played the game OP brought up and for a few days. How is it objectively worse? Dota is really really. REALLY bad.

Just play COD

Sup Forums doesnt have fun with games anymore
instead they try to fill that void with endless shitposting

Not a battle royale.

Won a match yesterday against a faggot like that, I hoarded bullets and took everything down until he ran out and got Chapo'd down.
Walls are easy as fuck to take down.


I think people don't like to learn what with being able to get away in this society with no attention span. I had a friend who moved in with me and he's a classic annoying gamer fag who you mute the second you hear him. He rage quits. Every time he plays a new game and dies he's like this game sucks and quits. This is way too many people. People on here are like that.

That is literally what my cousin says to every single game I lend him that isn't the latest FIFA.
I'm on to something here.

I havn't played another battle royale which game do yo prefer and why?

You must be new here. Every thread is shitposting or shilling.

Seems like most people who hate don't like to build or simply just mad they paid for a game non-consumertards didn't bother to purchase but got for free. I have a friend who plays fortnite on console and that didn't too great to be honest, but that's console gameing...

I fucking am in love with this game. It's thrilling as fucking when you're trying to decide you're landing spot. Getting in top 5 out of 99 really makes your heart race.

I prefer the one without building, but the genre is cool and maybe someone will realize its full potential someday.

Why are the brainless the ones that always shit on this game because they can't figure out how to build stuff to their advantage?
Is it because they were expecting for the game to be played like MINECRAFTA?

Yeah, i agree. If i had paid for fortnite i still wouldn't be mad, but i would definitely consider it over rated if i had. It is in closed beta so they still have things to change. But someone new will come along, take these concepts, and improve as is the way of the world


I love building because it weeds low iq casual normies like you out. Go to PUBG where you belong.

Always the contrarian, Sup Forums hates anything popular.

This, what’s wrong with you retards? People in a fort are sitting ducks if you a.) knock out the base b.) build a ramp and jump in c.) use a grenade launcher or rocket to knock down their building. All the cuckolds in here are salty that they paid $30 for a shittier version of this game or they pansies who can’t take the heat

One of the few games useful to watch on twitch for learning purposes if you suck at fort building.

At the end game that's when you build stairs to hearven. Gotta save up aleast 500 material for end game. At least. Good gamers build while shooting me up. I'm getting better though.

I've been playing since Alpha. PVE is pretty fun in terms of the actual gameplay bit, but the out-of-game is all over the fucking place. They've been improving it continuously, but slowly over time and I'm actually pretty happy with it, but still waiting for the rest of the game to be done.
>Half of the main Quests are done (2/4 areas)
>Only one unique Tileset (1/4 areas) which is reused for the other 3

>person criticizes or doesn't like a mechanic
>heh guess they are just too stupid, no way it could just be something they don't like

Lol love this argument. Maybe just accept the fact people hate it.

>calling people casual normies
>while playing fortnite

Now this is fucking gold. I don't really play these games much but to think you are some kind of hardcore gamer by playing fortnite is fucking hilarious.

I'm glad to hear it's indeed worth playing, user. Cool that they're adding on. Benefit of beta i suppose.

>Maybe just accept the fact people hate it.
No one is arguing this, I can understand and accept that people hate it easily.
You need to just accept the fact that if you hate it it's because you fucking suck and refuse to git gud.

If I'm a casual normie for playing fortnite, and 80% of Sup Forums can't even comprehend the building mechanic, what does that make them? OP included.

Vague response to vague comments. I do love these things as well. People will come up with anything if they hate something.

It takes a few hours to get used to building, I rebound my build keys to my mouse 3 and 4, that helped make shooting and building a simultaneous thing. If you’re at the end game and you didn’t just camp and hide the whole time, you should have more than enough resources from the dead players. That is unless you wasted all of it on bad buildings

>worth playing
I will openly admit that I would not suggest buying it even at half off right now. It still needs some work across the board. I'd suggest just waiting for it to go F2P when it's done.

That's the free mode.

Is free

That's a good idea. I should remap a few keys. What are you're favorite guns to use?

>if you hate it its because you fucking suck and refuse to git gud

Except not at all i've won several times now. Hating something does not mean you are bad at it. It just means you are less likely to want to do it.

>can't comprehend the building mechanic

Another wrong assumption. They can comprehend it quite easily, they just think its shit and it really is.

You've won no times you fucking liar. You suck and you know it.

If you're incapable of building a shitty cube just fucking go back to overwatch holy shit

>Except not at all i've won several times now.
We're talking about Fortnite, not the cocksucking contest at your local gloryhole.

And heres the average maturity level of a "pro" Fortnite player. No reasoning skills at all, immediate anger when their game gets criticized, baseless assumptions. It's hilarious how defensive you all are.

Don't worry. You're anonymous. No one can judge you for being a filthy liar. Not personally anyway, but you know we know you are shitty human garbage.

>they just think it's shit

Anybody got that old picture of the Fox and the grapes? Listen dude, you don't have to like the game, but to say it's "bad" as a Battle Royale game, or to say the building mechanic is shitty is an absolute farce. Fortnite is the new standard.

Oh i missed the part earlier when you mentioned maturity. You don't have it because you are on an anonymous site lying like a bitch lol. Strong language is often interpreted as anger by the bitch-type.

What is your favorite "mature" game?

>All these brainlets saying the building mechanic is shit to cover the fact they suck at it and need to git gud

A little toxic for you, fag?

I think I'm starting to realize that all the old arena shooter guys and og minecrafters (it started here) are on Fortnite, while all the newfag leddit types shit up the board with endless "admit is was good" threads.

Fortnite is gaming at its purest. Two people face off in a sandbox with mechanics that allow an insanely high skill ceiling, and you can grief all you want. In fact, it is encouraged.

I'm glad to see people on Sup Forums who like and play this game, I thought it would be poorly received here because "its popular therefore its shit"

well for the most part it is

Oh it's a good game. This board is indeed populated by contrarians. I only get on here to discuss game i just started playing. I just started playing fortnite and it's great.

No, everyone's just calling you a retard for saying the game is bad because you're shit at it.

honestly no matter what if you don't have a shield potion before you encounter someone you're fucked

The controls are so.much better on ps4 with the last patch they implemented. The only thing I dont like about this game isnhow the fuck am I supposed to learn the mechanics of the game when I die 5 minutes in?

i constantly switch between pc and ps4 to play with friends and ps4 aim assist is so heavy it feels like aimbot most of the time.
It's even screwed up my sniper shots sometimes because i'll be aiming at an enemy and his teammate will jump past him which moves my aim

Truth. Every single game you need a rifle a shotgun and healing, generally a 10 stack of small shields if you are smart and lucky, so you really only have 2 slots to work with, and I would advise every newbie to get good with grenades.

Literally drop the rim. There is structures in the shape of animals at Wailing, Moisty, and Junk. Do any that isn't Junk. Grab as much resource as you can and just prefab until you git gud.

Guy made a ton of walls and he woulda gotten me if he kept up his jump, shoot, jump, shoot tactic. Instead he stopped, which allowed me to switch to the AR so I could easily shoot down his walls and finish him

Game is awesome

That's the general sentiment, this is the odd thread

Scar/AR, semi auto shotgun, bolt action rifle, something that explodes

Then don't die 5 minutes in?
You don't have to drop in on the bus flight path where everyone else is.

Getting good at building battles takes quite a while
I'm now at the stage where I can shit out a lot of stuff, but I often lock myself out of places or lose track of the enemy or jump stupidly or something

BR needs a shield system like Halo, this way the player knows boolean if they are vulnerable

I actually really enjoyed Fortnite while I played on the Xbone, but then PUBG released and I haven't looked back. The larger map, vehicles, gun play/attachments, etc offset the janky performance. They're both fun but I always got tired of the wall spamming when you catch someone with their pants down.

Try to not land where everybody is landing.

Thats the actual reason.
Sup Forums is mostly PC neckbeards, so to find out the game they paid $30 for is now free on consoles AND it's better sends em into a fit

maybe read the thread

people hate the building aspect even though grenades exist and you can also just go to Tilted Towers and cop a bunch of frags before anybody has materials if it really triggers you that much.

>>come back 10 minutes later
>>go to the nearest shack and kill the guy inside
nah the game is trash. if pubg was actually optimized no one would touch it

found the 12 year old

The mechanics of the game really aren't complicated, even dying in 5 minutes shouldn't stop you from learning them.

You land somewhere, find loot ASAP, slap buildings to get materials and stay alive/kill people. The only thing I really felt took practice was the gunplay, and that's only because I'm really used to playing hitscan games but the travel time isn't even that hard to get used to unless you're trying to get hs from across the map.

We're talking about fortnite, not PUBG


I hate battle royale games and can't wait for this fad to die. This one is the worst with the terrible shooting mechanics and building it's one of the worst shooters I've seen in years worse than fucking Lawbreakers and Battleborn. I'd rather play Battlefront 2 or Destiny 2 than this shit any day of the week and I hate those games too.

battle royale is the stupidest fucking genre ever

What kind of game literally rewards you for NOT killing anyone and just hiding the whole game. Played this shit yesterday for the first time in months and got #1 with 3 kills.

Dude who the fuck cares about what "fad" is around, just play the games you think are better.

And I personally find the Battle Royale craze really refreshing given the fact that arena shooters are losing any form of creative design.

The development cycle killed a Moba that had so much potential it was worth eating a hotdog out of an aids ridden gloryhole.