Sold over 1m copies

>sold over 1m copies
>players love it
>already working on sequel

I win.

Good job. Good luck on the next game. I hope it's better than the first in every way.

Wasn't there supposed to be some huge battle at the end that ended up being just running around with like 10 people max?

i feel like those sales numbers were artificially pumped. did he give a bunch of codes to pajeets to activate on steam or something?

you're thinking of Oblivion.

Pretty sure that's Oblivion you're thinking of.

Your game nearly has the same steam review scores as Metal Gear Survive.

Normies love anything even remotely reminiscent of Oblivion user.
Everyone else got ”historical realism” hyped.

ye but no one cares at all because the rest of the game is phenomenal

meme videos can't change that


That was pretty funny though, summed up the oblivion experience very nicely.

that's not the same game?

hmmm Roman empire era next? would be incredible but IDK if slavs can be the ones to do it

>didnt include any of the stretch goals that were promised on kikestarter
>already working on sequel
drones on Sup Forums will defend this

Sucks we're gonna have some nameless twig mutt breed instead of a Chad Mastiff as our doggo companion. Also who the fuck would wanna play as female character un this game? How would that even work? Bitch would be Overpowered by the first Bandit and C*man in seconds.

>Using kickstarter in the first place

I have no interest in games like Obvllivion, Skyrim, Dragonage etc.
But I've watched someone play the first 4 hours of this and it's very charming.

Classical Greece would be cooler.

I'll buy your game when it's onsale.

(((Based white male))).

Fuck off crowbcat

The premiere historical masterpiece turned out to be a huge hit with meme streamers. They get to walk around and act as autistically as they feel in an open but poorly put together world while making dumb remarks and faces. And stream numbers mean sales.

>i eat raw shit straight from the toilet every day
>but people still buy my game, so i win
Well, to each their own.

>>already working on sequel
Are they still doing 3 acts? I figured they changed it to one game and now they'll just update that with stuff they couldn't get done for the release.

>nu-Sup Forums now loves #based twitter tier garbage pandering
The fuck happened?

>Sup Forumstard breaks into the game industry
>anytime he defends """"Sup Forums"""" ideal he's cringy and pandering
Cry harder.

Pirated the game, it was awful
At least Witcher shows some semblance of production values as far as eurojank goes

Literally no one noticed or cared until crowbcat yesterday. Fuck off.

> based eceleb not so based after criticising based game

He has never been a based eceleb you underage retard

>defends """"Sup Forums"""" ideal
I wish you culture war fuckers would all just die already.

>not pandering to sjws is pandering to Sup Forums
you're a retard

>catalog full of literal who`s threads full of replies

Plase make /celeb/ a reality chinkmoot

le based buggy pre-alpha eurojank

>makes videos shitting on games and people
>makes a video where people shit on him
>deletes it like a pussy

I just did the duel with runt. how much story is there left?

>armorsmith pls

>implying i think that
I hate this whole "Sup Forums is a secret club you dip" mentality some anons have. So Trump mentions Pepe. So a youtuber mentions he goes on /r9k/. So a r*dditor comes on here and starts chattin' shite. Who cares? First rule of the internet is dumb and always has been

You're about half way through.

for the love of god when you get to questions and answers finish that quest before the pestilence side mission

don't make the same mistake I did, I only found out about the bug after about 11 hours of side missions and treasure hunting so there's no way I'm going to reload, just gotta wait for that patch

How do you get good at archery?

>be an alt-right shitlord
>sell crap buggy game to dumbass drumpf supporters

What does this prove, other than the fact that there are too many of you insects?

how about they work on a patch instead?


Find a reference point on your hand/glove/gauntlet to guide your shots. Also you can easily win the archery competition by parking your horse in front of the your competitor.

literally just raise your skill ingame and get a decent bow off a cuman or something.

best post in this subreddit.wh_pl_showfirecursor=1

Is this the guy that people were yelling at for not putting black people where they didn't historically exist?

>Game about normal people in a normal country made by an avergae Eastern euro dude.
>Alt right

2 sieges before it were way more fleshed out, but a shame nonetheless

The very same. He stood by the historical integrity and apologized for his tone in a German interview, but both sides conveniently ignore it to be able to continue sperging.
>inb4 radical centrist

thank god to be honest, big battles are a mess.

Good god this one post got the shills into a tizzy

woah you saw the crowbcat video too???? epic bro!!!!!!!!!

slavs are whiter than 56%, though

>players love it
Citation needed.

Should every game have an interracial gangbang scene that ends in pregnancy?

They'd probably kill the mutt


Based mods. Muttposting should be a banable offense you dumb euronigger.

the game would not have been made without it so what's your point

based mods!

>already working on sequel

I really don't like stretch goals, they're usually trash. I also don't like Devs getting stuck making extra content for a game besides what's absolutely necessary when they could just start on the next game. Also fuck people that back Kickstarter at any level beyond just prepurchasing the game.

>dev releases barely functional game
>lies about promised stretch goals
>already working on sequel before fixing current iterations bugs or including promised features
>based because they align with my politics

This is the future Sup Forums chose.

Doesn't matter if the games quality as long as the dev blows out libtards epic style.

lol but I like that guy in op's pic, so shut up

This, but unironically. People are tired of (((Diversity)), they want SJWs to eat shit

Remember, vidya is just entertainment. What does it say about the industry when people care less about the game, and what reaction it will cause from the dangerhairs?