Why is no one talking about this?
Warcraft 3 event today
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What event?
Who the fuck cares
Call me when they announce WC IIII
Guaranteed replies
>e-sport shit
Because it's 10:57 EST. Wait till around 3pm EST and you'll see some prim-o fucking conversations on this website, I'm sure.
You mean Warcraft VI
>20 years old game
i wonder shil
>peope want warcraft 4 from nu-blizzard
just end it all
n-no it's only 15 years old
>WCIII remaster
>Classic WoW
Blizzard finally admitted it
And thank god for it
>Why is no one talking about this?
You're right let's make a fourth thread about that kingdom come crap
has nothing to do with reddit
>we could have had Warcraft IIIIIII already if not for WoW
blizzard could have made 5 mmos the size of wow vanilla in the time they have spent on expansions.
WoW6 would be here by now WTF>
What time?
4 hours 30 according to the countdown
>24 player support
WHAT? Is this just for spectating?
Hope they announce Warcraft VIX soon
me 2
>multiple DLCs before release
>Episodic Story with separate expansions
>cosmetic DLCs (Make your Warcraft heroes look like your favorites from OVerwatch!)
>no modding tools for creating your own maps
I can already see it.
You mean Warcraft VIX
I can't wait to see Arthas being glad for Uther making it in HD.
10 years too late
ill be happy if they can fix the cutscenes for the game rather than using the current fix that doesnt always work
But you already can
>Blizz releases W3 remaster
>Suddenly you can play pre valve cancer verision with original characters and not originul donnut steel edition
Cant wait
>Blizzard in 2018
No one cares.
>ruined scbw
>coming for wc3 next
damn blizzard must really hate its historical legacy, when is d2 going to get a bullet in its head?
They would have burnt out and stopped making those games long ago.
Just like Westwood and Ensemble.
Lich and DK are maximum low effort
don't think so. imagine the custom game possibilities
You can already do so and there are mods for WC3 which take all of those models and put them into original game.
The fact you don't know it exists speaks for itself. It's a novelty worth one "Neat.jpeg" and that's where it ends, really.
>7.0 never happened
>Hats never happened
>Bone king is a bone king
>Removal of passive abilities never happened
>Removal of orb effects never happened
>"you tried" rune never happened
It would be glorious, but I dont think Blizzard will do it, because they have to way of capitalizing on dota allstars so they would prefer to let it be forgotten
No, I have played multiple 12v12 and 6v6v6v6 custom games. All with no lag spikes in huge battles.
Why would blizzard allow this to exist when they already have their own assfaggots to shill?
HOTS is dying. At least game is not profitable enough for them compared to such cash cows like HS or Overwatch.
They'll just be competing with themselves
And people tired of valve's shit will just go back to Dota 1
I say good. I hate Dota but how Valve got away with shamelessing taking it for themselves is beyond me
DotA:Allstars support is dead. Valve succeeded where Riot did not and trashed the community.
I'm so happy war3 is getting this much attention. I hope it brings back people into the main scene, the PTR queue times for 1v1 matches haven't been bad so this is a good sign. The widescreen and antihack are also a very good sign, and the hero balance changes are an amazing start. This is a very exciting time for warcraft.
blizzard didn't have explicit ownership of games written in their code. as a result the original map maker sold it to valve. that's why SC2's arcade was so FUCKED, because blizzard didn't want it to happen again
Who the fuck's gonna update all those maps though?
They already said they literally couldn't do it due to technical reasons.
Don't think it's dying, it just can't seem to pull in players fast enough to compete with League. Dota players are quitting in droves but not going to Hots, they go to shit like Fortnite or League instead.
It puzzles me too because HotS isn't even bad. The launch sucked but that was years ago. At least it's getting constant updates despite being smaller.
And yet, dozens of overwatch, wow and warcraft thread every day.
You need to be more tolerant of everyone else's taste user, let go of the hate.
>technical reasons
lol they said the same shit about broodwar too
Nobody and it doesn't matter because people play exclusively shit maps anyways. These updates will not revive custom maps.
It's a shame there hasn't been there aren't many people hosting custom games in the PTR. At least there isn't an infinite amount of hosting bots and empty lobbies.
It's a win-win. Blizzard fans get to play Blizzard games from back when they were worth two shits, and Actiblizz gets to do its favorite thing - putting a new coat of paint on old assets and selling millions of copies.
when's it starting anyway
i set an alarm but forgot to account for timezones because i was very tired
Blademaster nerf when
bw remastered is good though. The only bad thing about it is the latency sometimes, but other than that if you enjoyed broodwar you'll like remastered. I'm happy to say that from playing the PTR, war3 doesn't have the 300+ ping that I get when playing on live servers. I would never be able to tp out a hero at 30hp before a spell hit me on live.
in about 4 hours
This post right here is everything that is wrong with Sup Forums. Take notes kids.
The remaster ruined BW? I haven't tried it.
nice. hopefully it won't collide much with sc2 then
Already happened. Crit ability got nerfed and doesn't take advantage of items as much.
You know the last time Activision did this, they killed off the Brood War scene for good, right?
It had a small renassaince, just like Back2Warcraft.
Tournaments started popping up, viewership increased, pros returned,...
Then Activision caught sniff of it. BOOM BABY! SC:Remastered announced.
They then constructed the game in such a way that it killed everything community built up.
Nothing remains today but a miniscule portion of Koreans who got roped into it and are now trying to break even.
Have fun, Warcarft boys! And don't forget to buy the remaster!
Got a list of changes? I really hope Farseer starter is more common now for orcs.
nah he's just mad because of the spiders in his head
>The only bad thing about it is the latency sometimes, but other than that if you enjoyed broodwar you'll like remastered
nah, i hate it. it's shit compared to 1.16.1 and they closed down all of the old private servers "mysteriously" so i can't even play the game anymore. it's real fuckin gay
>I won't tolerate you being intolerant of me, you need to be tolerant of me despite me not wanting to tolerate you!
Such magical logic.
It's the same damn game and you can toggle HD off at any time, even during a game. And with it becoming free, it will never EVER die now. Ever. That poster is retarded.
bahahah i hope blizzard pays for you licking their balls.
Daily reminder WC3 engine is 20 years old and WoW is still using it.
i don't care if it's a global change, making the nsw faster is NOT ok
Gabe please go to bed
reminder that true OGs go lich first
the casters have one up for it
if it ain't broke
Warcraft doesn't really have that kind of community though. W3arena is killing itself and the original founders have stopped supporting the project long ago. The only other private server is netease, which is Asia focused. Furthermore, I don't know where you are getting the "remastered ruined starcraft" idea because from what I've seen on sites like twitch it has revitalized the game.
>from what I've seen on sites like twitch it has revitalized the game.
please kill yourself
posted in thread. Yup farseer is a great starter now. Wolves have more hp. They said they are starting with small changes and will continue as testing progresses. If you have a cdkey for RoC and TFT you can download and play in the ptr right now.
Do you know how old Quake engine is? And Call of Duty or Dota2 are still using it.
Both statements hold as much water.
Custom maps are not dead. The editing community is still alive:
Look at these changes. If anything, this is it's second coming.
>metzen left
>sc2 nova's story was amazing
>D3 RoS story was amazing
>WoW's Legion and BfA is amazing
>WoW classic
>SC remaster
>WC3 remaster
Oh boy this is golden IMAGINE THEIR BUTTHURT
>I don't know where you are getting the "remastered ruined starcraft" idea because from what I've seen on sites like twitch it has revitalized the game.
Ah, yes.
That's why they had to apologise for it last BlizzCon and outright stated they pushed the planned D2 and WC3 remasters not to repeat the same mistakes.
I just hope they don't butcher the fucking Mapmaker.
I'm scared because of StarCraft 2.
>STILL has gem exclusive skins
>b-b-but muh story about a boy and a girl
what frame rate does brood war run at?
Metzen leaving improved all of Blizzard's games in terms of story. Try to tell this to Overwatch fags though they lose their minds. He was turning the lore into his OC from the 90s personal fanfiction and bragged about it in interviews.
Thank fuck he's gone. Thank fuck.
>made my custom map too late, golden age passed
>get a second chance
>map should translate well in to 24 players
Why aren't games as comfy as classic bnet? Nothing has come close to those nights where I would log in to the general chat, know that my day was over, and everything was right with the world. I still feel this if I log on to war3 or d2. Every other online game is just stressful overall.
I hope someone is working on a footman frenzy 5.4 24man
These changes are shit.
>Object limit increased to 30,000
>Map size limit increased to 480 x 480
>Tile set limit increased to 16
Dumb arbitrary limits that were already removed by custom editors.
Max execution number increased to 1666666
Good change, but not necessary.
>Max food limit increased to 999
>Max resource limit increased to 9999999
>Array size increased from 8192 to 32768
>Display mana bar
Good change for melee, but mostly pointless for custom maps.
Only relevant part here.
This has been the only patch which was actually a net gain. See you in 6 months for the next shitty patch.
It’s better than WoD and Cata but come on
I'm gonna let you read that article and read your comment again to see they have nothing to do with each other.
The article states that they pushed back d2 and war3 because those games are not ready, they arn't balanced as bw and the infrastructure is not there, all of which I agree with. War3 needs to be integrated into bnet2.0 to prevent maphackers, war3 needs to be balanced so heroes arn't useless, war3 needs to balanced so someone finally makes some necromancers without it be a meme joke. There are many things wrong with it and just giving it the remastered treatment and pushing it out the door is not the way to do it. That's what the article is stating.
it's unlocked with regard to the map and cursor, but the game is 60
Array size is obviously good, too.
>draenei actually sci-fi for once
>Illidaddy back and smug as fuck
Mate that's more enjoyable than anything past cata put together.
All of the gem only skins except for leather mommy are shit though