>I liked this game in the past, but it's aged too badly.
>It might've been good back then, but it's not good anymore.
>I liked this game in the past, but it's aged too badly.
>It might've been good back then, but it's not good anymore.
Other urls found in this thread:
I unironically like rick and morty
applies to a lot of early 3d games that didn't figure out how to implement movement and a good camera
it was acceptable back then but in 2018 there's no way i'm wrestling with shitty controls for every single jump
Season 1 was good cause it had actual jokes
Describe "actual" jokes
>meme and morty
So what is wrong about those statements?
>based pewds makes fun of t.v. show so i also make fun of t.v. show haha do i fit in yet
>liking an old game less because of problematic themes
This is how I know women like the idea of video games and the attention liking them attracts, but they don't actually derive enjoyment from the act of playing them itself.
posting anything Rick and Morty
Games do not age. A game that was good when it came out is still good today. A game that isn't good today was never good.
>get used to quality of life things that become the standard in modern games
>get out of your comfort zone when playing old games
>your mileage may vary
I actually agree and think that most of the backlash is from people trying hard to act all counter culture.
Its something casual faggots say exclusively.
Well maybe "gags" is a better descriptor. It had more than just "LOUD DRUNK ANGRY OLD MAN BEING COOL AND HATEFUL"
Sure, but people age. Something you liked as a kid may not give you the same enjoyment as an adult. And some may argue that games do change. When the industry evolves, so do standards. If you hold an old game up to the industrys current standards, it may not carry the same weight.
season 1 was only "loud drunk angry old man being cool and hateful" are you fucking kidding go back and watch it compared to the other seasons, they really toned down the drunkeness
I actually liked the rick at the very start of episode 1.
If they stuck with the constantly hammered mad scientist it might have been a better show.
The current state of the industry is dogshit tho
The video of the guy on the McDonalds counter reeeing and yelling about pickle rick isn't a video of a Rick and Morty fan, it's a video of a shitposter memeing in real life.
The people who make fun of Rick and Morty fans are literally worse than Rick and Morty fans.
I can’t stomach 5th gen 3D graphics when it tries to have a realistic aesthetic anymore.
Haha dont you guys hate rick and morty too its like sooooo reddit am i right, im going to browse r/cringe and upvote some epic rick and morty cringe right now lol brofist!
It always looked awful. I never liked "realistic" style graphics when I was a kid.
"current standars" is just a spin on "current year" fallacies, especially considering how much more the industry caters to casuals now and practices like microtransactions are common place.
your post genuinely belongs on r/cringe
Everybody does, it's a good show.
Same. Season 3 had a ton of shit episodes though, if Season 4 is anything like it I'll probably drop it.
What about the guy who got stabbed for sauce?
While the quality of the game stays the same, people's tastes unfortunately evolve. That doesn't mean those games are bad but it could mean your perspective has shifted. Nowadays games are made with a lot of quality of life improvements for modern gamers, it might be something that is hard to go back to.
Basically, this. It's unfortunate but it's totally reasonable that someone who love Mario 1 as a kid just straight up prefers Mario Odyssey or something nowadays, and he just can't enjoy Mario 1 in the same way.
game was really good when it came out but pales in comparison with the games that followed it, tainting it for many people when they consciously or unconsciously compare them. It's not a hard concept to understand.
Get help.
>calling yourself a gamer
End yourself
Solatorobo was fun the first time I played it but I can't do it again knowing how repetitive everything is
Why are you so upset that people don't like your shitty show?
It would have been more interesting, yes, but then their target audience wouldn't identify with Rick and they wouldn't have popularity or sales.
Alcoholic AND old? No.
Autistic and old? $$$.
Why are you so upset that people do like the show?
First of all I never even called myself a gamer, nice reading comprehension. And how exactly am I wrong, or does that question confuse you?
I respect the game for its importance, but fuck me if I ever want to play Galaxian when I could be playing Battle Garegga or Ketsui instead. No, the game doesn’t age, but its context does and that’s what everyone means, so making a big deal over the statement that games age is straight-up pedantry.
Instead we have self insert asian empowering woman to btfo rick in the psychologist episode. Calling out on Rick, who will instantly have a good comeback to put her to tears, did not respond anything back is complete bullshit
About the drunk thing, the writers mentioned that A) doing the burping constantly was something that was annoying to voice act constantly, and B) it was a joke that was beginning to wear thin by the end of season 1.
its """"""""""""""aged""""""""""""
I don't think it's stupid to have a character call Rick out once, especially since it's really the only time in 3 seasons and it's a brief scene preceded by everyone literally talking about Rick in a therapy session.
This is the moment I unironically started to hate the women writers. Not all women writers just these ones
If somebody is going to call Rick out it needs to be someone important, not a snake oil saleswoman who's interacted with him for less than a minute on-screen.
You can be drunk and not burp all the time. I would know.
At any rate, it doesn't matter, because the raw and visceral shit is the real reason the show is funny.
Simplifying mechanics doesn't necesarily makes games better. I think Harvey Smith explains it very well.
>Games do not age
Good luck plugging a vectrex game on your ps4
I breaks my heart to admit this, because I played Blue dozens of times from beging to end but I can´t play it anymore. I gets to tedious after a while.
>You can be drunk and not burp all the time
Well yes but that's clearly an indicator for Rick being drunk in the show, at least early on.
Like I said, I thought it was fine because it wasn't a very long scene and it doesn't even really make Rick reflect on his actions. I can understand others disliking it but I thought it was fine ultimately.
Because this is Sup Forums. If I don't like something, no one is allowed to like it because my opinion is objectively right.
This. It's the same kinda shit like when people accuse everyone who disagrees with them of being 'reddit'. 9 times out of 10, they're reddit themselves. The whole 'reddit spacing' thing basically proves it. People have been paragraphing their posts like that on Sup Forums for years. There's only one reason you'd see posts like that an immediately think 'reee gb2plebbit'.
Modern games don't just simplify mechanics though. That's dumbing down what I was saying to an insane degree.
This, they better step their game up.
First gen is so bad now, looking back it was awesome with nostalgia glasses but the stats were so fucked
just play crystal instead, it's aged like a fine wine
Me too, the only thing bad about it is the fans who go around shouting pickle rick
>fucking loved Brave Fencer Musashi as a kid
>decades later pirate it
>still fucking love it, game never takes itself seriously and the characters brim with personality
what went so right?
This, gen two was great
>I liked my Nokia 6110, but it's aged too badly.
>It might've been good back then, but it's not good anymore.
is there anything wrong with this statement, OP?
I don't go to any place where people do that unironically, so my experience with those fans are just the falseflagging, ironic shitposting fags on here.
A phone is a tool. Video games are entertainment.
>this 1.2 car is fast
>what the fuck this 1.2 car is so fucking slow after using a r3.2
Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 are the games that come to mind first when I think of games that aged badly.
I've seen it irl at bars and concerts and even work -_-
then you live in a highly autistic area.
Justin roiland liked my tweet two years ago. Fun time.
>twitch viewership is indicative of game quality
These two games alone in validates OP’s post. These games are considered classics due to childhood nostalgia, yet they suck when measured on an objective scale.
>"relax guys, he was just pretending to be retarded! You all fell for his elaborated ruse!"
Kill yourself today, faggot.
Your show was post-modern crap designed for self-congratulatory millennials who can't distinguish reality from fiction and need to "LE DECONSTRUCT" every piece of media from the beginning. The current metastasis of the fandom is the logical conclusion given the kind of "people" (post-humans) that watch this turd.
Also, where's the videogames?
Man, I feel really bad for it, but I just don't have the time or patience for shit like XCOM, FFTA and System Shock anymore, to mention three games I played as a kid and loved.
The games are extremely slow, clunky and full of questionable UI choices, and while I had all the time in the world as a kid, it gets fucking grating to pick between playing 5 missions in XCOM 2 or a single one in UFO Defense at the end of the day, for example. A game like Doom, on the opposite, is so simple and tight that you barely even feel it was made almost 30 years ago.
They were all numales or hipsters
Granted, but as we know in real life, there's lots of other indicators.
Breath comments, eye changes, he already drools, slurred speech, temperature sensitivity, actually drinking more, balance and distance issues, etc.
>games do not age
How to spot the retard
>I liked this game in the past, but it's aged too badly.
C&C 1 and Warcraft 1 and 2.
>unit limit and poor unit path
>bothersome to produce and move in large groups
>resolution that does not conform to the monitors of now
>B) it was a joke that was beginning to wear thin by the end of season 1.
The characters and jokes were starting to wear thing by season 3
I loved Pokémon Gold back then but now it's just so dull, I barely finished HG and then didn't touch it again
>Movies age
>Books age
>But videogames dont
Games do age. Better games come out and invalidate older games. Wolfenstein 3D is really shitty because we have better Wolfenstein games, or shooters in general, but it was mind-blowing for its time. Sonic Adventures 1 & 2 are hot garbage, but were good at the time. Pokemon gens 1 - 3 were also pretty bad, but they're some of the best selling Pokemon games. Civ 1 - 3 are damn near unplayable after 4 and 5, but they were good in the past.
>games don't age
The evolution of Metroid's controls.
FF7's turn-based (well, ATB) nature over time, standing there taking machine gun fire or suplexing many tons of weight.
Kirby Superstar Ultra fine-tuning what Kirby Superstar started.
Games do age.
I haven't watched season 3 yet but the fanbase is really turning me off. I'm able to separate product and fanbase, of course not everyone who likes R&M is a drooling retard. The problem is, I feel it's extremely hard to properly discuss the show now. Create a thread about it and you'll only get "PICKLE RIIIIIICK", "to be fair you need" and "BURP MORTY GOD DOESN'T EXIST" shitposters.
As for this threads, game mechanics do age due to refinement of its formulae. As time passes, developers learn how to implement certain mechanics in better ways. That's not even counting technical aspects, such as framerate or maximum resolution, which obviously affects the experience.
Season 3 is garbage. It has a total of 4 good episodes out of 10. The 1st episode and Ricklantis Mixup are some of the best in the entire series, though.
It's like Bojack Horseman where season 2 is insufferable, but it has some of the best episodes in the series as well.
You unironically have shit taste.
Which is 5th Gen? I got lost somewhere
I'm pretty sure he's implying that none of those age. Some books are tough to read because of antiquated language, and a lot of people can't get over silent or black and white movies, but I've read books that are hundreds or thousands of years old and Nosferatu is one of my favorite movies.
Not an argument.
Books do age. Try going back to read the Epic of Gilgamesh. I know, most of us read it when it first came out when we were young, but we've matured now.
>movies and books age
Kinda feeling like this user
>hear about Rick and Morty
>hey is on Netflix (to which I was new)
>just watch one after the other telling myself just this one and that's it
>end up finishing S2,
>S3 is now out and up and I am afraid I will nitpick the shit out of it
Anyway BACK ON TOPIC, I also agree on what you said, you can easily see that with RTSes and strategy games, you cant tell me that Civilization 1 or Gran Turismo 1, or Red Alert 1 have not "aged", and by aged I could define it as staying behind, which of course they do is not like they have been updated or something.
>realistic aesthetic
>posts N64 version
>Nosferatu is one of my favorite movies
Oh great, you're one of those people.
Honestly, I think this is a valid excuse. When you get used to more modern games and their QoL changes, it makes some old games a complete fucking chore to play through.
Whenever I go back to play PS1 JRPGs, the experience feels like shit sometimes because the games are just so fucking slow.