Is anyone in Chechya actually Henry? isn't it an anglo name?
Is anyone in Chechya actually Henry? isn't it an anglo name?
In chech he has completely unpronounsable for average anglo name. They just localized it to Henry.
They changed his name for English speaking crowd, he is Jindřich not Henry.
Maybe his name is actually Henryk? Pretty close.
What's the name?
Why is Henry so average looking, he should be more chad, he can get really good at lot of things depending on play choice, which means he is high IQ and high T, his appearance should reflect that.
Jindřich, ř pronounced like rzh. Yeah it's a bit of a bitch
t. user living in slavland
>ř pronounced like rzh
You say that like it's supposed to make sense.
rzhskdhjzwirzks what don't you understand?
He's a blacksmith's boy he isn't a chad nobleman of good breeding, he is going to have the plain face of a peasant.
Zdrhl krt skrz drn, zprv zhlt hrst zrn
About that...
blacksmith boy still can get chad genes. if he really was peasant tier genetically he wouldn't have been able to git this gud
Even en Russian they made him Indro. Not all slavlands are fit for such names.
What the fuck kind of Russian name is Indro?
It's not Russian name. It's localized Czech name.
you can pronounce it as Yiy-ND-erZHHHiy-CH
lol'd, thanks for the share
Oh, I see.
The resemblance to Henry is so weak it might as well be Andre.
Why title in cyrillic?
Why do you type like you speak?
>It's not Russian name. It's localized Czech name.
>It's not a Russian name. It's a localized Czech name.
Cannot grasp articles. Absolutely uncomprehensible and useless part of any language.
It is more alike then it might seem at first
its pronounced like Yindr-ich, which sounds like the German Heinrich that is the base for the English Henry
What I don't understand is how Henry becomes Hal. Same with Richard and Dick.
That's a better answer than I expected. Wtf I hate articles now.
huh, so indeed like Henry, Heinrich, Hendrik. cool
Something like this:
You have point.
>mfw working with Poles and Brzeczyszczykiewicz is actually not even in top 10 of unpronounceable polish surnames
You guys are generally cool, but your fucking language need to fucking calm down.
>Lodz is pronounced woodj
Why is Polish the most backwards assfuck language?
I still don't know how to pronounce Lvov.
>all these zzrzrzrasrzsrzsrzrzrs
Stop trying to summon eldritch horror, guys.
Just make the Battlefield 3 noise with your mouth and that's his name
Haha what the fuck
oh boy, are you in for a surprise
poland please
He literally is a 1:1 of his voice actor.
The drunkard from the very first quest implies you're adopted so it cant be much of a surprise
That's just an insult, fuck does he know?
It's French faggot.
He only lives 80 feet from your house and knows your father personally.
They are clearly not on good terms. Henry being Radzigs son is supposed to be a secret.
pronounced "yhen-riz-ch"
First ch like ch in church; the second like in scottish loch.
>Henry being Radzigs son is supposed to be a secret.
mother fucker, im not that far
>anglo name
God damn, why are amerimutts so dumb?
they drop it on you as soon as you go past the first point of no return into endgame of the main quest.
I really felt like it didn't matter much though.
His Bohemian name is Jindřich.
Next time check your facts first
But is the game good or not?
I don't think you actually know how to pronounce loch, and why the hell would you spell it like that instead of the established English spelling?
no dumb we just dont give a shit about your dialects for names. John, Henry, Joe, youre all still soyboy betas to us.
Is the GOG rip up yet?
>no dumb we just dont give a shit about your dialects for names. John, Henry, Joe, youre all still soyboy betas to us.
>John, Henry, Joe, youre all still soyboy betas to us.
those names are extremely common in america can you guess why you retarded amerimutt?
It's mediocre. If it wasn't for some odd political undertone then it would have been passed over like other Eurojank games. Maybe pick it up on sale.
>extremely common in america
its almost like im america you fucking retard. Want me to use European names? Jacques, Ivan, Sven, Louis, Lotte, Adorjan, ect feel better faggot? feel more included? Take you 115lb low T ass back to the cafe.
Like German nach.
Opposite. It's Jewish/German. Historians, not being history.
It is pretty good. Buggy like a release day bethesda game though.
>its almost like im america you fucking retard.
sad attempt at falseflagging.