What is the best horror game and why is it Doki Doki Literature Club?
What is the best horror game and why is it Doki Doki Literature Club?
OPs a fucking retard but I just want to make sure everyone knows Natsuki is the best girl.
I don't know anything about this game but don't they all just kill themselves or murder each other? How is there any best girl?
All but natsuki do that.
Thats why shes best girl.
Because it triggers Sup Forums.
I'm guessing she's the one with black stockings?
Kill my other gfs tier:
Walk home with me tier:
Nutcase tier:
I’m glad your dad beats you tier:
No Natsuki is the pink hair Loli with an abusive father. Literally worse in every way. Black stocking is Monika, the actual best grill
Nah thats Monika
What a shit "game"
>horror game
the only people who play this game are waifufags. It's not scary at all. The game was supposed to be satire of waifufag dating sims.
That's just Monika
Monika is the best because her personality is interesting, she's edgysmart, and because she BTFO out of a bunch of waifufags by telling them it's weird that REAL HUMAN BEANS can find contrived personalities not only endearing, but meaningful enough to connect to them when they're only products designed to get your money.
Le epic meta game of d00m
The first half of the game works because there's a surprisingly well written depiction of depression that's completely undermined by the "lol so randum" meta-horror of the second half. The fact that people leave the game thinking of any of the girls as waifus means it's failed to convey its message.
It's neat for what it is though.
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Doki Doki Literature Club. The horror is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical game design most of the spooks will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Monika's nihilistic outlook, which is deftly woven into her characterisation- her personal philosophy draws heavily from Team Silent literature, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these spooks, to realise that they’re not just scary- they say something deep aboutLIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Doki Doki Literature Club trulyAREidiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the terror in Monika's existential catchphrase “Just Monika,” which itself is a cryptic reference to Todd Howard's Skyrim ports. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as Dan Salvato's genius wit unfolds itself on their computer screens. What fools.. how I pity them.
>The fact that people leave the game thinking of any of the girls as waifus means it's failed to convey its message.
Make a board for this thash!!!
>good art, music, story, atmosphere, characters, puzzles
>only failings are meh combat and awkward controls
best horror game
it`s hard for me to categorize silent hill 2 as an horror game, i have played it so many times that i always feel at home when i play it.
How can this be categorized as anything other than a visual novel? Besides picking random words, what is there to justify calling it a game? Even P.T, a demo for a canceled game had more horror in it than ironic waifu simulator by a weeb in denial.
Monika is so cute
>ironic weeb
Oh boy, here we go.
>weeb in denial
More like, a disappointed weeb, or someone that's tired of the same shitty tropes that have made anime stagnant. Seriously, ask any fucking dudebro that's only watched shit like DBZ to watch any fucking SoL; they'll be lost instantly, or disinterested if the tropes don't do anything for him.
I don't know why so many people are offended it by it. DDLC doesn't try to be anything more than what it is. The only reason I can think of is that people are mad that other VNs that do something similar to it, and allegedly do it better, don't get enough exposure or something.
please relocate yourself to /vg/
The thing is that the creator of the game admits that he is partly a weeb but he doesn't like a lot of the things that they usually do. He likes to say that his game makes fun of some of the stereotypes yet in it's core it is just what you'd expect from a game like that. I'm not mad, just mildly annoyed at people praising this as some incredible mindfuck with original elements.
It is a VN. That's all. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
I've personally never played a game that has a character as self-aware of her position as Monika
But if you know any other games with characters like her, user, I'd be happy to play them!
I mean, yes and no. Not regarding what you said about Dan, but about the game itself. I think the generic setting and characters were made specifically to lure the player into a fall sense of security before shit hits the fan. Remember, before this became the next hot meme, I would imagine it to be somewhat shocking because of all the misleading advertisement.
Yeah, the majority of the game is spent doing VN stuff, but since like the fourth in-game day of the first act, you notice things are off, and this feeling persists until you finish the game. I wouldn't say it just perpetuates the stereotypes Dan says he dislikes, at least in terms of how the game works. One unintended or undesired outcome is that people waifu'd the girls anyway, but I don't think that's very surprising.
Are there any finished mods yet to proper date them?
I know there's one for Monika, I'm unsure about the others.
The biggest issue is the community. I definitely agree with you about the game being more original and impactful before it became so popular. I should have been more clear on what i've been trying to say. The game had a good outcome regarding the dating sim aspect but i still feel like it was a bit too much but perhaps that was the intention.
it's a shit game lol didn't make me jump once