Is there still anybody who still go to Neogaf?
It seems since the massive #MeToo crackdown all gaming media turned to ResetEra.
I visit both but I can't help but notice how Neogaf got kicked out of existence over a week.
Is there still anybody who still go to Neogaf?
It seems since the massive #MeToo crackdown all gaming media turned to ResetEra.
I visit both but I can't help but notice how Neogaf got kicked out of existence over a week.
ResetEra is NeoGAF, It's where all of the gaf faggots ran crying and screaming to after the owner of NeoGAF was pegged as a sexual harasser. Same shitty people, same shitty ideas, same shitty practices, different website name.
Neogaf is now made up of half Sup Forums users.
This I know. The question is: what REMAINS of Neogaf nowadays?
>what REMAINS of Neogaf nowadays?
Couldn't tell you, haven't been to that site before or after the happenings. It was fun watching it burn though.
All the faggots went to ResetEra, Neogaf is like 50/50 Sup Forums trolls and old gaf users.
you have to go back
>reading books is now alt-right
this has to be satire
>I visit both
>Fahrenheit 451
>alt-right book
I still laugh over niggergaf death
I still don't see why an accusation alone from a single individual was enough to get everyone there to revolt against the site owner. It's not like he got convicted and it's not like there are dozens out people speaking out about similar experiences
Then again I didn't really read too much into it.
It was an excuse for the mods to take power, the easy outrage led most users to follow them on a new site.
> alt-right
> easy to spot
> reading books
Oh so alt-right are culturally-hungry people looking to get more wisedom by reading books? LOL.
> alt-right books
So if this is it, then the left are just illiterate dumb fucks? That's okay with me.
So much boo-hoo-hoo leftist bullshit it almost hurts.
Almost sounds like a good place.
He was torn down by the same community that he fostered, a bunch of reactionary twats that are eager to do anything and everything to let everyone else know how devoted they are to their "cause". They don't care about the reason for the accusation or even the validity of it, once the finger was pointed it's a race to see who can virtue signal the hardest, no matter who they harm in the process.
>alt-right starts reading, soygaf posters start hating books
can't make this up, been laughing for 3 minutes straight
Think the same lol
LOL even more. Fahrenheit 451 is written by like the king of leftist propaganda.
It's scary how posting #MeToo somewhere can shit all over a whole board and make people leave elsewhere.
This is the reality IMO
That's what happen when you have a bunch of impulsive sheeps following you around. Once they turn against you there's nothing to do to stop them since they're so clueless.
the absolute state of trend follower hypocrite faggots sjw niggers
I want to see more of that
what's this metoo shit?
ya you're on neogaf and resetera
This is not your safe space. This is the kind of toxicity that led to the birth of ResetEra.
I go to it's successor.
Reminder that the following are just assmad that they banned for being a sperg and repeating polshit on other forums:
are you living on Mars or what? Every men who touched a woman's ass in the last decade got FUCKED over by the Hollywood JOOOOOSSS
>It's not like he got convicted and it's not like there are dozens out people speaking out about similar experiences
I think the point is that alt-righters are attracted to this particular combination of books. Fahrenheit 451 isn't alt-right on its own but it is a book that appeals to the alt-right and in combination with the rest it's a red flag.
Similar to how a thirteen-year-old posting rare Pepes on facebook probably isn't a Nazi but if you encounter someone on twitter with a Pepe avatar he's going to rant about (((globalists))) nine times out of ten.
oh, never really into showbiz news
Reset era is where you want to go, my man, and you should go back and stay back
a way to socially assassinate anyone you don't like by claiming they once awkwardly looked at your butt
Maybe they shouldn't have touched the asses then.
A twitter tag built on abusing the accusations of sexual harassment to Weinstein by letting any woman accuse any man in the movie industry (and eventually outside of it) of the same thing and being believed with no need for evidence.
No I go to Reddit. The mostly civil discussions there balance my need for absolute shitposting on Sup Forums.
how can you and others be so easily baited by a troll post?
>Don't even browse Sup Forums outside of the times when they took in Sup Forums refugees during The Gaffening and when Hulk Hogan destroyed Gawker
>NiggerEra faggot gets mad at me for insulting his precious site
o i am laffin
If you're referring to the resetera post, I don't think I am. If you're referring to one of the Sup Forumstards I wonder how you can tell them apart from the earnest opinions people hold on this board.
You are part of the problem.
Divide and conquer my friend!
> Read x, x subgroup
> Race y, y subgroup
> Read x,y,z, EXTREMISM!
It's not because somebody is interested in reading particular books or documentaries about something that he is litterally turning into a manic Hitler fan! What kind of fucking thinking is this?!
I am not part of the problem for promoting awareness and good faith. Completely contrary to what you're doing now with your moronic assumptions and strawmen.
Keep up ignoring these news, it's a useless shitshow anyway hehe
I hope you kill yourself tonight
Leftists are all about LISTEN AND BELIEVE
It's not, but I think posting parts of Fahrenheit 451 would get you banned on resetera.
"Bigger the population, the more minorities. Don't step on the toes of the dog lovers, the cat lovers, doctors, lawyers, merchants, chiefs, Mormons, Baptists, Unitarians, second-generation Chinese, Swedes, Italians, Germans, Texans, Brooklynites, Irishmen, people from Oregon or Mexico. The people in this book, this play, this TV serial are not meant to represent any actual painters, cartographers, mechanics anywhere. The bigger your market, Montag, the less you handle controversy, remember that!... Authors, full of evil thoughts, lock up your typewriters. They did."
"It didn't come from the Government down. There was no dictum, no declaration, no censorship, to start with, no! Technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure carried the trick, thank God. Today, thanks to them, you can stay happy all the time, you are allowed to read comics, the good old confessions, or trade journals."
is it really the end when they just fled to another place? seriously the best way to kill them is to continuously show foul behavior like pedophelia on them, because that's usually how holier than thous fall
>He was torn down by the same community that he fostered
Didn't they swarm pretty much everywhere before Resetera went up? I remember a bunch were here, reddit, etc.
Do you live in hyrule, anons?
the cancerous ones always flock, those faggots also hate reddit for being mean for instance
Have you punched a nazi today, Sup Forums?
ResetEra - where bunch of mentally ill libtards attempt to sabotage other people's lives
Nobody on Sup Forums should use fucking Neogaf for any other reason than to post anger inducing screen caps for (you)s.
Admitting to using it is basically proof that despite just how retarded the concept is, that somehow bug men from neogaf actually flooded Sup Forums seeking refuge.
I wish someone saved the screenshot of this. One of the members went into RPGCodex and made a "All Neogaf members are welcome to make this your new home" or someshit and got BTFO'd so hard by the actual members there.
kill yourself marketing shill
Go back faggot.
What a great book
Looks an awful lot like nu/v/ to me, makes me think
>warned for wanting to talk about video games on a video game site
Neogaf was the result of a hitjob. A hitjob perpetuated by the top brass at Neogaf who were eying the crown and never liked the admin in the first place.
Ever notice how convenient it was that Resetera was set up the SAME WEEK that allegations against the admin came out? Not just the same week, but almost the very same hour that it happened.
Setting up a website takes time, especially if you don't want it to look like utter shit. This was clearly the result of someone saying "I could run this site better", and making up an excuse with their retard friends in Discord to grab Neogaf's fanbase and drag it off into their even crazier totalitarian board where even SAYING that you don't care about politics in video games warrants a ban. Not even saying you disagree with it, just saying that you don't care.
MAjority of the SJWs went to resetera and all the PS4 fanboys came here. This place is SonyGAF MK II
Is he right?
>The absolute state of nu/v/
In China.
Is trump a meanie?
There's a large chunk of Redditors and gaffers here now, which explains why the board has gotten so much worse.
Neogaf, and now Resetera, genuinely have some of the worst people on the planet as its inhabitants. Far-left psychos who think irrationally and justify horrific things in the name of "progressivism"
They make Sup Forums users look like upstanding people.
Pic very much related
>Sup Forums conspiracies about falseflags are constant but they are unable to spot one
The terrifying thing is, these kinds of people see themselves as "anti-authoritarian".
They are obsessed with controlling what people think/say/do.
Seeing things like this unironically makes me wish for a far-right authoritarian government to take and kill every single one of these people, as at least the far-right are pro White & male
What video game is this?
>Sup Forums arrives and starts shitting up a board
>omg where did the redditors come from im an oldfag btw lol
>muh Sup Forums boogeyman
Ironic that you're so clearly the same resetfag that I'm talking about yet you whine about something unrelated
Come on now, this one is funny.
The only reason I come here is to trigger them and screenshot their reactions. They told me to go to Sup Forums, so I did, lol
It's gonna get worse, trust me. Best to do the same, or at least call them out whenever you can
result of social media bringing up slacktivism -> holier than thou attitude on something so insignificant -> control freak
I'm glad most of them fucked off to Resetera, though. They're like a containment board for the internet. Neogaf was the same way.
I wish I could fucking deport people from here to there.
>Guy spamming thread with le silly sjw neogaf posts
>no Sup Forums here guise we swear
Also Ive only just clicked on to this thread but i doubt that fits your narrative so you'll ignore it
Is the wall happening, Sup Forums?
>only Sup Forums hates Neogaf
How deluded are you? Everyone hates your kind.
>Sup Forums arrives and starts shitting up a board
Sup Forums has been on Sup Forums likely longer than you've been alive. If they aren't causing it, and we know there are outside factors which do cause it on every other community it shows up on, whose fault is it?
I'm so sick of people bitch about Sup Forums. It's the fastest way to spot the dumbest people in the thread if they genuinely believe there is a Sup Forums conspiracy and not that they've come onto a board that doesn't share the same consensus on politics that they do.
You know if you stay on Sup Forums you wouldn't need to get triggered by Sup Forums
>Large junk of neogaf here
See I don't understand this unless there could be an argument made that certain members of neogaf were the solely for the Sony positive environment.
The issue with that is that is why would you endure such an insane community just for endless Sony praise?
Either way, the idea of Gaffers coming here to begin with is incredibly far fetched. It's the most paranoid echo chamber on the internet who believe Sup Forums is a house is literally the valley of shadows, them coming here simply doesn't make sense beyond the aforementioned "Sony community" that only cares if the place unanimously loves Sony.
>See I don't understand this unless there could be an argument made that certain members of neogaf were the solely for the Sony positive environment.
Or they couldn't get an account on Resetera. Resetera is much more strict than Neogaf on getting an account. Gaf only required an .edu email address, but Resetera requires specifically knowing someone who can vouch for you.
>incredibly far fetched
They literally went to every other forum after Neogaf imploded and before resetera kicked off. So yes, they are here.
They also come in droves if something political happens and they want to virtue signal, like the yooka laylee thing or the subnautica thing
I like how no one cared about the mod who was a pedophila, and the owner and other mods who covered it up.
Or that time Evilore talked about assaulting a woman in Spain.
They waited until #MeToo to virtue signal and leave, lol.
Why would I stay on a board I don't visit? You sound like a shithead upset that you've stumbled upon a board on the internet that thinks your former community were made of braindead simpletons.
Not everyone here is Sup Forums or even american, nobody wants them near, people like you is a infection made to destroy, nothing more,we do not want you near
The irony is I wouldn't mind that game at all if it weren't for the virtue signalling leftist fucks. They're ironically the most racist people out there, reducing everyone to superficial characteristics
t. brown person.
>I'm so sick of people bitch about Sup Forums.
I'm not. It drives people to go to Sup Forums, where they then become Sup Forums, increasing the number of people who are Sup Forums.
Hello I'm John Goldberg, aka Amir0x, aka NeoGAF moderator, aka that guy who took money from the community to pay for my mom's medical stuff, spent it on drugs and then beat her when she complains. Also a convicted pedophile serving a criminal sentence.
Also make sure to vote for Hillary!
There is literally no board on the internet that likes Neogaf. When Gaf collapsed initially, every fucking board was setting up signs and stickies telling you and your kind to fuck off and not even attempt to register an account there.
Your board is renowned for being the hive of crazies and genuinely illogical people. Resetera NEEDED to happen just to find a place to keep you people.
ResetEra is a tranny and nigger board first and a video game board second, they are adamant about this.
Also, they only care about video games not for their own sake but as a vehicle for cultural change. It’s honestly kind of disgusting.
so these are the ((((PEOPLE))))))) who constantly make aloy threads. pathetic.
Daily reminder
>shitty people ignore the deeds of shitty people until they cannot do so anymore without getting heat themselves
It makes sense when you remember the entire community is full of horrible people.
That doesn't rationalize them coming here. Sup Forums isn't the only other game forum on the internet. If they couldn't get into Resetera, they would probably have stayed on neogaf since leaving over an admin is not worth going to Sup Forums.