Leftists are stealing our video game jobs

Leftists are stealing our video game jobs

>stealing jobs
sorry but they are just on welfare all the time. name ONE {1} LEFTIST that works. Bernie sandals was unemployed until the age of 50

so make your own games nigger

I'm making one about an old man beating up degenerate teenagers and edgelords.

>one leftist who works
what about the wolfenstein twitter


A political hostage who only pretends to be into the leftist agenda so he can continue to provide for his family.

liberals get the bullet too

>Sup Forums
>having a job


It is literally impossible for a non-leftist (not just conservatives, but centrists and moderate liberals) to get a job in video game development. They will be driven out if they don't keep their views hidden and agree with all the leftist crap that gets circulated.

Bioware is the best example, where people were promoted based on their political views instead of their competence.

so you're saying you support it? soy to the max

why do companies think it's ok to demonize the alt-right like this?

>It's another episode of 'people with a black and white worldview'

Wasn't this game wildly unsuccessful? Why do you still care about it?

>the states with the highest welfare recipients are all Republican
Think again Cletus

I'm left leaning as fuck. I work and likely make more than you. $32.50 an hour.

>says the lazy neet

>the states with the highest welfare recipients also have the most niggers
hmm really make me think

>black and white worldview
Yeah, black(s) is good and white(s) is bad.

>Wanting to work for leftist company


You make too much money. You need to give your money away to minorities and poor people. You fucking bigot

The irony

Why are right wingers so easily triggered?

Because the Alt-right are a bunch of nazis who committed a terrorist attack on US soil that left one dead and scores injured?

Do you have a single fact to back that up?

Hmm the states that freed the slaves also have a massive population that’s dependent on public assistance. I think you’re onto something here...

He was literally a carpenter and teacher before he was a career politician. I don't know what kind of bullshit you've been reading.

but the alt right weren't supposed to be nazis....?
truly makes you wonder

I rather kill myself than work on this industry.

how am I supposed to take the alt right seriously when a manlet like destiny crushes them in every debate

Only literal manlets like destiny, stefan, and sargon do online debates

Literally nothing wrong with killing burgerclaps.

>left leaning
you have to go back

You're not supposed to.
Just realize that the far left is equally or more retarded than any alt-righter you'll meet.

Even with niggers to take care of, urbanites are better off than you Billy Bob.

That's just how pathetic countryfolk are compared to the coastal elite, lmao.

>so subtly political
they were never trying to be subtle, they openly and actively hate nazis.

you say nazi like it's a bad thing

Unless they are americans. American activists are probably the dumbest people in the western world. They actually think videogames and movies are politics.

What a delusional idiot that guy from the picture. It's just a videogame.

Go back to pol

Alt-right is a fucking joke and I say that as a Sup Forumsfag

>entire game is about killing nazis

They were implying all Trump supporters are Nazis by taking his campaign slogan and switching a word.

American conservatives are further right than any other country's conservatives, and they're democrats are basically republicans

>demonizing communists
lol faggots get fucked
>demonizing alt-right
waahhh my safespace

>appeal to people who dont play video games
>game flops every time

Right wing propaganda clearly. Friendly reminder that Sup Forums are the SJWs of Sup Forums and, as such, are more than happy to deny facts that don't suit their narrative.

Yes the republicans will save us!

You're a faggot.

Overwatch and BF1 did fine.

A lot of people have imitated his slogan for all kinds of things. The fact that you immediately jump to that conclusion speaks volumes.

Conservative gun nut who works from home making a living on animations for video games here.

You're wrong, just don't work with AAA garbage.

Be quiet, or they will get out their horseshoe maymays

Is this guy mad that a game is against Nazis?

Nah, they're both fucking retarded. I'm not buying this shit. This is exactly why Sup Forums comes here to make threads like this.

>lol fucking leftists, am I right guys?

Yeah, you're fucking obnoxious as shit too.

>Illegally block a road
>Get hit by a car

Aren't red states all poor fat and stupid? Do does voting dem make you smart fit and wealthy, or is it that wealthy fit smart people are drawn to democrats?

Time to pay reparations.

The left thinks anyone who supports Trump is a nazi because they've gone off the deep end. It will not end well for them. There's starting to be push back with the whole NRA thing too. The right is often silent while the left screeches extreme viewpoints

work in a studio. this is true.

>the republicans will lower our taxes and make our government less burdensome


Please someone kill all political activists

> "Nazis are bad" is now a controversial political statement

My grandfather didn't storm Normandy for a bunch of neckbeards to wank over Hitler

>Hi, I hate the alt-right, but don't you think the alt-left is just as bad?
t. normal person

>only right wingers play video games
Is this what happens when someone grows up in a hugbox?

>a blizzard game and one of the most popular shooters did fine
yeah no shit. they can do whatever they want at this point and they'll sell millions

They lost, user.
Nobody likes losers. So yeah, it's a bad thing.

It's just teenagers trying to find something edgy to say. Nothing new.

because they were actually subtle, unlike "make america nazi free again"

It's just in here. Sup Forums is /SJW/, just at the other extreme.

You aren't rich enough to feel those cuts pleb

That's simply not how that works from a semantics point of view.

My god, you are autistic. I already feel autistic making the same fucking reply twice. Quit posting your own year-old twitter post, you fucking cunt.

No, he stormed Normandy because we wanted the US to waste their men for us. Hell, you even got rid of the Soviet. Now please, let your country die already.

Overwatch didn't pander it's a non-violent FPS for 10 year olds and BF1 was hot trash.

>white rednecks have to keep blacks down just so they can feel better about their poverty

TWITTER THREAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>My grandfather didn't storm Normandy for a bunch of neckbeards to wank over Hitler
He also didn't do it so niggers could overrun his country and transgenderism could be presented as normal and encouraged in children.

The west he fought for is not the west that exists today. Cut and dry--he fought for the wrong side.

Should mentally ill people be closed in asylums again?

oh my bad, what do you guys prefer to be called?

back to /r/kotakuinaction retard


Neither did he storm the Normandy so that you could use that as some sort of leverage on troll forums

I'm British, mate. We were there as well, we just don't try to make movies that look like we were the only ones.