Swap girl for Mario and it would get 9/10 scores instead of 79/100. It's the best 3D platformer since 64 but it's not made by Ninty, so people just ignore it. What a sad homosexual world we live in
Swap girl for Mario and it would get 9/10 scores instead of 79/100...
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It's too short, unfinished and has a lot of glitches.
Great game still but it deserved the scores it got, they were fair.
they need to give her a mini skirt for Sup Forums to like it
honestly youre right get that gayass pedo bait shitty looking girl out and put my boy mario in and i might actually play that gay looking game
Only thing exceptional about it is the boss battles. It doesn't control very well, the camera is awful and the level design isn't good at all.
8/10 is generous. Play Sly Cooper or Mario.
It's like a review written by someone who never played it.
That said you really can't undersell the bossfights, few though they are
>That DJ Grooves fight
Fucking perfect.
>The only reasons PCfags support it it is due to not being able to play Odyssey, and because they are pedos.
It's like a rebuttal by someone who didn't even read :^)
*also on PS4
But I had to read your chucklefuck of a post to make that assessment. Go play the damn thing and stop wasting my time.
>It doesn't control very well
But it copies Mario controls 1 to 1. How can it not control well, what does that mean? Are you playing on a keyboard?
>pedophile trash worth any kind of praise
>I've had one fully 3D mario game this decade, I don't need any more :^)
Cool opinion bro
Character control is more than just button mapping.
Yes, I'm saying she has pretty much all the Mario moves and they're largely performed exactly the same way. It honestly feels like a mod for mario with a little girl, it control exactly the same way. How is it different?
Proven for not actually reading, well done faggot.
T. pc fat fuck.
The controls struggle due to the camera, also glitches like being able to stand inside walls and awkward acceleration making jumps more inaccurate (again also due to camera)
It's not bad, I've played some real fucking shit platformers and this is actually pretty tight, but it does have issues. Unboxed is a better example of good platforming controls.
If a game controls existed in a vacuum without needing to be designed around the game's levels and camera, you'd be right. In a well designed game all of these elements need to influence each other.
Just finished it and it was pretty great, I do feel like Mustache got shit on pretty bad tho. is Yooka as bad as everyone says or is it okay if I don't give a fuck about a youtuber?
fpbp. I like the game but it's really a 7/10 at best. I had fun playing it but that doesn't mean it was a good game.
I acknowledge that it's a good game even if the creator is kind of a cunt, but it still has its fair share of issues:
>Too short
>Too easy
>No way to tell how many collectibles you're missing and what level/world they're in
>Only 6 hats, dozens of excess yarn balls that are useless once you have all the hats
>Grappling hook is a badge and not an innate ability
>Impossible to get all of the customization options from the slot machine (not enough star tokens in the game)
more like if the game had competent 3D artists it would have 9/10 scores
seriously, it's kinda ugly. it's ugly buffed up to be decent, but you can still feel the ugly bones bulge out from the layers of makeup.
Scores were a bit on the low side, but no.
Level design is below any 3d mario game.
The badge system didn't make sense at times, some things should have just been unlockables.
The movement is too basic, with little choices as to how to perform jumps.
It kinda reminds me of when rayman legends was released and Sup Forums was creaming all over it while NSMBU was better, albeit not as flashy Also a hat in time has an insane amount of charm to it, it's seriously impressive that a standalone title pulls this off.
It's not very good, i wouldn't reccommend spending on it at all
Yeah, I think Sup Forums doesn't quite grasp just how much better Nintendo platformers are than the competition.
The fourth world is gorgeous.
It's just not as mechanically sound as games like Mario Odyssey. It is amateur, and it feels amateur.
> is Yooka as bad as everyone says
It's not horrible but it's not really good. It's like a 6/10 at best and that's being generous. Unless you're dying for another platformer I couldn't imagine buying it.
Only 5 worlds, uses premade unity assets and has some weird bugs. 8/10 is a perfect score.
did we play the same levels?
Most Nintendo games are overrated, more news at 11. Hat Girl can become great once they add missing worlds. Right now it's incomplete.
It's fun but it's not 9/10. If you want the best example of why: look how clunky climbing the giant mushroom is. The platforming mechanics aren't even up to par with Psychonauts, let alone Mario.
>Most Nintendo games are overrated
LMAO. I'm playing Wario Land 3 right now, a game that has been almost completely forgotten by time, and I'm blown away by it. It's amazing how a GBC game from the year 2000 can just as fun as the best modern games.
Level design is hard.
Like "years of experience" hard.
Like "at this point in time the only one out of the big three that even bothers making good platformers anymore is nintendo because they are the only ones that do it well enough for a game to actually be fucking good consistently" hard.
People don't realize how fucking hard it is to make a fun platformer
The big tower in the forest? I climbed that in one go without falling. What was your problem? Also Psychonauts is a terrible platformer, stiff as hell and ugly-slow.
The Last Guardian and Uncharted 4 are 3D platformers. inb4 'they're not good lol owned.'
Plays pretty good for Mafia town other worlds are straightforward levels, with direction you have to go. Dropped ball by last world.
>inb4 'they're not good lol owned.'
They are platformers, they are not "just platformers" though, if either game had to prove itself on platforming alone they would both be awful games.
I'm not going to argue that they are good or not, but it's like saying Zelda games are good puzzle games. they have puzzles, but if Zelda had to survive on puzzles it would have died as a franchise ages ago.
Any metroidvania is also a platformer, that doesn't mean a good metroidvania is a good platformer,
Sorry mate, never ever. They had no intentions of making a Wii U/Switch port, they just needed their owners' money. I'm still amazed there were retards who actually donated to the kickstarter in hopes of reaching half a million dollars for them to "consider" a Wii U port.
Why are AHITfags so mad about Super Mario Odyssey? You fags are OBSESSED.
Never, the Devs went full Icarus and thought they could challenge the heavens. Now their wings have melted and they crashed into the ground. All that remains are bad sales and butthurt.
It's not as bad as the Project Cars disaster though.
>if either game had to prove itself on platforming alone they would both be awful games.
Wrong. Lock the boy or Nathan Drake in a room with a box in it and let the player run around, bumping into corners, jumping at various distances, spinning in circles, and they'll say it's good. There's a polish nuance in these basic actions that breathe the insights of Mario and tell all who have actually gripped the controller and felt it that they are good platformers.
>be arrogant enough to think that you can compete with the king of 3D platformers
>get crushed so badly that you won't put your gane on the Switch
Mess with the best, die like the rest.
>bad sales
Owners: 132,992 ± 11,319
please do a modicum of research before you bring the whole website into even further stupidity.
Nah, it feels like Banjo, which is complete shit.
>shipping numbers
The Switch is incompatible with UE3 (or UE3 is uncompatible with the Switch, I don't remember) and Gears for Breakfast don't have the necessary resources to port AHiT to UE4 (probably because they're making the extra levels they promised).
Everything else is just shitposting from Sup Forums as usual.
odyssey is clearly more realized than this game as well.
>Wario Land 3
not as good as Wario Land 4 tho
If AHIT had a couple more worlds, It would've been perfect.
>go to nintendo fansites and forums to shill your game
>tell them you'll think about doing a wii u port for 500,000 dollars, but never put it as a stretch goal
>tell them you're in talks with nintendo when it gets discovered you never were
>keep stringing them along until the game launches, where you reveal to them you were never going to make a nintendo version
We know the game's engine is literally incompatible with the Switch, it doesn't change the fact they're con artists. Although the retards who actually donated to the scam even after the devs actively avoided answering any questions of whether it was actually going to come to a nintendo console were just as bad.
>It doesn't control very well
>the camera is awful
As someone whos played A LOT of 3D platformers, I'm going to have to disagree there.
funny you should say that...
I stopped playing just after I unlocked the last world. The grind to get to the final boss was another 8-9 time pieces or so, and I just felt like I'd already seen the game peak in the second act.
Good game, but let down near the end.
its not on switch noone cares fuck of and delete your thread retard
>defends GfB, which is led by a person largely known for blackmailing/stealing/scamming people
>hat girl themed emoji image
Really makes you think alright.
That's right, Odyssey has more content and hits the high notes on all levels (graphics, music, performance, gameplay, presentation).
Swap Mario for Sonic and it would get 6/10 instead of 11/10.
No shit. It's also the only real 3D Mario game this decade, so it's not like there's no place for 2 good games
It's already posted.
Feel relieved
pretty tired of this meme, its at least 20 hours long. the only reason you think it is short is because you feel like it could have gone on even longer without getting boring
I pirated and liked the game and Hat Girl is cute. What the devs do with retard people is not my business.
Have you gotten to the creepy clown boss? That freaked me out as a kid
>It's too short, unfinished and has a lot of glitches.
You literally just described Mario Odyssey.
not funny
>HIT defense force this analpained
Game is fun but not worth the price they are going for
pirated with no regrets
this game is garbo
odyssey is shit too but at least polished shit
The devs clearly put zero thought on level design, 79/100 is too high.
>put zero thought on level design
>every level has a unique twist on the mechanics
Try again with the bait
So you’re saying Hat in Time was already on the cusp of being boring? You’re just proving his point.
What unique twist the mechanics? the murder case? that was purely the setting everything relevant to the gameplay was exactly the same
Why was Mafia Town such a cluttered mess?
Because the priority was making the levels seem like real places, not making them fun to play.
If Gears for Breakfast wanted the game to get good reviews, they should have done the smart thing and released the game on Switch.