From MY point of view, good game design over cinematic experience is evil

From MY point of view, good game design over cinematic experience is evil

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but playstation, I have the elevated position

That has to be satire.

I have brought peace, justice, freedom and security to my new cinamatic universe

>soys think have a say on what makes a good game when their only jrpg is a literal movie full of cutscenes
I’ll be here enjoying Bloodborne instead of movie weebshit

The fact that everyone’s favorite part in BotW are the cinematic Zora and Gerudo areas tells you that most people really do prefer story and atmosphere over gameplay, even those who insist otherwise. Nobody talks about the shrines or really remembers them despite being “pure gameplay”

Sony, you were the Chosen One! You were supposed to destroy the shitposting, not join them. You were supposed to bring balance to the board, not leave it in whirlposting!
You were my brother Sony, I loved you.

>cinematic Zora

What the fuck are you talking about?

Don't lecture me Sup Forums. I see through the lies of the roasties. I do not fear cute boys as you do!

I have brought intimacy, pure love, beauty, and loyalty to my new friendships!

>he doesnt know.
im sorry 99% of your exclusives are movies, Soynigger

Just get both systems. Cost of both plus controllers is still less than a new graphics card.

What part are you talking about?

Everyone talks about Sidon, mipha and the assault on Vah Ruta the most.

Careful, this is poor bait and will make your belly hurt.

A PC has all the good Sony games minus bloodborne and you can use it for way more things.

“You Either Die A Hero, Or You Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain"

No one talks about them THAT much. People talk more about exploration but eh, you're a shitposter.
>fucking pancake pancake posters with their pancakes always talking about pancakes.jpg

This unironically captures my feelings about modern Sony. So many good times during the PS1/PS2 era but to what end?


If anything they shit on that part for being too easy.

>Flamewar shit

Sorry memer, but they are games. I know in your childish mind that anything without a bing bing every 2 seconds isnt a game to you. Take your ADHD pills now :)

t. ()boy

Like what? You expect gamers to be productive? If they were productive they wouldn't be playing video games.

I need the source.

>I play videogames 8 hours a day

Well, I don't user.

It's over Anakin, i have the high resolution.

As if people don’t talk about cross dressing link more than anything else?

You people sound triggered that I’m pointing out an obvious truth.


>mfw somebody let the nintendies out again
You have to go back

Let's be honest there.
Mario kart dlc was done right for the price and content.
Smash dlc was done WRONG.
About physical DLC, I agree, it is bullshit.
About pre-order bonuses, come on, they are shitty toys and such, who cares.
About microtransactions, it is in a stupid shitty game, you don't have that shit in the real games, and even the shitty rabbit game gives you FREE plays EVERY day.
>meme run
who cares
>hyrule warriors dlc
DLC done right. Sorry but I have the game on 3DS and the DLC is meaty, you can't say it is a scam, you get a ton of content with it.
>exclusive new 3ds games
And that's that.
>they browse reddit
That's your problem for being american. Rest of the world doesn't have to deal with treehouse bullshit.
Still, you are not obligated to use miiverse at all.

Tl;dr they DID backpedal on a lot of things, but that list is cherrypicking.

>SEETHING so fast he see bing bing instead of SUPERIOR PC race.
lmao you faggots are sad.

I bet you have a job, friends and a family dont you, you fucking normie?

It's actually real and from resetera.

>but that list is cherrypicking.
How is it cherrypicking? It's objective facts and you have nothing to say than
>in my opinion it's okay
Despite Nintendo fags use to parade Nintendo would never take part in such ventures, now look they even want paid online soon.

>dude it doesnt count because nintendo dindu nuffin
Keep sucking cock


>Sup Forums thinks the worst part of playstation fans is simply loving modern naughty dog
from the board that created spikat

>thread is about GAMEPLAY
>Muh DLC

Yes paid DLC is an awful practice, it should be given for free to get more sales and to show appreciation to early adopters.

how is that but nintendo
this thread is about nintendo and sony

We all know it's nintendo soys who shit on Sony out of nowhere and instigate most console wars in this shit board.

people don't seem to talk about cross dressing cloud from 10 years ago

>you people
ladies and gentlemen, I give you the King of obvious bait

Go back to /r/prequelmemes.

>going on resetera
>going on any message board that isn’t anonymous anymore

Message boards have devolved from cool places to hang out like gamespot Off Topic forums in 05-07 to disgusting dumpster fires packed with degenerates and madness.

Fuck message boards. As cancerous and awful as this place is at least it can be funny sometimes and not everyone is trying to be a snowflake faggot.

it's a hilarious how much they're hypocrites. No one should take nintendo fans seriously

*Panders to lolicon crowd*
*Creates no big new IP's for a decade*
*Caters exclusively to children and pedos*

Is MHW a cinematic experience

YOU have nothing to say.
I expressed my opinions on them.
>b-but they are bad for doing that!!
Everyone else did dlc way before, faggots were crying because "nintendo has no dlc".
Don't turn the tables fag.
I hate DLC, but if they offer enough content for the price, it is ok.
Ever heard of expansions? In the 90s they were popular on PC.

>*Creates no big new IP's for a decade*
>But Sony
Makes a new IP, but keeps the same existing formats
>But Gravity R-
Where's the marketing for that one game, Sony?

DLC is never okay unless it is free.

imagine being this new

>people really do prefer story and atmosphere over gameplay
>appeal to emotion

It doesn't matter what people prefer. Some people prefer sitting behind a screen and watching a movie. This can actually be dependent not even on the person but on the mood and state of mind they're in too.

All that is fine but that's not the function of video games. The function of video games isn't entirely to appeal to what people like; it's to provide an entertainment experience where the user is allowed to change or enjoy the aspects of a game through sensory input. The term "game" implies that.

Movies do not have sensory input. Some do and as the future rolls on, I guarantee more will. Some people like being behind that screen. Movies tell a story from specific angles. But the primary function isn't to give the user options to play out a role.

Video games tell a story through your angle, primarily through your input. That's the difference between games of sorts and video and music entertainment.

It's not entirely about what you like. I like the color red. Video games aren't about the color red, video games are about playing out a role through sensory input. There are aspects of media that people like but the function of that isn't necessarily the function.

>From MY point of view, good game design over cinematic experience is evil
It doesn't matter what your POV view is because the function of a game is primarily to be played. Cinematic experiences are not what the primary concern is.

>but muh sony boogeyman
dlc is different from expansions
and you shouldn't defend nintendo dlc 20$ for a shitty bike and about 5 hours of new content

How many layers of denial are you on?

Anythimy is a cinematic experience if you boil it down far enough.

>hurr Mario is cinematic you hold right and press A occasionally it's barely interactive!

>"big new IP"
Shit is dead outside of Japan. Then again thats true for just about anything Nintendo.

>cinematic Zora and Gerudo areas

What the absolute fuck

>I expressed my opinions on them.
No opinions here, i am simply only showing you facts of the ventures Nintendo has taken.
>Everyone else did dlc way before, faggots were crying because "nintendo has no dlc".
Yeah nice baseless statement, like you actually expect me to believe this lmfao. Soon you will say people cried because Nintendo didn't;t have paid online.
>Where's the marketing for that one game, Sony?
They had this on nippon TV with a shorter version

T.butthurt Sonyfag

Like Sup Forums used to argue,

liking a video game for graphics(or cinematic experience) is like going to a high-end restaraunt, ordering soup, and falling in love with the spoon without touching the broth.

You're paying for the soup, not the spoon. Some people will subjectively like the atmosphere, the vibe, and the spoon, but the function of going to a restaraunt is primarily to eat. And if you ordered soup, it's to eat soup.

that doesn't matter
it just needs to sell good
.t butthurt nintenfag
newfag couldn't even do it correctly
game design doesn't just mean gameplay you retard


Ahh I fucked that up

you're still a mega faggot nothing I say will change that

PC has more movie games retard lol


Show your math.

Sonyfags are top cancer and the only people who say otherwise are ironically shitposting or in deep denial.

t. mained a Sony console since the PS2.

Notice how it's always insecure Nintensoys who start console war threads? It's sad.

>Have nothing to look forward to except cardboard.
>Lose to a four year old console.

The state of soyboys.

>Too new to remember le epic goldface catalog spam
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