4k enhanced. Get in here bros. We did it

4k enhanced. Get in here bros. We did it





That's pretty neat desu senpai

>Witcher 2

jaw dropping progress
in a state of hock and awe
soyboys and sonygros btfo

So wheres the NEW games?

>mfw narrator man starts shouting at me for killing civillians

When is Halo 4 getting a 4K enhancement and when is Halo: Combat Evolved and Halo 2 being added to BC with 4K enhancements?



fucking finally holy SHIT

This was supposed to be one of the first games made b/c

Crackdown is finally out and its enhanced noice

I'm redownloading Forza and The Witcher 2. They looked really impressive on the Xbox360.

Just popped up in my games to install list thats the beauty of digital physicalfags

>not owning your games is a good thing, and it's beautiful

>Witcher 2
>on anything but pc

Finally some Crackdown and OG Horizon love!!!!

>tfw already have a base xbox one og and base ps4 og
>want an xbox one x based on the massive support its getting for new titles via 3rd party devs and also for old back compat titles from MS
>will also have the definitive version of RDR2 - a game i'm super fucking hyped for
>xbox two is just 2 years away though

stuck in 2 minds. i enjoy my xbox, especially multiplayer with friends and i like to boost my gamerscore so i'd get RDR2 on xbox since i have a save game of RDR1 completed on there however it will obviously be the shittest version due to how underpowered the console is so the oneX is what i need however i don't want to drop £350 on a new xbox when its successor is probably 2 years away at most

When people say Xbox has no games this is what they mean, you get hyped for literal trash, crackdown? Forza 1? Fucking Fable, you're playing the same shitty games since 2004, Crackdown was trash when it came out and Fable was overhyped mediocrity

>he doesn't know the next batch of og bc Xbox games releases this spring
I'm assuming they'll add it then. If they don't then imma be hella pissed.

>subjective opinion

opinion discarded. i bet you enjoy yakuza. now that is a game which truly sucks based on my subjective opinion

t. own yakuza 0

Co op crackdown with keys to the city is jokes user you can get a car that sticks to walls

I kinda wish Xbox had a good baseball game.


Max Payne 3 when?

>hey sonygoys, buy this remaster for $40
>hey xbros, have this remaster for free in 4k

No, I don't like Yakuza at least I haven't tried it since the early PS3 days

I have it on the hdd literally can play it whenever all I have to do is full a press over its icon to launch it lol you have to put the game disc in hahahahahahaha

Lmao enjoy your decade old games that I already beat 5 times now

That anti-Xbox thread yesterday was fucking hilarious with all of the Soyny damage control going on in it. Dude even said Ninja Gaiden Sigma was better than Black solely because it was on Playstation

This is what I really appreciate about the way MS handles BC. I'm also sure the devs love it as it's minimum effort on their part and they get to enjoy those extra sales.

Fable anniversary? How many times are you gonna buy the same Halo Gears and Fable remasters?

Thats pretty cool for Fable and Witcher 2... tempting to get an xbone for that plus other 360 games. Since ive been thinking bout buying a 360...

I was in it and was talking with another user about how much I was looking forward to an enhanced Crackdown and here we are.


Sonic 06 when?

Aw sweet, can't wait to play a 2007 game in 4K!

For God's sake, MS has struck gold with the X considering 500 dollars to get into 4K gaming is a steal thanks to cryptocucks, and they still can't capitalize on it.

>Still 30fps.
I didn't ask for games to become unimpressive movies.

MGS collection fucking when?

Are you ready to UNDERSTAND?

>5x more power
>Same graphics
What a joke.

We did it bros.

how many times what? there has been 1 halo remaster this gen and it's all 5 games (odst dlc included) for £20. that's insane value. there has been 1 gears remaster ever made and it still came with all the 3 original games to be played via back compat for again a cheap price. there has never been a fable remaster for xbox one and iirc there has only been one ever on xbox being the anniversary.
meanwhile i bought tlou remastered for a full £40 when it came out and it was just one game with no added bonuses. that's the true jew move right there.
also why are you complaining about free upgrades? in 5 years time these same enhancements will work on the xbox 3 or whatever it will be called. stop complaining.

By the time this games gets around to the PS4, it'll be all but abandoned. MS struck while the iron was hot and released it at a perfect time.

They should put a free xbox emulator on Windows 10

No they shouldn't. Rather than actually playing the games, PC faggots will just say "LMAO NOW XSHIT OFFICIALLY HAS NEVER HAD A GAME XD!" and proceed to never actually use the emulator.

They should. I have both PC and Xbone and I can't be bothered to even start that brick up

Just given Horizon a spin on the X looking pretty sweet for an end of life 360 title.

how are they not capitalising on it? it's outselling the pro in the USA and UK, both of which are their respective continents biggest gaming markets. it's selling extremely well. there is huge demand for 4k content now thanks to tv providers offering 4k channels, 4k tv's being very cheap in general and 4k gaming being advertised heavily on youtube by memesters like pewdiepie and all them. even netflix and amazon prime video offer 4k streaming now. the era of 4k media consumption has already started and it's growing rapidly by the day. 7 of the top 10 (including top 3) tv's in the UK amazon best selling tv's list are 4k.

higher resolution won't fix a shitty console. Also doesn't have any games whatsoever

I was thinking of booting up Horizon first. This is how it looked before the update today so I have high hopes.

>playing PUBG at 15fps on Xbox One when you can play Fortnite at 60fps on Xbox One for FREE

>having the option to play both

Looked fine before the update, looks even better now. They've even added a button to toggle between performance and graphics. Nice touch.

This is going to be good. I've been waiting for this update for a while since it's one of my favorite games.

I have both. Fortnite is pretty fun but PUBG blows it out of the water.

The Xbox & Xbox1 are PC hardware. They are PC games.
They can run natively, anti-piracy and hardware localisation stops them.

Sigma1 is a legit competitor to Black though
only S2 is dogshit

I play both of them but I tend to use the same strategy on both games to reach the top 10, which is hide like a bitch and cap the unfortunate who don't see me first.

Yeah I just read that they added a toggle option. How's The Witcher 2? I downloaded it a while ago while it was free but never got around to it.

Saints Row 1 & 2 when

>The Xbox & Xbox1 are PC hardware.
the xbox one doesn't use out of the box pc parts. it a custom solution which uses weird tech like esram

shitty old games

Mine has over 400. Not including my disc collection.

This. I hope they bring MechAssualt with the new OG games list. Putting NGB, PoP and Crimson Skies on there first was a great touch for now.

Not tried it yet, but will at some point.

what games do you play? are you saying you don't own any old games or even bought any remasters and think that a free upgrade to one of those old games on a modern platform is bad?

He's just baiting or a die hard console warrior. The fact that you don't need to rebuy these games and that they are enhanced seem to piss off a certain group.

I said that, what I said was that people say Sigma is better than NG2 or Black because they are on Playstation, but that is only graphically, content wise, while they do have extra characters, the jump from being Ryu to Rachel, Momiji or Ayane feels ackward, it doesnt feel natural and well ... they suck compared to Ryu, I mean they have less moves than Ryu so its like playing a downgraded version of the game instead of something that feels different and fleshed out,the characters feel tacked on.

it was casualised, since using the BOW now has auto-aiming on the Sigma games, they reduced the enemy count on Sigma 2, and many other things, NG2 was a mess when it came out but MS allowed owners to copy their games to the HDD, this fixed plenty of issues.

Hell I remember that it only took me 3 lives to finish Sigma 2 from start to finish, whereas NG2 took me around 100, I don't remember if I broke that number or was just very close to it, since there was a bad achievement for dying more than 100 times.

That would be Sony fans.

>superior version already on PC
>meme game to make xbros feel like they matter
>superior version already on PC
>gay racing game

Wow, it's literally nothing

That's nice but I'd rather have new games than making the old ones run better.

I guess we can add another group to that list.

i would never understand this. good games are always fun to go back and play like crackdown 1. it's one of my favourite games of gen 7. an absolute classic. when i'm not playing horizon 3 or hzd on my xbo/ps4 it will be sick to go back and play crackdown 1 at a more stable framerate and higher resolution. id think most people would agree unless they're autistic like that guy

Is Crackdown playable now or what? I liked 2 for coop and it wasn't that bad but making zombies main enemy was retarded.

Faster ram is not weird. The Xbox1x doesn't use it.

It is playable now, also in 4k if you own an X.

Yeah, but I'm not sure if its X enhanced yet.
Its not showing up in the X enhanced games and the game doesn't look that different.

It is as my download just finished. I'm just waiting for Horizon to finish since I want to mess around on that first. Hopefully, RDR and MP3 will get added and enhanced next.

>360 games in 4K

So it's fucking nothing.

What a difference an update makes. I forgot how blurry these games were in the past.


It could be some delay I know Forza has been done along with the other titles we have so far.

it's literally impossible to emulate the xbox one x. i read a forum on beyond3d and based on the way it's engineered it will be impossible to emulate the "backend" or something similar to that

DID the standard Xbone versions get an update as well? I remember Crackdown looking shittier

the emulators give better framerates boost the res to 1080p on the base xbox one and also applies vsync

And it's still getting outsouod by PS4.

How do you remember something that hasn't happened yet?

>just started a new character in Oblivion last week
>Crackdown is now going to consume most of my game time


I still don't understand why they even made MCC other than 2 Anniversery. Halo3 is dead as fuck multiplayerwise and even Reach is still kicking but they should have made 3 bc as one of the first.


I recently bought a 1X myself and i was wondering why Crackdown wasn’t backwards compatible yet... Hopefully they’ll have a sale on it soon. Don’t really wanna pay more than $10 for it.

It only just hit BC, how the fuck can you remember it looking worse lol.

You may be able to find it at one of your local flea markets for cheap. I'm going to scoop up some OG games before everyone else catches on.



Consoles are for kids and the general populace, whom might not be experienced in installing games, who'd much rather have everything set up for them.
That would be fine if the choices made for them were optimal. They're not.
30fps at 4k instead of 240fps at 480p.
The worst part is games are made for their settings instead of to accomplish impressive graphical feats. They hold games back by decades. Demand for their settings in PC games destroys a market for quality. Look harder for good things, good things don't advertise.

the aesthetic and art style really scales well with the resolution. nice
