Now that the dust has it a good game?

Now that the dust has it a good game?

Other urls found in this thread:

I'm really liking it but I love slow, chill games
Definitely not for everybody


With the quicksave mod, it's mediocre.

not good, BASED

The hud and menus look like oblivion, does it also play like oblivion as well?

The developer's political opinions suit mine, therefor it is.

Yeah, but it's too easy by mid-game, unless you gimp yourself or mod it

No, but there are no niggers so yes.

Main quest is fucking broken for me

How did they get away with straight up lying about what the game was going to be like in the trailer? How did they get away with the ridicuous number of bugs and terrible AI?

>influenced in any way by the artist, instead of the art itself
Guess I should deny the fact I enjoyed Fez, because Phil Fish was an asshole and people hate him, and I'm afraid of people hating me as well apparently?

Man I can't wait until Kingdom Cuck Good Riddance dies out so you fags can cry about diversity in modern vidya again.

my town literally has 0 blacks in the current year and it's great

a Kingdom Kangz mod to make everybody black must be very easy to make. There can't be many unique models in the game.

You should deny you like Fez because it's a shitty game that was plagiarized from a flash game

It's ok, they shouldn't have limited saves with game that crashes randomly though. Dumb decision.
Quicksave should be in every game. Not everyone has the time to replay hours of a game.

The dust is far from settled.

Its okay to like Fez, its not okay to like Phil Fish or pretend Fez was a meaningful and gamechanging installment in its genre. Its inspirations are worn clearly on its sleeves and its okay to respect it for what it is, a good platformer with some good ideas.
Its okay to like KCD, its not okay to dickride the #BASED lead developer and pretend KCD is anything but an amateur developer's attempt at stepping into the industry.

People that liken this game to morrowind or oblivion because they choke on the developers dick for his opinions need to fucking die. dis-ingenuousness does nothing to further any kind of discussion about the game or the medium it exists in.

I think you misquoted there bud.

It has nice artstyle and chill soundtrack, no challenge at all but an interesting map. Minecraft was copied as well, I don't see people sperging out about it whenever it's mentioned

Well the combat is rather shallow and unbalanced. The overall game is unbalanced in the sense that it's way too easy and fast to get op stats and equipment, ruining most of the experience. The story is rather flat, with too many too long cutscenes and yet the story isn't even being concluded. The bugs are only a matter of time, but the overall game flow, mechanics and systems are far from good. So other than being arbitrarily realistic in some regards and having authentic assets the game really doesn't have much going for it.
Though it's still much better than the visual novel named witcher 3.

>amateur developer's attempt at stepping into the industry
Should I tell him...?


>it's not okay to pretend KCD is anything but an amateur developer's attempt at stepping into the industry.
I'm not going to pretend it's worse than I think it is though. Amateur developer or not, it does a lot of things better than other similar games while providing me as much, if not more fun.

go away, george

it seriously surpassed my expectations

It's good. But it needs a lot of patching.

Soydom Cum: Nuliverance was a collosal failure and a bad game and I can't stop laughing about it.


>its not okay to dickride the #BASED lead developer
Why not?
We always did that with Kamiya.

At least, until Phil Fish got mad and started comparing himself to kamiya each time the he was mentioned


Thats fine. I never said you don't have to like a game you have fun playing, Just don't hold this amateur hour mess as the second wind of RPGs because you like that the #BASED Dev blew out SJW cucks.

Kamiya is probably just as much an asshole as KCD's lead dev when it comes to showing his ass on twitter but Kamiya consistently makes quality games and has plenty of skin in the game to earn him respect for being an asshole on social media. He also doesn't give a fuck about social spectrums in his games and doesn't bother to go out of his way to blow out libtards epic style.

And he doesn't wear a #BASED T-shirt like a complete fucking tool either.

I'd say it suits my autistic self.
It's not for everyone, though.
The difficulty will have people ragequit.
I can't even imagine my brother playing it.
I mean, he's never played old games, and just rages at any difficulty in games.
I, on the other hand, finished Jurassik Park, and Donkey Kong Country 2 on Super Famicom, without any tips, because there was no internet at the time.
Wizards like me will understand.


>Game has high score.
>It does well.
>Game has low score.
>It does well.
>Game is made as a cash grab by racist talentless hacks.
>Does badly
Makes you think.

Stop pretending KCD isn't an amateur effort.

Cries of the irrelevant.
This, once you learn how to play its too easy, but if you don't it will be annoying.

>Kamiya is probably just as much an asshole as KCD's lead dev when it comes to showing his ass on twitter but

So it's not ok to like funny people on the Internet unless you like them (or the product of their work). Gotcha

One thing that really annoys me is the loading screens before dialogue.
It discourages me from talking to people because I have to wait for a 10-30 second loading screen.

Its a good game and it's fun. I don't care if you want to call it "amateur" or not

People only like it because it pissed off SJWs. Under any normal circumstance, this game would be garbage

>muh realistic medieval combat
Came out too late. Would have been hot shit like five years ago.
The only hope for this "genre" now is Bannerlord.

I have legit never had a loading screen before dialogue but my build works almost perfectly so I might just have the same build the devs had.

Mafia 1 tier

I pirate almost every major AAA game, each fucking year.
If you genuinely believe they couldn't slap a big publisher name on KCD cover and pretend it was a main release like many others, you're deluded.

Well, at least, it's not a pretend game, like
And yeah, the scope has been reduced, but maybe that's because they actually limited themselves to their fucking budget.

I got 100 hours out of it because its fun and I liked the story, I won't be playing it anymore till DLC comes. I am gay and Asian in Poland so be sure to tell me I am a nazi trump supporter.

KCD's lead dev isn't cringe. He's just pathetic. The embodiment of pic related.

Its not okay to like complete tools with no meaningful dialouge in the industry. Trying to draw a meaningful comparison to this amateur with Kamiya because both of them like to be assholes on twitter is a stupid notion anyway.

One has skin in the game and weight behind his words, the others a breathing douche.

Niche game. If you're on the fringes of said niche it can be pretty good, if you're not, then you'll hate it.

with all the sales I don't doubt they will actually add the stretch goals in updates and DLC, they are going to make a shitload of money out of this game.

It's good, but it has many issues.

Restricting saves may force the player to live with his decisions, but you better make sure your quests fucking work. Currently I have three broken questlines because key NPCs can't be talked to or quest items have simply vanished. This is not a finished product.

Everything is great imho except when the combat buggs the fuck out which ruins everything because of the save system. (I really like the save system for other things, but terrible for a buggy game)

Also the start is kind of slow and hand-holdy which might be a big turn off for some people.

Honestly if they manage to fix the bugs quick enough I think it might be true GOTY material.

>"KCD's dev is not cringe"
>posts an image of someone who is cringe.
Go wank to fury porn cringelord.

And I don't care what you like. Amateur has a denotation that supersedes your opinion.
Thats good, hopefully the success of this game will lead to more polished efforts in the future. This is a good thing.

Isn't cringe just being pathetic in public without a shred of self-awareness?

I like it

I think this is the fault of the testers they paid because the game seems very polished and stable on some systems but broken on others, I am not sure what can be done about this besides a shift in the industry that makes testing studios better

40 hours in, running on high graphics looking great and 60 fps. No game breaking or hindering bugs just silly ones like taking a bath in full armor. Fuck bushes. Pretty immersive. Needs home/wife DLC. Combat is great once you learn more move sets and combos. Please buy my game.

You're right. I concede, That's an apt definition and perfectly describes Vavra's existence on social media.

Don't quote me if you are going to completely ignore the content of my post, retard

>>Does badly

>Have a perfectly normal stance.
>Act in a way to annoy another group
>"y-you cant annoy m-me ITS CRINGE TO ANNOY ME!"
Ebin mem.

You're one of these two people and I responded to both with the same message that applies to both posts.
>Don't call this amateur game amateur because you don't like it.
>Not an amateur game because they were funded by outside publishers
Sorry definitions mean more than your opinion?

I was talking about Mass Effect Andromeda.
Caught you!

aye, very enjoyable until you get hit with the bugs
so you have to savescum to fix the quests

where's the patch david

>Act deliberately in a way to annoy people
Yeah, cringe. Sorry you're butthurt about your daddy dev being called out for being the childish tool he is.


I can't play the game without getting motion sickness. It's just this game. Thew movement is so clunky and clumsy. I can't stand playing the game for more than 30 minutes.

>is it a good game
>is it a good historical simulation
It has promise.

Go play pong grandad.

>Fearing leftist propaganda on Sup Forums
You're delusional

Why do you care about the shit developers tweet?
Guess what? you're bound to find an idiot in any development team, that
1. tweets, which means he's not working on the game while tweeting.
and 2. is a fucking idiot.

What's sad is, I wouldn't have heard about this game if it wasn't for the shitty controversy.
But judging the end product, it's clear there was a lot of work going into it, even though it's pretty damn unpolished.

>Its not okay to like complete tools
So, people you don't like

>with no meaningful dialouge in the industry
That bearded slav did more to the "crazy Americans accusing everyone of being a nazi" dialogue than anyone else in a similar position.
I can get that maybe you only read English-speaking websites, so they either didn't talk about the matter, or just shitted on him because he's a nazi

there's a mod you can try on nexus for that

But I was just arguing semantics...


>Based in bumfuck nowhere.
>Has bigger battles then skyrim.
Thinking about it I cant think of a medieval RPG that has bigger battles then this one.

It's the opposite for me, I wouldn't have heard about the controversy were it not for this shitty board.

I'm glad I can still enjoy games.

I mean, maybe that's why it's buggy, but as a customer I don't really care why the product doesn't work as intended, I care that the product doesn't work as intended. Just because they have an excuse doesn't make it right.

Yeah, but it annoys me that when people argue about this game's worth, it always comes back to that shit controversy.
Makes you think if it may have been a fucking PR stunt.
I remember watching a video about it, with the author of the article calling out whoever for muh SJW shit, was denying it was his piece in the comments.
Very weird shit.

mount and blade?

I suppose that is the only one, I hope bannerlord is good and gets released before Turkey kills all the intellectuals in the name of Allah.

its ok nowhere near as good as Sup Forums says no matter how much there BASED DEV GIVING IT TO SJW XD is

wait for a sale

>amateur developer's attempt at stepping into the industry
Stop being retarded.

>Not an amateur game because they were funded by outside publishers
Holy shit, you're telling me you genuinely don't know?

Like, you're not just pretending?

decide for yourself.

I love it. Very worth it. Took me 8 hours to get to the title screen because the horse would not stop fucking me over.

>as the second wind of RPGs
It's the only WRPG I really enjoyed since Witcher 3.

I can't name a better medieval action RPG made in america in the last decade, maybe ever


Maybe you should open up a dictionary.

Wow you found a bug in a game. No other game has ever had any bugs before. What a blunder!

>a bug

What would you guys compare this game to?
Mountain blade?
something else

>Under any normal circumstance
user, the whole drama surroinding the game is entirely "outside" the experience itself.
I know modern USA left-activists made people think if you believe in something, you HAVE to turn whatever you create into propaganda
But it just isn't like that, and this game is an example

One of the most important things for this game in PC performance is how strong your processor is at single threaded operations.

> I OC'd my 8700K to 4.8Ghz and I get nearly solid 60 frames per second with my 1080 TI on Ultra settings.

>Does anybody need to run this game at Ultra Settings? No. Run most everything on high and you'll have a good time.

It's exactly like Skyrim with no magic and much smaller but with more cut scenes during the main quest.

Oblivion, but with good writing and combat system.

oblivion but with combat and writers

I like how it's always the same few webms too