Play game

>play game
>absolutely love it
>hear it got a sequel
>play it
>plot is worse, characters are worse, writing is worse, music is worse
>the only improvement is the gameplay
>it has so many enhancements over the prequel which makes the first game unplayable, can't enjoy it anymore despite having better everything
>end up hating both as result
Are sequels always a good thing Sup Forums? How many franchises do these sequels have ruined? Pic related

Kingdom Hearts thread?

Dark Souls thread?

You thought Second was worse? I loved Default but it was the lack of communication between the protagonists and antagonists along with the endgame that ruined it for me. Second at least improved these things.

If the series ended at 2, absolutely.

the most funny is that the devs hate edea's second design , she never appeared again in any kind of media since second

Shut up and post Edeass.
Such a perfect girl.

>she never appeared again in any kind of media since second
And the other characters did?






But KH always had a shitty story etc etc. Only the gameplay was ever serviceable and since that got better that makes KH2 the better game hands down.


Second's story really falters in the character department.
The main party is complete shit, Edea is "muh food," Tiz has to get possessed by a ghost to stay relevant, Yew is a fucking huge faggot, and Magnolia has zero personality outside of being thirsty for Yew's dick.
All the sidequests have garbage writing, and the dead characters from Default returning for no reason completely invalidates Edea's struggle in the first game.
The villains are the only characters that are really worth a damn, but some of the shit Oblivion does makes no sense once you realize he's Yew's dead brother.
Magnolia had the potential to be a great character, but they shoved her plot aside and forced a shitty romance with Yew.
Honestly I'm just upset that Second ended up so bad in the writing department. Default wasn't amazing or anything, but at least it was enjoyable and interesting.
Second is so bad it retroactively makes Default's plot worse.

>music is worse
This still makes me mad

There are very few game composers in the world who could match up to REVO.

That is what happens when you change the writer for a "team of writers".



I'm still very early in BD but do all bosses have shitloads of health? I like tough battles but these just seem like boring mindless defensive slugfests.


I agree, abilink makes bravely default much more playable though



mass effect

your damage output spikes ridiculously so it kind of cancels it out

Where's my Bravely bundle for the Switch? I don't wanna go back to the 3DS.

Level up a wide variety of jobs, upgrade your gear and buy magic, don't bother maxing joblevel because after a certain point (about job9) the required exp skyrockets, and better grind spots are available latter.

Let Octopath Traveler come out first, no need for Square Enix to compete with themselves.

You've been rused, the game is trash

Welcome to rpgs back in the day.. this game was marketed for people complaining about the lack of old style rpgs from square but guess what ! people never stop complaining no matter what you do

Bosses need a lot of hp or they're not satisfying.

God, the game's treatment for Magnolia pissed me off.

They hyped her as this cocky badass bitch that hunts abominations but they just made her generic and being there only to be Yu's GF. Even the fact that she's from a society in the moon is rarely brought up.

>Oh hi, my name is Magnolia and I came from the fucking moon. Yes there is a whole society there dedicated to protecting the planet from weird alien things!

>Hmm, maybe we should have conversations with the party asking Magnolia about what society in the moon is like, the history behind it or what the Baal Buster training is like?
At least have a conversation about what food on the moon is like, for fucks sake.

Is there any game that actually sequel is good ?

Dead Space 2.

>Play game
>It's good
>It's the first game in a 8 entry long continuing story.

Retarded opinions thread

Well, good to know I should stop playing now while I'm still only slightly invested in the game. Sucks too, the first game was so good.