>weapons that suck every game they're in
Weapons that suck every game they're in
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It is ok in KF2.
Only brits could make such an ugly gun.
Not in BF4.
Most pistols
Git gud, it was awesome in Battlefield 2.
It was literally the worst AR in the game for a year before they fixed it.
It's pretty great in siege desu
i love the sound it makes tho
the fuck are you on about? scorpion is great in every game, in mw3 you could mow down an entire team of shitters with the extended clip attachment
It was good in Stalker.
This is objectively incorrect.
That's realism
there's one in SCP: Secret Laboratory that's not so bad
I loved this thing in BF2, fuck you op.
It was ok in bf3 as well.
I want to say this gun is in Insurgency, there it's not bad.
Amazing in R6S. Virtually no recoil on auto and packs a good punch.
You're thinking of the MP40.
fuck what's the one that's just better with the side loading mag?
Type-100 Machine Gun?
it was alright in STALKER, SG 550 my gunfu though
It was alright in STALKER. I preferred using the AK anyway.
But it's so ugly
Cod 4 double tap with bandolier and your laughing its so good
Are you sure about that. I got it on the day it came out and slayed with it. You must be a shit assault then.
was gonna post this
it carried me through half of the game until i got a very good sniper rifle
Guns was fucking great in Vietcong, and completely viable in SOF2
So it's realistic then.
wtf u talking about, it was great in stalker.
None of the vanilla Stalker guns are "great" and SA-80 is a bottom tier NATO rifle in that game. Maybe the worst one? I dunno how it compares to that AR type one.
I genuinely can't think of a gun that's bad in every single game that features it, but here's one that's bad or mediocre in most games.
>shit in stalker
>mediocre in far cry 2
>only one good thing about it in MGS:PW
>bad in every milsim
>bad in Dayz
I think siege is the only game I've played recently where it was actually alright.
Confirmed for never having played stalker.
Good in Insurgency, especially for the price.
>None of the vanilla Stalker guns are "great"
seriously nigger?
Ultimate stealth SMG in CoD4. Insane range and accuracy with suppressor equipped
Hey i put that grip on my ak. Its pretty comfy.
Where is it? I've only seen the pulse rifle/pistol, M249, M1911 and Skorp
The suppressed variant, 6П9, is fantastic in FC2. Completely silent and perfectly accurate. One hit headshots. It's actually stupid how good it is for a fucking pistol.
t. stalkerbabbies
How about a gun that's usually good but for some reason sucks ass in one particular game?
Its great in MW3
>scorpion is great in every game
Not in MGS3.
every game its in is unrealistic. They never jam in games
>I can't explain why any of the guns are bad so I'll just call people that actually played the games "stalkerbabbies"
You've clearly never played Siege, Sledge is amazing
It's pretty awesome in mafia 2
Just opened Insurgency to check and played it for an hour fuck why did I ever stop playing. It was the Sterling I was thinking of, it's basically the MP40 but better but the MP40 doesn't stick out as much around corners which I'm sure you know is a big factor in Insurgency.
Good in BF3, just needed to know how to use it. That shit is a hipfire machine, almost as good as the mp5
I know that feel man. I'll have stopped for like a week but when I get back on I'm in for like 4 hours at a time. Sure there might be retards who don't use smoke on Sinjar, or dumbfucks who don't know how to play objective, but when you've got a good team it's the best online FPS out there
Sledge? You mean worse Buck?
Just like real life
It is unequivocally the worst gun in the game not counting shotguns because they're basically broken. Sure it's free, but the weight and space in your inventory (making it slower to switch to a grenade) is enough to warrant not carrying it.
A friend of mine got me CSGO for christmas and we've been playing since then but we've agreed it makes us too irritable and we argue too much while playing. This thread motivated the first time since christmas returning to Insurgency and I honestly don't see myself going back to CSGO. So much more relaxing and tactically orientated.
Would easily not even buy it and go straight for the AK12.
it was good in rainbow six black arrow
>any attack team without a Thatch
Can't think of a single game where it isn't god-tier
How would you design this in gameplay mechanics though? More range and much faster attacks? As long as the game is not a reality simulator and has somewhat standardized health pools the range advantage that is very crucial in real life turns into a negligible initiative bonus.
LMGs usually sucks ass.
>all the CoDbabbies in this thread
Jesus christ, the state of Sup Forums
BF's ASVAL was a fun weapon but definitely not god-tier.
It sucks in real life too. A massive boondoggle by the UK government. They started phasing them out right after their billion dollar purchase of a full armament.
The UMP45. Every single game I've seen it in it's an utter piece of shit
I don't think I've played any game where I've thought to myself
>"I can't wait to get my hands on a Glock!"
In SWAT4 it was the best weapon in the game cause devs made .45 bullets so overpowered.
It was a great medic gun in Battlefield 2. You could practically snipe with it, despite the xbox hueg SUSAT sight
Not him but the makarov is fucking great in insurgency
That thing is actually pretty decent in Shadow of Chernobyl.
The Half Life one is alright
It becomes good in rising storm 2 when the stock is retracted, especialt in CQC maps like hue.
>Being this shit at Stalker
You mean the sterling.
I just fucking hate them
sledge main here
too op otherwise
>200 round mag
>high rate of fire
>better give it unreasonable recoil to compensate
and then it becomes garbage
It's decent in Siege.
>vidya lmgs are literally assault rifles with larger magazines and bonkers recoil
We're old user, that gun isn't the Klobb to these people anymore.
>thread about weapons in games
>surprised people talk about CoD
>I slayed with that gun
Nice, nobody cares.
This gun had a fourth of the recoil decrease of other guns (have fun tap firing) and twice as big recoil left and right.
You could have slain with that gun all day long if if care, it was still objectively the worst AR in the game because of its gimped stats.
It does it's job as an early weapon very well and can still hold up until midgame as a cheap long range alternative to the Python and the Crossbow
Makarov is fucking useless
>shot a VIP with last round in rifle
>quickly switch to Makarov
>dump whole mag into him
>still alive
I'd take the big, erratic assault rifle school of design over the belt-fed peashooters of some games like BF1 before the TTK patch.
Again insurgency
Flamethrowers are the ultimate infantry remover in many RTS and in some FPS.
aint no one remember vietcong, user. i swear that game was the absolute shit but no one talks about it these days.
your issue with the PM sounds like a PP, chief
yeah the G36 and the f2000 were both sorta TOO good. once you get a gun that lets you consistently land headshots the game becomes a cakewalk.
>*sounds of knee mortars in distance*
its pretty ok in R6Siege, what's funny is that it does more damage than a .45
With proof too you dumb faggot.