Can somebody please explain to me why Melee has the worst community in the FGC?

Can somebody please explain to me why Melee has the worst community in the FGC?

I'm not an active part of the FGC, as I'm not good enough at fighting games to say I play them.

However, I've noticed how loud, obnoxious, and entitled the Melee community is, compared to SF, Tekken, BlazBlue, MK, and the rest.

Why is it they refuse to play the newest game in the franchise, while every other community is forced to? I know the Marvel crowd hated MvC:I for a bit there, due to how it looked, and for removing favorite characters in exchange for lesser known ones who have the same function.

Melee has been around for 15 years now, making the oldest game at EVO. Rather then replace Melee with Smash 4, EVO decides to host both, just to keep the Melee fans from rioting.

Seeing what I have from Melee, there could be an actual riot, if/when EVO removes it from the schedule. I know salty players exist in all games, but I've never seen somebody throw their stick because they lost, or punch a hole in a wall because they lost a game that wasn't Melee.

Next I want to talk about entitlement. During its early years, Melee couldn't get the support of Nintendo, and were confused as to why. And it's a pretty simple Nintendo didn't want to be associated with e-Sports. That, and Sakurai said Melee was a fighting game. That's why he never patched out wave dashing or other competitive exploits, because he thought nobody would play it to such a level of competition. Then when Brawl roll around Melee fans got pissed thag Sakurai made another party game, and made sure it couldn't be competitive, but Melee fans made a mod to make it like Melee. Then Smash 4 came out, Sakurai realised people were going to play competitively, so Smash 4 was made with that in mind, yet Melee fans refuse to adapt to the new game.

Why is the Melee community this bad?

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying its not the absolute most entertaining one

>this is the first result when you type "my b" into google

Casuals are more fun to play with than pros when it comes to Smash.

>not enjoying items
>not enjoying fun gimmicky stages
>not enjoying every character

Its like playing TES or Fallout but wanting to remove some of the features.

But it's not though. Every tournament ends with one of the "Legendary" 12 players winning.

Melee being as old as it is, people gave so much muscle memory it's impossible to compete with.

Melee is basically solved. So are we just supppsed to wait until 20XX actually happens?

It could be a lot worse.

I've heard that Melee venues usually stink.
They play Melee because no other game in the franchise is as precise or technical.
They also played Project M, but that got banned. Sm4sh isn't really what I would call competitive-friendly, but Melee players just don't find the same depth in it.

I dunno dude, why does it bother you so much that they wanna continue playing what they think is the best game in the franchise?

Because every other FGC community has mild autism strewn around, there's always "those" few people in every game.

Melee is an entire community of "those" people. It's a game that has forced itself onto the main stage year after year through concentrated autistic screeching.

It bugs me because they think they deserve special attention at EVO. There's only one Guilty Gear, one Blaze Blue, one Street Fighter, one Tekken. And they're all the newest.

Melee hasn't been fun to watch for a while now because it's been solved.

For someone that isn't a part of the FGC you're pretty assblasted.

>Can somebody please explain to me why Melee has the worst community in the FGC?
>Why is the Melee community this bad?
There are shitposters, same as any fighting game really, but some people just really hate melee so you see a lot of falseflagging and arguing about it.
I've seen players throw sticks in other fighting games but I don't have any numbers on whether it's more common in melee or not.

>Why is it they refuse to play the newest game in the franchise, while every other community is forced to?
>refuse to adapt
I don't see how that's a bad thing at all, they like a game and they keep playing it. If anything it's sad that most fighting game players move on to whatever's newest, if it weren't for game companies and their financial stake in selling new games I think it would be better if people stuck with whatever the best iteration of their preferred fighting game is. But like you say, nintendo doesn't care about esports so there should be no problem.

>stinky day

I disagree, I still find it pretty fun. And 20XX has yet to happen.

Melee is a party game not a fighting game

Melee community is also the smelliest. Literally.

Exactly what I'm saying. It's like playing Mario Kart 1v1 only without the items and only Mario Circuit is playable, What makes Smash Bros. is the chaotic games with items and FFA to where everyone can get a shot at winning. Why not just play a real fighting game if you want hardcore competitive fights?

Could I get a breakdown of the melee community's cancer? I get the impression that there's a bunch of melee players having fun by themselves and everyone else wants them to stop enjoying things for some reason.

I know they donated some money to get into evo 2013 and they have high attendance and viewership numbers, is that a bad thing?

That's what I meant to type.

I doubt you've ever played a pro. Maybe just a guy who prefers items off.

Would a smash pro get rekt against someone who is allowed to use items?

That's literally everyone who still plays this game though.

>No items
>1v1's only
>Ban 90% of the stages
>Fox and Marth

I don't see the fun in that.

I don't play netherealm's games and never heard of this furry faggot at all but that 13-0 set was entertaining for what it was.

No. Items are banned because they just make the top characters even more broken. You don't want to know what it looks like when a decent Fox gets a hold of any of the stronger items in the game.





You say that as Plup beat nearly every god at Genesis 5. Melee is nowhere near a solved game, especially at this point.

>top vidya players are either trannies or furries

No, items are banned because they lead to less fun gameplay and are highly luck dependent. It's definitely not because of balance even if it does happen to help in that regard.

Fox or Jigglypuff win the next few majors.


So, aside from adding some spacing to to final paragraph, what would you suggest my formatting be?

Hey man

Theres nothing wrong with consuming the whole page

With shitty formatting

Now back to >>reddit xD

Hell no. I thought people were memeing me when I heard pro players power shield fox's lasers on reaction. Played against one with samus, ate two charged shots and another one unchared. Stopped using change shot on neutral.
Now imagine what can they power shield. They'll steal your items with Z anyways.

I think a lot of their community's attitude is inflated by the attention and resurgence the Smash Documentary brought them. They went from being a rather small dedicated group playing an older game that wasn't getting featured at tournaments (in favor of Brawl) to an internet sensation filled with "personalities", drama and "storylines". Just like any shitty American family that suddenly gets a TV show greenlit, this leads to massive egos and the eventual degredation of the original group's dynamic.

There's nothing inherently wrong with being dedicated to an "outdated" game but the Melee community acts as if they are solely responsible for all their success, like it's an underdog story or something. In reality, their scene was only given new life once it was sensationalized via a youtube video and a few dramatic individuals at the top. Once they had everyone's attention, sponsers started rolling back in.

There's nothing inherently unique about playing a 15 year old game at a high level either; people have been and will continue to play ST, 3S, VSav, KoF, etc. in tournament settings for years. They hardly get any attention because they aren't attatched to reality-TV level "storylines" and nonsense.

Because "real" fighting games aren't as fun, or as deep, or as interesting to watch.
I say that as someone who loves fighting games and will be watching most of the Top 8s at EVO this year. Melee is simply the superior game, and superior spectator sport. I've shown clips of competitive melee gameplay to people who have never touched the game in their lives and they still found it hype as fuck.

So what I'm hearing is that they really want to be pro wrestling.

>Because "real" fighting games aren't as fun, or as deep, or as interesting to watch.

I know nothing about fighting games. AT all. They're not my thing. But I watched some of evo to see if I could get it.

Melee was so fucking boring that I couldn't really enjoy it.

Melee is the autistic, shit-flinging younger, barely related cousin who should be segregated to their own table but then they screech and fling shit all over the place until they get their own little corner. Only that's still not enough, then they start demanding to sit at the head of the table so they can rub shit over everyone else's food while yelling how good their shit tastes and how you should be happy to eat their shit.

Melee isn't a fighting game.

I can't wait for EVO next year where Melee is replaced by Them's Fightin' Herds. The salt's going to be glorious that an MLP fangame takes over Melee's spot.

I can tell you that I enjoy Smash 4 without items and on stages without major hazards for longer than I do with items and crazy stages. I have a good time with the latter but some people just like the feeling of getting as much mileage out of their personal tool kits as possible. I say that as someone who's never played Smash at a high level and spent most of his time on For Glory losing to scrub tactics.

Virtua Fighter is a lot more deep than Melee. As so is most other fighting games. Whether it's fun to watch is up to the viewer.

>that time M2K got catfished during a tournament and no one told him while he made a full of himself talking about 'her'
fuck all of them

OK but what did they actually do in this reality? My local used to have melee nights and they were exactly the same as any other fighting game community as far as I could tell.

Yeah, basically that. I heard the same thing in a video were the guy liked fighting games and tried watching meele evo finals. A thing of beauty was the name of the video, kinda insightful.

>I say that as someone who loves fighting games and will be watching most of the Top 8s at EVO this year. Melee is simply the superior game, and superior spectator sport.

lmao typical a streamcuckold thinks he knows everything about fighting games

I don't know what to tell you, every person who I've shown the game finds it visually interesting as fuck.
And why wouldn't they? The game is all about hyper-accurate movement and combos that end in the other guy flying off the screen at 300mph. It's not a regular fighting game where the health bar is a mountain to climb and footsies take place over a stretch of about 5 feet, it's a fighting game where players are constantly all over the place, juggling and comboing from one side of the stage to another.

Visually, it's easily the most interesting fighting game out there.

The opposite had happened for me. I show my friends traditional fighting have and get way more hype because the health bar system is an easier system to digest. I generally have to explain why a smash set was hype.

A casual never touched the game before viewer is not going to pick up on those intricate and accurate things. You're a smashfag and that's ok but you don't have to lie.

>attention and resurgence the Smash Documentary brought them
Good point. I suspect it's also what brought the legions of people who had nothing better to do than going to tournament streams of a game they don't like and don't play, just to shit on it (sm4sh).
Making them think they knew everything about the game and the scene there is to know, too, like newfags spending some time reading ED and thinking they are oldfags on Sup Forums.

That's actually really interesting. Basically, I showed people who didn't play smash or fighting games two videos, one being this:
and the other being this:

The Axe video got a LOT more reaction out of them.

But it's not a fighting game. Melee with items would be a lot more visually interesting. You can say watching 2 guys streak around a stage is "visually interesting" compared to 2 people competing at high level poker.

It’s not going to have a major spot, but it’s sound enough to have a minor side tourney. Which is impressive enough by itself, game’s legit.

>melee with items would be a lot more visually interesting
No, it'd be a lot slower and more boring

>ummmm fighting games are way too hard and have difficult execution, the difference is smash is actually pick up and play and about the actual fun of the game instead of about stupid combos and retarded button sequences in 1/60th of a second!!!

uhhh smashcucks? care to explain yourselvese?

>loud, obnoxious, and entitled
Send your condolences to the Marvel fans.

See this is interesting, this is an occasion where you somewhat need to know the mechanics of Third Strike (chip damage/parry...ect) to understand what's going on while the Smash play is just someone bodying another super fast which you don't really need to know anything about.

Yeah because watching Fox vs Fox for the 300000th time is more fun?

I'm not part of the community, but it should be obvious. The games play differently. With melee you get way more movement options, which makes the game faster paced, longer hitstun on attacks so combos are easier to pull off and edge guarding makes off stage play more aggressive and reflexive. With Smash 4, there's a mechanic called rage that basically turns everyone into Lucario.
But this is a shitposting thread so I wasted my time typing this.

>With melee you get way more movement options

MvC and tekken are both more movement focused

That's entirely fair to say. But if you had to come up with a fighting game clip that didn't require in-depth knowledge of the game, what would you pick? Because for me watching someone get bodied super fast in a fighting game isn't as interesting as in smash, because in Melee they have a lot more chances to escape. Plus, because of the way stocks work Axe had to win 4 different neutral exchanges in incredibly short order, which I think you don't see as often in other fighting games.

>One hit will kill the blonde guy
>He makes a comeback that the crowd is super hype for so it must be pretty damn difficult

>A pogeyman teabags some gay fox near a ledge repeatedly
>A bunch of drooling retards are autistically screeching in the background because they've soiled themselves for the 3rd time in 15 minutes

Bitch, when did I mention other fighting games? We are talking about melee and smash 4. Your bullshit reply is irrelevant.

>Why is it they refuse to play the newest game in the franchise, while every other community is forced to?

what? then why are fighting game cuckolds still playing sf2?

Sorry dude, but you're delusional as fuck or you really don't get out much.

Any community that encourages and praises people like this fucking moron pic related are the worst community. The amount of fans he has, as well as the stupidity they exhibit, has no comparison.

Two different sets of fans
Sm4sh and melee

>I'm not an active part of the FGC, as I'm not good enough at fighting games to say I play them.

>stinky day

They're okay when you leave them alone. Autistic as fuck but not unbearable
The problem is that you keep letting them into other venues when they have zero interest or respect for anything that isnt Smash/isnt Melee

Say what you want about Smash games in general. Melee and Smash 4 are two very different games. Don't expect most players to jump ship and play Smash 4 instead if Melee was dropped from tournaments.

To the Meleefags' credit, Melee is by far the most entertaining of the Smash games to watch. It's fast, flashy, and hearing the Gamecube controllers clack a million times a second is truly something to behold. But Melee is a solved game at this point and you're only ever going to see the same handful of people playing the same handful of characters like the Spacies, ICs, and Marth (unless you're HBox, because you'll be Jiggs 100% of the time). While Melee is still impressive, nothing new will ever come of the games

As for why EVO will probably never drop Melee, that's an easy question: Melee brings in the views and $$$$$$$$ from everyone who competes and travels to EVO in general

And for the record, don't assume people in other communities are content with moving on to the newest games. There are still people out there who are purists for ST and UMvC3, but they'll just never be on the main stage at EVO. You bet your ass they'll still proudly represent those games whenever given the chance

Shouldn't the melee fanbase be praised for sticking to a game they actually enjoy instead of jumping to a new entry just cause


You're implying that other FGC people don't just stick to their main game and loudly complain in Twitch chat when their game isn't being streamed

>move onto the newest gayme!!!

there are plenty of people out there that still play ST, 3s, mvc2, vsav, VF, even accent core, they just don't get publicity like smash does because smash is nostalgic for college aged kids that watch twitch

melee gets the second most amount of viewers.

THAT'S why it's at Evo, you dumb shit

Melee continues to live on while other "real fighting games" die off.


>Falco above Falcon in taunts
Absolutely not

Twitch chat is a part of the internet. There's no reason to expect any decency there
Smash fans at Evo/wherever are like a real life Twitch chat, screaming and booing other games while crying for special treatment

>Ganon's laugh that low

Aren't these tier lists usually in no particular order, horizontally?

>Kicking people off ledge with Luigi's taunt
Nothing is more satisfying.

Nintendo fans have autism, we've established this

You don't even have the faintest idea what makes a good taunt. And you don't even have all the characters listed

Honestly I can't think of any at the moment because at work but I agree. People getting dominated in Smash is fast more entertaining than traditional for the most part because it's reset to nuetral at least 3 more times.
I think traditional is better shown off in close sets while Smash is better shown off in moments, for the most part.

Melee players are a holding pen for autism. They actually have higher rank players who don't bathe in the weeks leading up to an event like Evo. Even with explicit rules to encourage hygiene standards they show up in mass smelling like shit and the organizers can't kick them all out. It's why melee players have to fight practically every year to have their game accepted at most major tournaments.

Nah it almost always goes from left to right in that particular format
If it was spaced from the middle then maybe, but this isn't
Also, Yoshi and Ganon in F tier?
Fuck off

Like this? lol

melee is not part of the FGC since its not a fighting game, OP.

I think OP was referring to the fact that Melee is still big enough to get into EVO. Also thanks for the video.

That's probably due to Melee's popularity and Nintendo being more hands off compared to other companies like Capcom who are more likely to pay for their games to get in.

>gone to multiple tourneys and majors at this point
>have literally never had a problem with BO from anyone
Where the fuck are you people getting this shit from

>top capcom and NR games are dominated by autistic niggers on pad
yeah i'll stick to guilty gear

It's because you're the one with the bo

That picture picks entirely arbitrary requirements for fighting games

hang yourself

the game is about defeating your opponents in melee combat, it's a fighting game

Melee isn't part of the FGC. It's not even a fighting game.

Meanwhile there are 2 Smash games at evo

Melee would die overnight if Nintendo announced a $500K+ pro tour for Sm4sh like Capcom does for SFV.

Why the fuck is Link not on the list? Not that his taunt is anything special, just why?
Also shit list.

Semi-serious example of someone getting dominated would be this insane HnK match.

Also, it might not be as obvious (or shown at all in this HnK video) but traditional fighting games have tons of moments where the game resets to "neutral". Teching throws, blocking correctly, parrying, low jab to stop offense, scoring a knockdown, rolling out of the corner etc. all result in a player getting "their turn" back. At face value, it might not be as exciting and fast paced as Melee but it's there.

It's actually about making sure your opponent doesn't make it to the stage.

Catherine's at Evo too
And it's still more entertaining than Smash

Mario Kart was also at EVO