Not owning the rights to a series with your name

>not owning the rights to a series with your name


Other urls found in this thread:

Madden, Hawk, and anyone you can think of with their name in the title of a videogame never get IP rights, just royalty payments.


who the fuck is tony hawk?


Tony Hawk is pretty based. That guy has a flawless career.

A specific, endangered species of bird located in California, primarily known for doing sick stunts on skateboards.

Mike Tyson doesn't own punchout

Wait, people expected him to be in charge of the license for the games or know anything about development..? What the fuck is wrong with people.

>getting cucked this hard by the corporate jew
What a soyboy lol

>people expected him to be in charge of the license
that's not too much of a stretch to expect
>know anything about development
now anyone that blames him for glitches and expecting him to be a game dev is a literal retard

I might play a remaster of th2 or'd need the same soundtrack though and I don't know if that's doable these days with licenses and shit

Most probably just asked him to bring some of the old games back which is a reasonable request.


This is a picture of that kid who went "Tony Hawk sucks!!" just because it was his name on the cover. The kinda kid who chose Bam's side in THUG2 even thought Tony is a way more impressive skater. Bam is more of a comedian, admittedly humorous to me.

>he doesn't know that the thps games were given bit by bit from the mouth of skateboard jesus to unworthy devs
the sermon on the halfpipe was the sickest shit ever

>tony hawk is 49

Where does the time go bros

Metal Hawk, huh?

>johnny knoxville is 46
>i'm 30 in 2 weeks

It gets better from here, right bros?

One of the only pictures taken of the creature.

No. Your body is going to start falling apart and the decay becomes more and more rapid.

I'm 22 and today I had my sixth interview in 2 months and they again roasted me about the 4 years of neethood.

Maybe jokes aren't for you

Is there a chance that they will be BC on the Xbox?

Couldn't he just call a new game Tony Hawk's Skateboarding?

My bf is 31, soon to be 32. He looks better than ever.

Anyway, happy early birthday, brother. Start working out if you don't already

So how about that Kelly Slater

Maybe you should suck the diarrhea from my ass how about that you little bitch

>not putting bullshit volunteer experience and saying you took time off work to help a sick family member

That’s why you should’ve been taking classes at community college even if they were bullshit. Just gives you an excuse like “yknow I was going to school and my parents were letting me focus on that”

If you don't do it already, start exercising

Actually, yes it does. your 30s are like how the 20s are for girls. I'm fucking 37 and still posting on here for some dumb reason, but that's beside the point. 30s are awesome. Way better than 20s. I'm more confident and more focused. Girls like you more. I did well in my 20s but in my 30s girls fucking love me. I've been in a relationship for passed year or so but before that I was going out with several different girls a month and it was great. Don't be scared at all bro. 30s as a guy are amazing

>not making bullshit up on your resume
>leaving in large eras of no work/school on your resume

Its only your fault and 6 interviews ain't shit. Welcome to the real world son. Trust me man even at high level jobs you can always fudge your credentials but you have to be smart about it.

I acquired my first permanent pain at 25, I'm 27 now and still have the pain in my back. All pains used to go away before that, this one is gonna stay with me for life I suppose. It's not agonizing pain or anything, just something I'm always gonna feel when sitting down too long or twisting my back a certain way. You think you're invincible in your young adult years and as you get closer and closer to 30, you realize you're not. That's right about when obese people start to experience their first heart attacks and such too.

Too real man... I'm feelin it too.

>buy prepaid phone
>list bullshit job
>list the prepaid phone's number for the job
>if they call to verify, just answer and confirm the info you listed on your resume

90% of the time it will be an HR person doing the call instead of the actual manager you interviewed with, so they won't know recognize your voice. If you're really paranoid, just use voice changing software

Not really how it works. They essentially just pay Tony Hawks for the rights to use his name and likeness on their games.

>tfw 22
>playing football with friends
>feel immense pain next morning in my left thigh
>5 months later
>can still feel it
T-this isn't forever, right?

Just kill yourself.

go see a doctor, eeediot