Metal Gear Survive

A lot of people were wrong about this after all.

I don't get the hate but it is mediocre at best.
The whole money for another character shit is still pretty fucked up.

but op, i dont think a lot of people said it was good.

>muh kojimmer

The numbers spoke. Kojimadrones got BTFO.

good thing you get SV coins for free

It's not just the save slot story. It's now also "haha all you do is poke spear with fence :DDD"


Let's be honest: It shouldn't be a locked feature at all.

>30 a day for a two week launch period = 420
>1000 to buy character

lets be honest: that's just your opinion and ignoring a large amount of context

You shilling faggots are pathetic, kys

>"haha all you do is poke spear with fence :DDD"
>Mortars exist
Yeah those people are full of shit

Fuck off, I have the game and the whole "locked shit for SV" is retarded and no one should defend it.

>implying it's just for two weeks
MGSV did the same thing. Even so it's like, what, $10 at full price? Good thing the game goes for $30 lol

hi kojima shill hows death stranding coming along? kojima blow all the money on fancy dinners with mads?

People memed Kojima into a demigod of the games industry and blindly believe that he was wrongly fired and that he wasn't burning Konami resources for years to the point that they had to Pachinko to recoop the losses.

Let's be honest, MGSV didnt do any of this. MGSV had no microtransactions and didn't give you any advantage over other players on the FOB PVP.

Oh wait


>MGS V did it so its ok

I never played MGS V whats your logic now?

>Fuck off, I have the game and the whole "locked shit for SV" is retarded and no one should defend it.

Dude it's literally just MB coins again and you don't need an extra avatar anyway. It's mostly just for cosmetics

Don't worry, I'm sure Death Stranding will be an amazing movie

Behold the floundering desperation of the Konami shill. This is fantastic.

>See, what would happen is.. is - they would LOVE this godawful tripe if... if KOJIMA made it! Yeah, that sounds right!


That tactic quickly falls apart. Most people watched foortage of the first two hours and formed their opinions there.

I like how fucked up you can get, but they affect you way too little. The only thing of any importance here is the bleeding, the rest is just a minor inconvenience.


>Let's be honest, MGSV didnt do any of this

uhhhh wrong

do you have an argument or do you just like spewing your opinion?


well let's hear why it's so bad to begin with then

You can break your leg, and you start limping.

>Konami did the same thing with MGSV
Oh, so it's okay now.

EA launches Battlefront III with even more lootcrates?
>EA did the same thing with BFII, so it's okay now

So I defended this game last night against all the Kojimadrones but playing now with the patch in place holy fuck Konami fucked up. Hard is unbearably hard now, they made your weapons weaker and nerfed the rewards. COOP was the most fun part of this game and now they made it tedious and less rewarding. I am nit going to keep playing if this is the case.

shit, you got me, god dammit

>tactic falls apart quickly
not really, the only time in the entire game its not viable is hard scavenge. otherwise a fence and a spear will get you through, personally the barbed wire fence worked best as you could sprint attack into it.

You said MGS V did the same thing to validate survive. I never played MGS V. Whats your logic now?

Both games suck anyways

No BFII locked actual content behind its paywall. Avatar slots don't unlock any additional content they just make your overall production faster after you put all the work in again.

>>implying it's just for two weeks

You know what is really ducked up and even the anti survival shills don't even talk about?

The timer on the base mining that uses coins to speed up and it's the only way to unlock late game recipes. I slept in an hour late and woke up to all my expensive buildings being destroyed shit fucking sucked. Like real time timers on a console game?


>he didnt have his base defense team setup but started a base dig anyway
your own fault.

but yes the time gating is bullshit

They locked a basic feature like making a new character behind a paywall. Shill harder.

Fuck I'm currently at this exact fight.
How to win?

Can we get a list of the Reddit talking points that get spewed in defense of this game? Add to the list as you see fit

>ITS NOT $10 FOR A SAVE SLOT BUT A CHARACTER SLOT (this argument actually makes it worse and they are too stupid to see this)

What am I missing?

>game carefully tells you that enemies WILL come again after so many hours
>explains in detail how you can defend yourself OR check the map to prepare defenses so your NPCs can fight it for you
>bwaaaaaaaa my shit got knocked down

I thought it was good, but it seemed to me like they had a bigger story that was butchered.

Like the black cop literally doesn't do anything once you get him despite him being a main character.

Also seems like Seth should have shown back up early in the story so you could build up a rapport with him, instead of you saving him in one mission and then killing him off 2 missions later.

kill them before triggering the timer retard.

Rev up them shotguns.

are you dumb? run up to the zombie and place a fence front of it, then poke

what if I told you they made the black cops rescue into a necessary mission to pad out the length of the game?

There's literally 2 mortars right there. I mean the weapon not the enemy.

the mortars warp in at that one ya dingus, theres none to kill before the timer. easily the hardest defense in the main game.

>Zombie still shoots you
Fucking retard

>Sup Forums consistently hates "survival zombie base building games"
>mg survive comes out and they love it
Is it because Konami fucked Kojima and you guys just want to be contrarian as fuck?
Also, crack when?

>easily the hardest defense in the main game.
I literally sat in the corner when it was just the mortar zombies and waited it out. My transporter had half health still

i didnt say it was difficult, just that it was the hardest in the game

Throw a grenade at them, 1 hit ko.

I wouldn't have bought this abortion even if Kojima hand-crafted it himself. Pretending Kojima isn't the best developer walking or that survive isn't the final bastardization of the greatest videogame franchise of all time because retards knee-jerked against this game because he wasn't a part of it is fucking retarded.

Quit picking sides and learn to respect good games and people who make good games.

>Reviews are now Mixed
>Game can never break over 6k players again

In another week or two we will have the game exposed exactly for what it is, mediocre and dead.

Why is it bad to begin with? I'm just using an example to explain my opinion

They actually are there before. I failed that one the first time then went and defended the other one that's north of it. Came back a bit later and as I was making my way down they were passed out on the floor along with a bunch of regular wanderers.

Serious question: WHEN does it get more interesting?

I'm like 5 hours in and have only visited the inner edges of the dust. Once. Most of the time I keep hunting sheep and gather piss from the piss pond, which keeps me from actually playing the game.

Gets a metric fuckton less demanding as soon as the game gives you the means to boil water.

neat, i didn't actually go up there when i did it, i just recovered sahalan and then did that and went home. swore i saw them gate in.

>the mortars warp in at that one ya dingus
no they don't, retard. after the cutscene with sahalanthropus go on top of the hill and you will see mortars laying down. KILL THEM and you won't have to fight them during the defense

I don’t care if it wasn’t made by Kohima
It’s still trash

Is there anywhere to get a better O2 tank?

Not that i've found, but the enemies drop more and more Kuban energy so you can just keep refilling it, even at 0 durability.

no, there was a rumor of one for a while but nobodys talked of it since. once you reach postgame however its hardly a concern, half the time i dont even bother refilling it.

Numbers? You mean Survive only has 7k all time peak players compare to MGSV's 90k?

Chapter 7ish


No, but you can find a craftable stationary endless oxygen resupplier in Africa.

honestly? after you beaten the game. you will unlock classes and shit and multiplayer is a lot more fun to play.

yeah untill you walk away from it, then it despawns and you just wasted resources. that thing is hot garbage

When you start going into the dust

>$10 for a save slot
fuck off shill, i hope you hate your job as much as i hate seeing you posting this fucking train wreck every hour.

Never. Keeping you from actually playing the game to pad out for time is the whole point.

No you are saying since MGS V did something bad its ok that Survive does. How old are you where you think this is valid logic?

>paying $40 for a fence poking simulator

No I'm not because it's not bad in my opinion

>spend the entire fight ducking between rocks, shooting and healing getting my shit kicked in
Notice the mortars 5 seconds after it's over

lol actually battlefront 2's content can be unlocked by just playing and you literally can't spend money in it anyway so... mgs is worse

>What am I missing?
An argument.

No because this applies to MGSurvive exactly as well given you get sv coins

>Patch fixed matchmaking
>Patch nerfed shotguns

>you now have to stay for the entire duration of hard mode
>either the drill must be sped up 24/7 or someone has to do the iris side quests, or you absolutely will not get S rank
>one purple drop for the S rank
holy fucking shit what did they do

This makes me mad because it's so fucking true.

killed an already dying game by making it MORE tedious rather than adding something to make us want to keep playing

>it's just cosmetic
fuck off
this is never a valid argument

Does this game have any big cowtitted semen demons?

Hi Dunkey. Sorry but you might not know this but that doesnt work later in the game.

Youd know this if you played more than 30 mins of the game :)

Lose some weight btw, you look like boogie :)

>Metal Garbage Shitvive

I only played beta but never saw a purp from S ranks

Why not?

>I literally cannot keep my purple equipment repaired now because the materials I depended on don't drop fast enough in hard co-op
they really went and fucked it all up, the madmen

Hi eric

can't you spend real money in mgs?

They're bringing the real money lootboxes back to bf2 you know

Some do gate in during the sahalenthropus mission but I decided to do the wormhole defenses first. That way if I failed the other objective I could just teleport back right away.

Who the fuck is eric?