It's up

>it's up
>already review-bombed
PC gaming

what does a bunch of mad children shitting on a snes game have to do with PC gaming

That's what happens when you cheap out and just port the mobile version onto Steam.

What did they do to piss people off?
Also reviews are just a complaint box.
Who the fuck cares about reviews?

Too bad it's not the DS version.

>What did they do to piss people off?

Bad phone port.

the salt factory just opened

Thatd do it. Carry on.

More like
>Game gets released
>It's shoddy port of the worst version possible
PC gaming

Don't they understand that you have to at least make it AS GOOD as an emulated version to make it successful on PC? Whatever, still got this shit on SNES anyway. Still my favorite RPG.

>Charging 15 dollars for a digital version of a game from 1995
Why is this allowed

Nobody cares about some overhyped meme weeb trash. Weebshit "RPGs" have never outgrown their status as primitive Wizardry clones and this turd is no different. PC players have a shitload of actually good RPGs to choose from and this turd will barely sell anything.

>dev releases shitty low effort port of a mobile game for way more money than it's actually worth, especially when you can just play it for free
>people hate it

What's the problem here?

>console gamers get shit on
>10/+0 great tasting shit I love PS+
Sorry if PC Gamers aren't corporate whores and hold companies responsible.

Post of the month

>download project 64 FOR FREE
>download rom of Chrono Trigger FOR FREE
>play FOR FREE

No proper physical release, no buy.
Fuck off shill

>port of the phone version
>not just using higan with a rom
About the same amount of effort and at least one would make more people happy

you can't make this shit up

These motherfuckers are selling what any 10 year old can get and have running flawlessly in -minutes- with zero DRM for...15 pounds?!? What the fuck?


I dunno, these seem like pretty legit complaints.

>hey here's that thing you already played and could've played again at any time you wanted in the last 20 years but this time it's 20 dollars

It is, actually. The phone port was a port of the DS version, and this is a port of the phone version.


It is the DS version
Believe it or not, the Mobile version is better than the DS version because it doesn't have the downgraded sprites and the inaccurate colors

Wish it was the original SNES version with the better translation


>wah its a mobile port
>don't list any actual flaws

>Reviews are saying the touch screen controls of the UI still exist

There's lazy and then there's that.

>project 64

nigger seriously

Chrono is a PS1 game you dumb fuck

Chrono Trigger was not on the Nintendo 64. You dumbfuck.

That picture doesn't make any sense. Steam and GOG users are bending over every time they give money to Steam or GOG.

Well at least I'll get some Chrono Trigger wallpapers for my Steam profile. Not actually buying this turd though.

They could have remade the game from the ground up exclusively for PC and people would still moan that it isn't the original.


>Bubsy Two-fur is better than this pc release tripe

My brain is swelling

>you'll never play the Nintendo 64 version of Chrono Trigger
Feels bad, man.

>not the DS version
Why bother

>legit complaint are "salt"
How brainwashed are you to support brands so blindly with so little counter arguments?

>better than the crappy playstation version
Which one of you made that thread?

The complaints are valid. Maybe not worth a negative review but with the black and white steam voting system it's all they can do really.

>Waaaaaah people will complain no matter what
I wish it was legal to murder people.

Wasn't the FF VI port the same shit? Why are people surprised? FF IX was a mobile port as well.

That first review is pretty good

it's garbage

>tfw no proper HD Remake of Chrono Trigger by Studio MDHR

All of these complaints are true. Don't blame people for not wanting to eat nu-Square's shit.

iOS game*

>don't want to eat garbage
PC gaming

1 cup coin has been deposited into your account

Why does Square Enix do this with every single one of these games? All Final Fantasies are on Steam too and a few of them fucked up hard. How can it be so difficult to put these older RPGs on steam and maybe tweak one or two gameplay things? They always end up messing with the sprites, going too far with trying to "remaster" the soundtrack and the tilework and fuck it up by being ultra lazy. Something modders could probably fix in a month.

>Legit complaints are """"salt"""" to the average PC user
The absolute STATE of PC gaming ATM.

But things usually cost less on steam than they would off of the playstation or xbox store.

Of course nobody's fucking surprised, it's just an excuse to act outraged because tortanic.

I don't get it. PCfags have to beg and beg for games and only receive scraps at best.

How brainwashed do you have to be to defend this?

Basically the blur filter
wrong emulator idiot, you're supposed to use mupen64plus

>pS1 game

consolefags are a lost cause, they will eat everything up no questions asked
just ignore them

They cost $0 if you pirate and you get the superior version from pirating.

It is the DS version though
The mobile version is basically the DS version with some issues fixed like the color palette which was wrong in the DS and the sprites aren't downgraded like they were on the DS


> port begging master race finally gets a port
Let them starve
Ungrateful fucks

Considering FF VI has 80% positive reviews and FF IX has 92% positive reviews I would say people are definitely surprised.

Sounds like they got CHRONO TRIGGERED®!

is this a crop
it's not showing up in any of my image searches

A photograph of the SNES game running on an HDTV looks better than this.

People aren't allowed to be mad at shit because of tortanic? How aggressive is the aids for it to eat away at your brain this much?

Jesus Christ. How can you take this fucking long to put a game on PC, then you somehow come up with a version worse than the emulated one?

Is it the same as the SNES?

>atk: 493
>def: 449
>HP: 43785


Consolefags are Nu-males who should be euthanized.

Why should people buy a worse version of the game? Just because it's a product that exists? Some of y'all need to get some standards.

>port begging
I don't think there's a single person who actually asked for a PC port to a 20 year old game that could be easily emulated and/or played on a million different systems. But please continue shitposting.



You wot.

It's dolphin on virtual console mode you moron


i o s p o r t

Looks like what would happen if you told your younger brother not to touch the ZSNES options.

Great post, shows you've played CT.

What aare you faggots expecting? Chrono Cross on Crysis engine?


SNES9x has existed for years. No one's begging for shitty ports of old games that play, look, and sound better with emulation.

kill me

Thanks for beta testing FF15.

How about something that looks at least as good as the SNES game?

Just take a deep breath. Calm your mind. This too shall pass.

>console to console port is bad
Sup Forums rips the game and the lazy developers
>console to PC port is bad
Sup Forums says PC players are whining

every time

>playing japshit

the game shows a menu button that is clearly a touch display asset


uunga chuuna no mad

No one asked for this.

>download Zsnes, which is free
>download CT rom, which is free
>play it, for free, with even more options/features/mods than any of the ports, which are also free
Damn PC users are so cucked, right guys?



Fucking kill me

>atk: 236
>def: 231
>HP: 73483

>shows you've played CT.
Sorry, I don't play weeb console garbage, because any weebshit "RPG" is stuck on the level of Wizardry 2, maybe 3 at most.

What's the problem, there all same like actual problems with the game.

Is Square not aware adding Mobile/IOS ports on Steam is a faux pas? And why the fuck is it a limited edition?

How the fuck does the picture or either posts imply anything about console faggotry? Do you have braindamage?