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K&L3 never ;_;

It's a fucking tragedy. Kane & Lynch rapes the fuck outta Hitman.

honest to god KL2 is the most kino shit ever

fuck reviewers who didn't fucking get it

Dead Men was solid. Dog Days was a fucking masterpiece.

>tfw you played the series too late and will never ever experience the online multiplayer.


Who owns the IP now? Did IO take it with them or do Square Enix still have it?

Maybe it's a good thing. Japs would only pervert it.
Clear example of how to do things propperly.

my fucking niggas
love those games to bit, especially Dog Days
replayed it recently and the atmosphere is so thick fucking hell. it's an example of a good story in video games if i ever saw one

IO doesn't have it.

Dog Days makes me wanna live in Hong Kong. For real.

you and me both amigo


fuck Kane and Lynch when's Army of Two Four

army of two is kane and lynch for plebs

Dog Days played like dog shit, but the multiplayer was great fun for a couple of hours.
What do you retards see in it?

It's mainly the aesthetic. It's also one of the few games that had the balls to make main characters who are complete asshole psychos and doesn't even try to justify their shit.

I'm assuming I missed out on some stuff from not having played the first one.
Guess I'll get it next time it's on sale, maybe it'll change my mind.

I also liked that nothing went right for those guys. Kane's family hates him in Dog Days, Lynch's gf dies a brutal death, it's just so, so bad and maybe it's a cheap trick, but it makes them so much more lifelike and I guess even relatable in some way.

Why is this image still up.

K&L2 was awesome, the aesthetics carried the otherwise overall average gameplay. But I still remember it even the years after finishing the game.

The gameplay's fine. I don't understand the gaming community.

>Resident Evil 4:
"Holy shit! Best shooting mechanics ever!"

>The Order:
"Mediocre gameplay. The shooting just sucks."

>Kane & Lynch 2:
"The gameplay's average as fuck."

Is there a universal scoring guide I forgot to download? I don't see the fucking difference.

By average I mean it was in it's core a standard 3rd person cover based shooter, without anything else worth mentioning except the way it presented itself.

But yeah, the shooting was fine, but that's something you expect, right?