This is the current state of PC ports
This is the current state of PC ports
It's the state of one particularly shitty PC port, not all.
Nice thread though.
How did these stupid faggots fuck it up so bad? I want to hand them money for nostalgia bait like the goddamn retard and they won't even let me
This is the state of incompetent japanese porting mobile game to pc
on Sup Forums, one = all
So what's actually wrong with it besides being a faithful port of a shit version of the game?
>no emoji support
What are we mad about? Did they fuck up Chrono Trigger now, too? How?
Square never gave a fuck about PC ports. Even the original Final Fantasy 7 port was a botched abomination that failed to run correctly on a lot of hardware.
I still loved it.
simmilar to the FF6 PC port, it's a port of the iOS release, with shitty filters, touch controls on top of the game, and in FF6's case it had new sprites which were inherently inferior to the original sprites, though I think in CT's case the sprites are the original ones
tl;dr: play the DS version instead
They tossed the game into a shitty upscaler/filter and butchered the UI, didn't they?
Are these niggers really too dumb to just copy a ROM, invent some achievements and slap a $20 price tag on it?
Wow, how did they fuck up the tiling?
Its kinda hilarious to think about too, because its literally the original PC release but made to work in higher resolutions and newer versions of DirectX plus it plays back Ogg files instead of MIDI data. (the midi data is actually still there, just in the archived filing structure, you can still rip them just like you could in the original PC release.)
>buy a game only to post negative steam reviews
The Samurai already took your money and ran, maybe if you weren't so fucking gullible you wouldn't have to deal with shitty ports.
For comparison, here is what the overworld should look like. Notice how you don't see any squares.
Also you can mod your original PC release to use an Open GL wrapper instead so it basically ends up just as good as the Re-release if you have proper MIDI devices to play back the XG soundtrack.
>Buying Japanese PC ports
You don't have to pretend we get good ports user. Anyone who bought the rockstar humble bundle knows the truth.
I think a fairer comparison would be to actually start the game up and take an equivalent screenshot rather than one with the Epoch taking up half the picture. The original overworld does have notable tiling, but the upscale just makes it more obvious.
it's just square's pre-ff7 titles because they're all iOS ports.
It really doesn't.
FF7 on the PC was actually less buggy than FF8 on the PC. There were some graphic issues that could never be resolved in the PC release of FF8 without some kind of Direct X upgrade. Also the way FF8 handled MIDI was frustrating as it used Microsoft Direct Music which was an attempt at making it easier to port Playstation Games. Microsoft Direct Music was an attempt at making what amounted to a virtual 'sound chip' that could work in line with whatever game set up for it so you could have proper sound ques with events in game that relied on music. Heavily underused and very few playstation ports used it.
In totality, FF7 on the PC was more PC game than FF8 was on the PC.
uhmmm actually it did have squares, it didn't have enix at the time
What's the best way to play ff6 ?
Revengeance was mighty fine on PC, so was Dark Souls 3
This looks better than the original version. Deal with it.
GBA version on emulator with a romhack that adds the SNES soundtrack sounds like a good bet to me theoretically.
Dragon's dogma
RE7, Metal Geras, Bayonetta, Vanquish are fine
Square Enix fucked up with Nier:Automata though.
Alright thanks man. I've only heard good things about ff6, I hope it's as good as people hype it to be.
SNES version is the only way to use Cyan (a samurai who's special attack is a long charge thing) properly, as far as I know, as you can leave him charging on player 2 while you play the game with player 1
other than that, I think the game got a PS1 port which has load times, so yuck, and it got a GBA port which is completely pointless at the moment since it has worse audio, lower resolution and different translation (not like the music is ruined in it though)
I'd probably recommend emulating the SNES version regardless, and if you're sitting in front of a PC then assign the 2nd player controller to a second controller you have or to some keys on your keyboard to use Cyan
also use macros if you're a shitter who can't do a hadouken or simmilar fighting games motions with Sabin
I heard the GBA versoin with the romhack's sound is still inferior to the SNES version
in any case, it doesn't have any extra content, and the SNES version has higher resolution, so it's pointless nowadays (on release, however, being able to play FF6 anywhere was awesome)
I mean, the PC/android version is 'technically' the best version outside of the fact that the redone art is AWFUL. Which is why I recommend the GBA version as its the nice middleground of updated translation + gameplay elements and fixes and added content.
looks like they just ported the phone version.
True, but I recommend the GBA version as a nice middle ground of the classic art style + better translation + added features like extra dungeons.
Witcher 3 runs great you faggot
that looks like the snes emulator when you overdo it with 'high res' filters.
couldn't be bothered to actually spruce up their assets. It looks worse than the original.
>the best version is one that ruins a main aspect of the game
the best version is the snes version you fucking retard
you never play a modified version of old games. play the original or do not play it
ppl here constantly recommending ff3 on gba, with fucked resolution, translation, palette, music and mode7, fucking kill yourselves
>better translation
worse translation. the original is the good translation
GBA FF3 breaks the game in 6 different ways. It is a recommendation people make because it was made to them, not because of any actual REASON.
>extra dungeons
oh good fucking lord are there not enough jrpgs for you to grind already?
opinions discarded
SNES with one of the patches, maybe a retranslation or font change. Wouldn't change anything else, really.
Ported by slavs.
And this is the right way to play Chrono Tigger.
That's a terrible shader.
Holy shit that looks like absolute fucking garbage. There are so many things wrong with the aesthetics in this menu I don't even know where to begin.
>Dragon Quest mobile ports to PC never
Fucking sucks. I want to play the best version of DQ4 without having to use a touch screen.
>hey man how do we make these old graphics look better?
>I dunno just smear them in vaseline
Why does SE insist on porting their older games with shitty UIs?
They legitimately look like those premade html buttons from websites from the early 2000s.
fuck you
you are asking why a company that made FFXIII intro a trilogy and went bankrupt over a CGI movie keeps making bad decisions
That's really good, is that retroarch?
Unlimited Saga WHEN?
he thicc af tho
Wo. I stand by my choice to buy a Super NT more and more.
I have to be fair though, the new Romancing Saga 2 re-release doesn't look half bad which proves they can make them look good if they try.
They have their priorities all screwed up.
just emulate it you cunts
>no better than Higan, which is free
>doesn't even have analog video-out
Fuck you, I hadn't seen it and now my brain will not let me forget
It is.
It's hard to see any seams when the border of each tile is two pixels wide lol
Looks like it was a very lazy upscaling, did they even check the final product before releasing it?
>$20 for a license to play a 23 fucking year old game that can easily just be emulated
fucking why
people who pay for this shit are the cancer killing the game industry
was this piece of shit programmed in game maker
This will go directly into Sup Forums Software engineer graduate threads.
Wew lad
>it's another square enix tarnishes another golden era game they didn't even make for easy profit episode
Call me when they attempt to remake chrono cross. That'll be a good laugh.
>buying phone game ports
As long as you fucks keep buying these out of muh nostalgia they have no incentive to polish the ports.
I'm a nostalgia whore 100% and i still won't buy this.
This makes me appreciate xseed all the more.
Holy shit. Quit acting so entitled and at least be happy they give you something. This is why devs don’t want their games on pc. Bunch of elitist pricks.
This. the game runs and you get all the content. there is no legitimate complaint.
>don't demand good stuff!
no, fuck off, they ported something that's absolutely disgusting when, if they wanted to do a lazy job, they could have just ported the DS version instead and we'd have gotten a way better version, even if it was lazy
stop defending Squenix being lazy and shelling out shitty ports instead of having the bare minimum standard
> This is why devs don’t want their games on pc.
you're full of shit, loads of devs want to release their games on PC because it gives them a ton of profit with little to no downside thanks to digital distribution and no need to print out discs, manuals and boxes
Then why are so many ports so half assed? They clearly don’t care enough to put all the effort for u pcfags. Of course you guys eat up all bad ports because u have no other games to play on pc. Get the fuck outta here.
are you this naive that you think they release games on the PS4 and Xbone because they LIKE you retards? it's exactly the same for all platforms, all they want is money
and PC is the only platform where the userbase has standards and will complain about something that's poorly done, a PS4fag can't play Chrono Trigger, neither can a Xbonefag, but a PCfag can play the SNES version, or the DS version, or even the PS1 version, and now Squenix released a version that nobody above the mobile market in intelligence will want to buy because we already have better versions
I might have shown support if it at least was a port of the DS version, but if this is their effort, then it's not worth my money, keep in mind we don't have this mentality of "shut up and eat it" that you retards have
>Chrono Trigger
>it triggers people over 20 years after it came out
Fuck off Colin.
t. reseterattlesnake
man Sup Forums I'm done. It breaks my heart to see CT treated this way. I
Same here. It's one of my favorite games of all time.
>Holy shit. Quit acting so entitled and at least be happy they give you something
Yea you accept shit? oh wait modernfag yea you do PFFT HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
>expecting cyberdimension today
>not released yet
>instead we get a shit port of chrono trigger
i bet the same thing is gonna happen with the eventual release of ff1+2 and tactics
What happens if you hit no.
The game says fuck off it uninstalls itself install a virus deletes system 32 blow's up your pc and sends you a package in the mail and kills everyone in the house.
We truly are here just to suffer
only if you buy shit
Not buying this port doesn't make me any less sad we won't ever get a good one. At least there's emulation
that's just embarrassing