The combat in this game is so fucking braindead. Spam square, triangle, and dodge to be an unstoppable god...

The combat in this game is so fucking braindead. Spam square, triangle, and dodge to be an unstoppable god. If you get hit it's okay because you can easily just get a fuckload of defense chips. Why does this piece of shit get so much praise?

People don't play Taro games for the combat.

2017 games really made me realise just how little I should care about critics or fans' opinions on games.

People just play this game for the fan service, they pretend it's not a mediocre pile of rubbish because "le 2b thicccccccc xddd!" It's Platinum's worst combat system and Taro's worst cast of characters.

there's literally nothing else to the game though

>platinium game
>gameplay is just ok

All platinum games are like this

What are some good games with combat? Ys not withstanding

The combat is actually incredibly deep with literally multiple dozen different moves you can do at any time but this is almost never apparent and only useful in a select few fights in the game, mostly ones that involve complex aerial juggles and these fights are already cheesed easily enough with pod crap.

You probably played on easy mode. Play on hard and come back later.

Doesn't answer the question. This game does not deserve GOTY or even favorable reviews. Everything about it is fucking awful

Why else would I play it? I said this in another thread, but this is the japanese equivalent to BioShock Infinite. Shallow garbage that rests entirely on visuals and concepts that are barely explored, yet still somehow praised because of waifufags.
Gamers are fucking uncultured retards.

the only difference between easy and hard is pressing the dodge button and grinding for chips

I fucking hate this excuse. Nothing makes this game special. Taro is a fucking hack. These games are bad and nerds have been brainwashed into liking them because the creator is even more fucking autistic than the fanbase, making him the autist king.

>that rests entirely on visuals
Funny thing is that the visuals are fucking awful. It's literally like playing a game with a low res mod.

this. almost every single hyped-up 2017 game has been garbage for me.

Maybe to you, but other people enjoy things like music, atmosphere, fan service, the plot

and before you reee the fuck out about other people's opinions, take time to consider that other people may enjoy things you don't.

The only people I've ever seen get real excited over this piece of shit are women and faggots, so that should give you a good indication of the level of shit you are dealing with.

>this is the japanese equivalent to BioShock Infinite
Perfect comparison.

I'm talking about aesthetics. Graphically it's ps3 tier.

The dominating atmosphere in this is that of an unfinished game. The desert is LITERALLY a sandbox, every zone in this game is completely empty with nothing to do except a handful of boring fetch quests.

>music, atmoshpere, fan service
Yeah, and I too enjoy books for the fonts, spacing, paper quality etc
The plot is garbage.

>dodge to become unstoppable
That shit is the worst. Metroid Other M is a perpetrator as well, which is weird considering defenders say they thought the gameplay was good.

You hardly ever play games.

But you are not playing as 2B more than 2/3 of the playtime.

You're right, they're pretty fucking bad nowadays

Cool opinion bro haha

Dark Souls 3 is good and has challenge

And you still buy them. You have a massive backlog, and all the criticism coming from you is from your 1st half our of playing a game.

The combat is not about winning, it is about style you absolute mongol. Much like all combat in games like these. Please do not tell me you thought Dark Souls wasn't the same.

DkS3 is an insulting Souls game.

what a weird post, I guess you want me to reply?

Oh? I never played DS1 or DS2, I just found DS3 fun.

the hacking minigames were really fun

Never ever switchfag

Im having a ton of fun with it. Loving the music above all else as is usualy the case with taro's games.

But then again i managed to have fun with drakengard and love that soundtrack too which I guess makes me autistic.

The combat is mediocre but it's not the main draw of the game

That analogy is so fucking bad... but I'm assuming this is a (You) response taken from another board. So here ya go, (You).

A lot of Sup Forumstards also just watch streams because they can't afford to buy most games since they are neets.

This user has the right idea.The criticism or praise a game gets here is just a bunch of biased bullshit and it's better to just see for yourself if the game is to your tastes.

> Sup Forums doesnt like automata

I see the quality in this board keeps getting worse every year. Probably proportional to how depressed the 27 year old neets who continue to post here year after year after only just playing 30 mins of every game and quitting.

You can objectively judge whether a game is good or bad. It's not a subjective media like music or even film is. The fact of the matter is that the combat in this game has zero challenge and the world is literally empty.

If this game came out years ago it would have been shit on for being open world trash with no depth.

>It's not a subjective media like music or even film is


It's only subjective in the sense that if you're new to video games you would be more easily impressed by shit like this. An unbiased analysis of this game from someone who isn't new to games can easily see understand how bad this game is.

There are people that like this game, so your point about objectivity goes straight out the window

And this post is coming from someone that has only seen pictures and trailers of the game. Clearly hasn't played it at all.

how is it open world? areas are gated and progression is linear. Sure the areas are big but that does not make it open world.

Unless you apply that term to every game with big areas that you can revisit.

There are people that also like the Harry Potter series, or the Transformers movies. What kind of argument is this?


You're proving my point. If something was objectively good or bad then everyone who has experienced it would agree on its quality.

Really? How have I not played it? What am I wrong about? Does this game require anything more than spamming square, triangle, and dodge? Is the world not completely fucking empty apart from fetch quests? Do chips not completely break the game? You can't just defend a game by saying "you haven't played it!". You aren't making any point when you do so.

Play on the difficulty where you die in one hit.

Someone can also think that 1+1 is 3, maybe some kid from Africa or a retard. That doesn't make the value of 1+1 subjective.

I can smell your depression from here.
Even if all those things were true, and they are not. the fact it was so well received makes your "objective" argument garbage.

Only objective thing in the game is the ones and zeroes its made out of. How people subjectively enjoy it is something you can't account for. Sure tell everyone they have shit taste, its not going to change the fact they like it and your life is a mess.

This is a shitty argument. The best games ever made in the history of gaming have simple controls with enemies scattered around to kill.

If you can still enjoy garbage like this, then clearly there is something wrong with your life. Imagine being deluded enough that you still need to rely on escapism and pretend like you're having fun with this fucking turd. Your projection is actually pathetic, you don't have to justify wasting your time with such serious cognitive dissonance.


keep going baby you are on a roll!

A game can have simple controls if it actually gives you a challenge. In nier automata you are basically playing on god mode just by spamming and having a good chip set

Again, ITT: Faggots

Jesus christ, is this neo-Sup Forums?

Maybe you're just a talented pro gamer and you don't realize it? I've seen people die in this game a lot.

How have you seen people die in this game a lot? Do you just watch twitch streams?

ITT: one troll or complete fucking retard baits a bunch of fags.

ITT: buyer's remorse

ITT: fags in denial that this game was successful and has an incoming sequel

>sales = quality
here's your (You), retarded weeb

those killed my interest in the game
so boring

People like it because it's a good game
Why did ME Andromeda bomb? Because its a bad game.
Why did Lawbreakers bomb? Because its a bad game
Why did the recent Wolfenstein bomb? Because its a bad game

COD WW2 = great game!

Why PUBG was a success? Because it's a bad game.

PUBG is a good game

that's platinum games for you

>there are people on this board right now that prefer tits to ass, even with NieR existing
I pity them

I do, I enjoy musou games.

don't reply to me again

The combat is literally just as deep as Bayonetta, you just don't get shiny little trophies for fucking with it.

>"objectively" judging the game with purely subjective criticisms
really makes you think