If you see a game you like on Steam...

> If you see a game you like on Steam, consider buying our game instead so that you can support an all-female game studio!

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its cool theyre publishing the source

Well someone is going to have to fix this trash pile. At least they know it.

What game.

>publishing source code
good on them actually
too bad it looks like all their other values are fucked, but at least they're making their own game instead of cancering up other ones

>sdl 2

so its absolute garbage? alright

>experimental pixel art inspired by cubist, suprematist, constructivist, abstract expressionist art.

interesting way to say that its low effort pixelshit.

>"fat" hate
Is obesity a social construct now, is it not actually real

who are you quoting, how is this in any way distracting you from buying other games
how insecure are you that this game existing threatens you, user
id tell you to go back to tumblr if tumblr wasnt what triggered you

wtf is feminicide

this would have been a joke post a couple of years ago
now its reality

>a black person

Why does this need to be stated?

How "woke" do I have to be to know what this is?
Aside from that, this is ironically exactly what people who don't want SJW politics in games tell SJWs to do: make their own games.

like someone said above, it's good they're doing this instead of annoying other people into doing it to beloved franchises.

so what game is this? i need a good laugh

I have always said the "slippery slope" is the one fallacy that isn't a fallacy
It's human nature to keep pushing. Give them an inch and they'll take a mile etc

feminicide sounds like a pest control you buy at a store.

nu-females really are a pest though

Nevermind, its satire.

Femicide or feminicide is a sex-based hate crime term, broadly defined as "the intentional killing of females (women or girls) because they are females", though definitions vary depending on the cultural context.

this. i need to buy it

for the lazy i guess

Cant wait for homicides against women to be re-classified an carry a harsher sentence

So it's something that's an actual problem in shithole countries.

They made the bait too fucking obvious, a little more effort would had made them actual money.

Same reason black panther had to be stated that it was the first movie with a black lead and majority black cast.

Except it's not reality and it doesn't even take a genius to see it.

jesus christ

why not just make a proper game and then brag about being an all female developer game?


why not stop being hypocrites because everyone knows that if a dev team proudly said they were an "all male" team then everyone would be up their asses about sexism?

I don't watch movies a whole lot, but if Black Panther is seriously the first movie Amerishit has ever produced with a majority black cast then it's worth stating.

>not reporting it for being sexist against men

the annie remake from 2014 was all black, but it was panned so widely that the internet itself seems to have forgotten it exists.

>reporting satire

It's a satire, genius.

i know you dumbfucks, that's the fucking joke

Wow there's only one feminist character in the entire game? That's impressive.


It is a fallacy unless you can prove allowing X leads to Y happening. Which most people don't bother doing, ergo it's a fallacy

So either Black Panther was lying about being the first majority black cast movie in America or a stranger on the internet was lying to me about the marketing of a movie from a country I'm not from.

For real, this game would've been funny if they tried a little harder to be clever about taking the piss out of modern "feminism" instead of just going TUMBLR LOL

Oh, so it's a "I'm only pretending to be retarded" game that still looks like shit.

Okay so it's not "all black" but it's well over 90% black cast.
my mistake, still, the advertising was focused solely on the fact it was black cast.

Is it? I can't tell anymore.

Still makes sense from a marketing standpoint if the pool of other majority-black movies is small and all the other ones are shit.
It would be hilarious if Panther was bad, but I know how successful it got.
Poe's law. It exists.
Basically. Game looks like garbage.

>So either Black Panther was lying about being the first majority black cast movie in America
It isn't? Blaxploitation films were created in the 1970's and as racial tensions decreased and people were more accepting we've had more and more films that prominently featured African Americans.

You know, I always thought gaming was dead and couldn't get worse than late 00s but it just keeps getting worse; I honestly thought it topped at catering to casuals, trying to appeal to Call of Duty no matter the genre and chasing the golden goose that is mobile gaming but now it's just that + socialism and I fucking hate this shit.
First it was dudebros and now it's not-quite-normie normies. I hate those nu-male cocksucking cucks. Leave my videogames alone.

how many of those "talented female developers" are men who think they're women?

simply put, women cant code for shit, women cant make games for shit, it is beyond them, only asian women have the mental capacity to do it, but they're too busy pleasing men

It's a joke game retard

That's actually a pretty good reason to consider buying a game. Quality is pretty sparse even among AAA games, and all people do anymore is buy games because of the political statement that it makes, or the political statements they can make after purchasing the game. If there is a similar game to a game you think you want, there's no reason not to consider purchasing it to support a new possible perspective. The chances that it's shit are still the same no matter what.

>definitions vary depending on convenience

>Diversity is our strength
>proceeds to go down a checklist

Are they even aware they're just ticking things off the list?

> When you're so primed to sperg out about women that you don't realize you're posting in a joke thread

oh my
it's actually real