Japanese WWII tanks were bad

>Japanese WWII tanks were bad

What now?

Tiger 2 is the sexiest tank ever made.

Axis tanks in WW2 were overall shit. What's your point?

Well Tiger was a shit tank, so

The czech ones were pretty good, even if they were forced to help the germans

Next you're going to say "Shermans are the best tanks of WWII"

and japan never used the tiger in battle so...?

Man I really hate that fucking map.

>ability to be mass produced
>doesn't breakdown all the time
>best crew survivability during the war

Overall, they were better. Germans built 6,000 Panthers and Tigers. Even when ignoring their massive mechanical unreliability and despite them being superior 1 vs 1 in sheer armor and firepower, the German strategy was inherently flawed. As you have less tanks, you need to put the tank units you do have into action far more often. This opens them up to fatigue, greater losses, and a greater chance for mechanical failure. It creates a feedback loop where the already small tank force suffers losses, requiring the remaining force to see even more action, then face more losses, etc.

Germans would have been better off building more Panzer IV which were about a third of the cost and far easier to produce than Panthers/Tigers.

>Germans would have been better off building more Panzer IV

Why? They don't have manpower or resources to spam Panzer IV like Shermans or T-34s