Two years ago, Conan O'Brien called Final Fantasy XV an "aggressive waste of time."
Fast forward to now, Square still has more DLC planned for the game.
Was he right about this game?
Two years ago, Conan O'Brien called Final Fantasy XV an "aggressive waste of time."
Fast forward to now, Square still has more DLC planned for the game.
Was he right about this game?
what the fuck does he know about vidego game
Are you retarded? It's literally a sketch for normalfags called "CLUELESS GAMER". What the fuck would he know?
Would you trust Colbert's opinion on vidya if he had a section called "Vidya Kings"?
>GOTY 2017 contenders
>Zelda botw: you play an elf in tight pants
>Mario oddysey: you manipulate a man that manipulates a sentient hat that manipulates things
>PUBG: 100 players battle for suvival in an island. The story of Ireland.
>Persona 5: go to school, study, have a part time job.
>Horizon: Woman fight robot dinosaurs with a bow an arrow
>Veredict, all games are crap
Hope not, I'll be playing it in around a week
2 years ago?
damn has it been that long?
2 months ago he said Haiti was fine so what the fuck does he know about anything
he was right
i want what i played in episode duscae
moving the usable skills from noctis to stupid invincible cutscenes that are incredibly jarring
that and noctis being turned into a western-pandering marvel character.
He's as correct as he was when he proved Haiti wasn't a shithole by staying at the most exclusive luxury resort in the entire country
I do
The multiplayer could be fun if it weren't for all the fucking load times.
15 is shit. If i was allowed to spam i would flood Sup Forums with this message in till people learned.
Who has that webm where in the game awards he shits on Persona 5 and throws it in the trash
Wtf I didn't know he was based.
Not quite. FFXV came out on November '16, so technically it's a year and a few months. I don't understand why Square isn't letting this game kick the bucket.
Game is garbage, so yes. Last I remember, I was getting MMO tier quests in a single player RPG. Pathetic.
Has he ever been right about anything?
Conan was wrong about Final Fantasy XV.
>be me
>watch Conan
>he hates on FF
>watch the game myself
>its a buncha emo fags running around
>doing emo fag stuff
>probably a gay gangbang in there too
>fucking gay wapanese faggots
>conan was right
>go on here
>you faggots love it
>no surprise
Conan was right about Final Fantasy XV.
You are also wrong about Final Fantasy XV.
>tfw clueless gamer got a clue before every one else did.
and the game still isn't finished yet.
Conan was right about Final Fantasy XV
He knows what fucking good
He really is our guy
Because they want to pretend the game is a hit and they can make money more efficiently by making DLC than by making a new game.
Delete this post right now
Fuck you asshole
>go on Sup Forums
>cock cock cock rate my cock
>bbc bbc ur wife fucking the bbc
>cock cock trap cock trap trap
>shortly after FF15 is released
>Sup Forums fucking loves it.
You've all succumbed to some hilarious viral marketing.
I love jap games, they're overwhelmingly not made for casuals, normalfags and other assorted trash. They usually have multiple barriers to entry that make the cancerous retards killing games shy away, whether those barriers be obtuse gameplay mechanics, anime titties or slow pacing (usually at the start of a game) it's just great to see normalfag after normalfag be denied playing great games instead of having potentially great games ruined to appease them.
i don't buy any games that Sup Forums says is good or bad
saving me money enjoy eating a bowl of poop bitch.