Sonic Thread

Lets talk about this blue hedgehog Sup Forums.

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Those dogs are pretty messed up, op.

So fucking hyped for the Sonic Mania Project Plus reveal on March 16th.

I have no idea how they'll come back from Forces.

The same way they do every other game.

They probably won't do shit, they will just let Mania team make another game and go back to creating more gacha content for PSO2.

I just want Sonic to die at this point.

>yfw Taxman includes level editor tools for next Sonic Mania project

Reminder that Sonic was never good.

I feel like it's been too many bad games in a row. I love Sanic but I think it's over.

>rest of the level transitions
>dedicated Special Stage mode
>boss rush
>a new level or two
>playable Amy and Metal Sonic
>the Sonic 1 & 2 remakes bundled in
>physical release

>too many bad games in a row
nigga where were you between 1995 and 2016?

Looking forward to the return of Comfy Sonic Mania Hype Threads if they announce Project Plus as a thing

Sonic the Hedgehog, without a doubt, is the most underused, abused character in all of modern media. Sega do not -quite- realize who or what they have as an IP. They have, the literal COOL Mickey Mouse. If they were to use the Sonic design from Sonic CD/Mania. See both there animations. Drop this whole stuck-in-the-90s WOAH DUDE, RADICAL, that a very very small niche part of the audience """enjoy""" and just work on the universally loved version of him, they could take this character to new heights. Instead, they complete ruin his incredible design and force this giant bobble headed freak 3d version. To watch this iconic mascot who had one point rivalled Mario

You kids don't remember being in the school yard and it was EMBARSSING to say you had a SNES over a Genesis, playing with Mario was seen as kiddy and Sonic was seen as the bad boy, god damn that takes me back. Now, and I think the damage is already done, he has become a meme, and even they force this meme angle, to watch this character be slowly killed and turned more into a joke every day hurts. People always say "Sonic is dead."

No, no he isn't. He is too iconic to die. Sonic has a fate worse than death. He will be pumped full of life again and again, shit game after the other, with the hope to one day being good, but never reach the true heights of what HE SHOULD BE.

Poor little blue blur.

I'm not sure who has it worse, Mega Man, or Sonic.

Atleast we have Mania, but I believe that was a Monkey Paw situation and now we're about to be punished for the unvierse allowing us to have such a good Sonic game, expect the next Sonic game to make Forces look like the DAVINCI CODE of Sonic games.

Sonic Team seems hopeless at this point. The next game the Mania team does should be good. Sumo will probably make another quality spinoff racer. The franchise is at least in a better place than Lost World and Rise of Lyric.

reminder that you woudln't be saying this if 06 didn't come out

I thought Sonic was shit even on the Genesis desu.

Then you're either a brainlet or a scrub, rather than a memelord.

go to sleep arin

>sonic 3 and knuckles

the only genesis game that could barely be "shit" is sonic 1

Are you suggesting they hit the reset button on the franchise?

Get your dick out of that hedgehogs asshole

Not him, but that wouldn't be a reset button on the whole franchise, just the bad parts of it, which unfortunately make up over 50% of it.

Sonic Team are convinced that games like Generations and Colours are the correct formula for sonic games. Until they break out of this mindset there won't be any good games.

So has anyone tried sonic world? I havnt heard about it yet despite the project being quite old so I assume it's shit but is it at least worth trying out?

What if they made a good game at least once? How would the world change?

If they made only bad games, we wouldn't be sitting here discussin' it now would we?

I want this too user but I can't shake the feeling it won't happen, prepare yourself. we may get nothing at all.

i think that sonic colors was the beginning of an era where sonic team thinks that anything classic sonic related(2d,badniks,and classic sonic himself) automatically makes the game good.they also took the"only daytime stages in unleashed are fun"complaint too seriously and use that as the only sonic gameplay.I personally don't like colors and generations that much because of that.

Unleashed was the start of the 2D shit, though.

Dunno, why did people discuss Rebecca Black's Friday?

Yeah, that's totally something that's still talked about to this very day.

You missed the point. Something being good is never a requirement for discussing anything, especially these days. We thrive in discussions about cringe and trainwrecks, and Sonic is definitely up there when discussing video game cringe and trainwrecks.