Which was better?
Let's settle this
1, any other choice is wrong
>Implying KH 1 has anything on KH 2.
>no Indiana Jones world
1 was the catalyst tho
I have no motivation to play any other game besides KH3 at this point, the hype has ruined me.
I value the combat most so 2.
I haven't played KH2. But KH1 is absolute and irremediable shit. Gameplay is absolute ass, the story is dumb, cliche and boring as fuck, thy don't even take advabtage of the crossover thing, most character interactions are limited to repeat the story of it's respective movie but shittier. The only good thing about the game is Simple and clean. Seriously how the fuck this shit has so many fans? This game is a 4/10 at its best. I hope KH2 is way better otherwise I will lose my faith in humanity.
KH2, gameplay is top tier.