Can someone explain to a newfag what is happening right now?

Can someone explain to a newfag what is happening right now?

You're on a remotely operated Korean shadowplay forum.

Lonely people desperate to feel a connection over anything.

hey i would too if im being honest
sadly im new here but i feel ill be here for a while

Thanks for making me feel old faggot.

Trash new janitors

I'd also like to know. My toaster would explode if I tried to open a 1000 post thread.

an autorunner unicorn game was a fad here for awhile
it had really gay music that stood out


it's one of the beautiful things of the Sup Forums community that people latched onto more for the message and feeling than anything. something that reminds people that this was made as a community of loners, but we're all alone together

And how did this became such an epic meme and stuff? because to someone who missed this it looks absolutely retarded.

>oh shit they hate us again wat do?
>just play the meme song lmao
That's what's happening newfriend

Fucking kill yourself, newfag.


No, and fuck you for asking!
Go back to whatever hellhole you came from!



Akari > Kizuna

Yes but why now all of the sudden?

I said kill yourself.

>doesn't understand a strong male bond
Pathetic indeed

I have this question too. what happened today?

I heard about Robot Unicorns and i've been fan of Blind Guardian for a long time.
But is this all?

its just one of those "hey remember this"?
it was years ago and comes back sometimes

>you will never be this lonely and deluded to think you have any sort of connection to an absolute stranger

no thanks, I'd rather have an actual relationship with actual real life friends, thank you.

you need to go back.

God I miss pre-newfag summer Sup Forums.

>So many newfags on Sup Forums that nobody remembers harmony anymore
Hiroshima just purge this board already

>knowyourmeme filename
>bragging about being a newfag
the absolute state of this board

>that feel when it's been over a decade since yonchin wasn't absolutely swarmed with normalfucks ruining every single thing

I think it's the game anniversary? But according to google it was released earlier this month

very low quality bait

>Sup Forums

>So many new fags on the planet that nobody remembers when we discovered fire
It's called evolution you retard. Old stuff will always be forgotten and new stuff will roll in.

>tfw left Sup Forums for a decade and un-fucked my shit, but somehow ended up back here
I guess I just missed it

I'm sorry I don't browse this sekrit club 24/7

>Tfw you unironically think Sup Forums is better than ever, excluding Sup Forums when raiding was legal

>can't join in because they're too new
>"f-faggots you're all just lonely weeaboos, I've g-got real friends I'll have you know"
The absolute state of newfags.

It was the anniversary of when Sup Forums discovered it and it took over the board. It was called harmony day and became a board holiday.

Because unlike you and many others' lust for making everything post post ironic and cynical, we just had FUN with it.

This is food analogy tier retarded.

But the raids, man!

No fucking shit you do, the place is more like where you came from than ever.

Actually, he's the one person who also needs to be purged. He is part of shitting up Sup Forums aside from all these newfags.
Heck, I'd rather not call them newfags anymore but somethings else since newfags could adapt somewhat.
I admit that I am here since 2011 but there was a time full of fun. Probably more fun much earlier.

But Sup Forums is only for shitposting, reddit told me so.

Too true.
I miss old Sup Forums so badly.

>people calling people newfags for not knowing a newfag meme
how fucking long have I been here

waaaaaay too old for nu-Sup Forums

Some faggy meme back when Sup Forums wasn't funny.

That's because you're new my friend.

Customisable anime avatars when?

>too many newfags weren't here

Harmony is 8 years old user.

>old shit like harmony is still better than almost anything else on Sup Forums
>Most newfags will refuse to play that crazy flash game because (insert bullshit here)

This started in 2010. It's not 2018.
I hope I've aided your suicide.

old memes thread

take me back please

>very low quality bait
Because it's not a fucking bait?
I'm only 20 and i listened to Blind Guardian when i was a teen.
I seriously ask to explain this shit to me.

>Newfag meme

not everything has to be a meme you know. It's just harmony user, enjoy.

Shill detected.

Fun how?
Like, Fun by thinking of how little fun casuals would have with it, ironic fun?
Or Fun thinking of how Sup Forums would lose its mind at the idea of you having fun with it, double ironic fun?
Or Fun thinking of how you'd derail a thread thoroughly, with people completely unsure of whether you're falseflagging as a casual or falseflagging as a falseflagger, e-ironic fun?
Or turning the entire concept of irony on its head and being unironically from reddit and having reddit fun, in some kind of ironic irony?
Like how many layers of ironic fun are we on?

>It was 8 years ago

This. Never forget that the mods are still faggots.

Newfag x-ray machine invented

Sterling success

What does daysoo mean? XD
But really nobody will get this.

To be fair, anyone who came here in 2008 or later is a newfag in my eyes. If you came in on the wave of faggot Sup Forumstards in 2008 or later, you'll ALWAYS be a newfag.

>gay newfag containment thread
>full of bitching and sour grapes
Stay mad, fags, you started coming here years after the fun times

If you don't know about harmony then you shouldn't even be posting here
No wonder this board is so shitty now

>tfw tired
>want to go to sleep
>when I wake up tomorrow Sup Forums will be back to normal
hold me bros

lurk moar fag

>All these buttblasted newfags

>Like how many layers of ironic fun are we on?
Zero layers my friend.



>everyone on Sup Forums is bitter and angry!
>i have to be bitter and angry or else no one will like me!
Holy shit lighten up.

>this thread

accept love you fags
today is a good day

Oh fuck I forgot about that game, I used to play it all the time.

Does this mean Adult Swim payed Hiro?

If you werent on Sup Forums before 2007 then you are a newfag

Whatever the fuck this website is now, is not Sup Forums

Sup Forums was never good

Wasn't 2012 the last year that we had HARMONY before today? I'm too new to have been here for the first HARMONY, and I think I missed 2011 HARMONY, but I do remember being here for one HARMONY.

>newfags who can't even begin to comprehend HARMONY so they react with instant contrarianism by hating something others like without any understanding of it

You know what, that just makes it even better just solidifies the proof that newfags ruin Sup Forums entirely and you are not part of the little good that Sup Forums has and never will be.

robot unicorn attack was the precursor to bronys

how far we have fallen from god light

I'll hold you!

April 1st, this needs to happen. GEE

Well you have a good point there, but let me offer this rebuttal:



The fun where we find the game charming, addicting, and any flaws are merely insignificant but we won't sperg about anyone calling them out.
All genuine HARMONY.

bet you faggots would hate Pooh's Baseball Derby too.

What year was it when
>open the door
>get on the floor
>everybody walk the dinosaur
greentexts were all the rage on Sup Forums? I'm bad with dates.

I'm his friend for life, faggot. Back off.

no, we discovered it before it got popular.
the commercials only started happening once the rest of the net found out and bandwagoned as usual

>S3 was 5 years ago

>tfw came to Sup Forums the summer of 2008 from Sup Forums

>People actually call people newfags for not knowing this instance back in 2010 that could have just lasted for a few hours as if that's supposed to be an argument
Not everyone browses Sup Forums 24/7.

>Baseball game
That's shit's mediocre

Has anyone else noticed how old Sup Forums stuff is starting to come back? There's that guy posting IMMA FIRIN MAH LAZOR pics all the time now, and now this happens. I wouldn't be surprised if people start posting ISHYGDDT again.

Don't you ever get tired of obsessing over the past?

yes you are


I miss shiggy diggy



all newfags should be gassed desu you are a scourge on this website and we'd all be a lot better off if you realized it and took your business elsewhere

Lmao the mods would go down as fucking legends in the post-moot era. Can't even begin to fathom the constant bitching