ITT: Post your most awaited game for this year

ITT: Post your most awaited game for this year

I am legitimately considering getting a switch just for this.

This I guess.
I don't feel comfortable posting Bannerlord


You should have already gotten a Switch for it's other games

I would've, but fuck paying 500 bucks

It's 300

user, you forgot to include the games

FE Switch

Pokemon Switch


Please be good

it's never coming out at this rate buddy

ITT: It's 2007 again!

I'm mildly hyped to replay TWEWY and play the brand new week at the end, but if that ended with a sequel tease I don't know whether I'd be ecstatic or dread the possibility that it would never come to fruition.

Probably that considering TWEWY is one of my top 5 games.

Whatcha wanna buy, user? I also want a Switch, and am wanna get OP's pic, Mario, Zelda, Bayo, SMTV, and Prime 4.

It's the end of an era. I know the series is mediocre and it only has one good game, but I've been waiting for this fucking game for 12 goddamn years.

Just for a TWEWY port?

If they sequel tease at this point this it's about as good as a hard confirmation that it's happening. Why bring it back with extra sequel bait a whole decade later only to do nothing with it?

I don't even know what's coming out anymore


Yes, just for a twewy port.
If it'll improve chances of ever seeing a sequel, I'll gladly spend my money on it.
Everything, user. Everything.
If only we could pirate games on it.

Twewy for me too. I hope to god they price it right and it sells well, in case they do have sequel plans (and just because it is a magnificent game that more people should play). The amount of idiots already writing it off because they don't know what a placeholder price is annoys me.


Man, I can't wait to play it with HD assets on the tv screen, the characters especially are going to look great.


Never played a ace combat game, what's the best one to start with?

No, and that's precisely WHY I say it's a hard confirmation. Unless SE wants to be audibly, unceasingly REE'd at by the most pissed off fanbase in the world for 2 months straight then you and I both know they know that they CAN'T fuck up like that again. On top of that, we know that Nomura wants a sequel as much as any of us do. If they're gonna sequel bait at this point, it's all or nothing and I don't think they'll risk nothing.

Out of my way weeb fucks

most awaited: Bannerlord
runners up: Battletech, Phoenix Point, Banner Saga 3, RTK Total War

Seeing the HD art on a tv and hearing the music in full quality out of good speakers will be amazing. It makes me glad I haven't played the game again in the last few years. I haven't been this excited by gaming news probably ever

I don't even know what's coming out this year. If REmake 2 ends up coming this year (which I'm growing increasingly doubtful of), then that would be it. God of War and Spider-Man look fine, but I'm not exactly dying with anticipation for them. I also already beat TWEWY, and have no desire to ever play it again.

AC 4 on the PS2, then 5 and 0. If you don't have a PS2, just emulate 5 and 0, 4 doesn't emulate well.

Coven Labyrinth of Refrain. I would say Bayo 3 or SMT V but both of those are probably 2019 at the earliest

Isn't this just a crappy remake? Call me when we get an actual sequel.

The "crappy remake" has a week of new content, stupid. I would never call you

inb4 you have to beat the game again to play the side content
would you even mind?

They outright said the new content is after the end of the game IIRC. Either way, you can see from the trailer that it definitely is.

Prime 4. Or SMTV if it's out this year. Or TWEWY FR if neither come out this year.

I have never seen that art before where's it from? Speaking of which I really hope we get more fanart for the series with the increased exposure. TWEWY is only rivalled by maybe Persona 5 in how...stylish (for lack of a better word) it is.



jp version came out late last year



So what is this, a new MC?



>If it'll improve chances of ever seeing a sequel, I'll gladly spend my money on it.



Although after last year's E3 showing and insane amount of shitty QTEs my hype has gone down a lot.

Might be from the mobile port. I think I picked it up on threads though. Brilliant piece of art

Hype chan


god fucking damn it. I still haven't finished 4.1 fuck me

I can'it wait either and honestly I thought most if the games were good for a handheld.


Me too user. If the full game is as good as the demo it's my GOTY for sure.

Have to be honest, this is actually interesting.

>implying this is coming out in the next 2 years when it still has a working title

What Chivalry should have been

I liked the style of the demo, but ai hope the combat is a lot more involved when you get a full party

>shiki's feet
>joshua's hand

This and pic related.

fucking manchild

So it has the same artist as the megaman zero games right?

You most certainly are

Yes. Same core dev team too.

I'm a bit annoyed I have to buy a port to get TWEWY2, but whatever. I'll grudgingly do it.

Good post.

You didn't wait very long for this lol

Hitman Season 2
Pathologic 2

The sad thing that all of these games have in common is that I have no idea if they are even coming out this year or any year at all at this rate

I can't wait to see Fuuka dance and smile in HD!

In English.

Fire Emblem
But they havent fucking shown nothing so I cant post it


>for this year

TWEWY Final Remix
Ace Combat 7
Travis Strikes Back
Octopath Traveler

I'm hurting enough, user. Let me dream while I still can.

>tfw it has the gameplay of conquest
>but the story of conquest

1. Armored Core 6.
2. Ace Combat 7
3. Monster Hunter World(PC)
Honestly all I care about this year.

>this year
This and RoR2.

RoR2 is gonna suck.
There's no way the'll be able to add a whole new dimension and have it work.

Looks fine so far, you can check their progress on their blog and it looks fine.

>tfw it has the gameplay of Conquest
>But a story and characters on par with FE4

The only game I'm looking forward to.


I'm excited for it, but I still have some concerns over the length of the game

Unironically Rhythm Doctor. I'm a sucker for Rhythm Heaven-esque games and this one scratches that itch so goddamn well.