What are the essential games to get into the Warhammer games?

What are the essential games to get into the Warhammer games?

Dawn of War
Space Marine
Space Hulk

Down of War 3

Disregard 40shit and play total warhammer and vermintide

Disregard total warhammer and play Mordheim

t. heretic

For 40k it's DoW 1 + Dark Crusade, then DoW 2. Most major races will be introduced, but it focuses on an OC donut steal SM chapter and characters.

For Fantasy it's the Total War trilogy. Most major tabletop characters and races (will) make an appearance.

These are the essentials. Then you can branch out to the smaller scale and/or lower quality ones like Dark Omen, Gothic Armada, Vermintide, Space Marine, Mark of Chaos etc.


I want to join the deathwatch!

The actual boardgame you FUCKING SECONDARY

dawn of war. Pretty much it. Everything else is sub par or mediocre.

Kill Team is a fun twin stick shooter, though, but its replay value is pretty hard to justify

>Grampa loves building miniature houses
>Has lots of catalogues from Hobby Shops
>See Warhammer Fantasy
>Looks cool but I don't want to build armies + no one to play with
>Years later play Vermintide because I'm having a L4D itch
>"Wow, it really was cool but the world looks hollow"
>Still don't get into it
>Total War Warhammer Releases
>Realize the lore is actually interesting and there's lot of cool factions
>Start reading about the lore
>Get to End Times
>"Obviously the fans were not happy GW, you killed everyone"
>"Wait, looks like there is a continuation to End Times...Age...Of...Sigmar?"
I'm still mad at myself for not getting into WFB when I had the chance and now having to see GW abandon it in favour of this AoS bullshit

It's a shame that none of the games except maybe Total Warhammer really showcase the world of WHFB, I like it more than 40k. There's a really cool semi-horror/dark fantasy vibe to Empire stuff especially, with all the Skaven/Chaos/etc paranoia around. Would be nice to play a game where you're a basic Empire guy just trying survive and everything will fuck your shit up if you're not careful. Instead I'll just have to read WHFRP sourcebooks.

>OG Warhammer:
Total War Warhammer

Dawn of War 1
Dawn of War 2
Battlefleet gothic is decent from what I heard

>Age of Sigmar
Gr8 b8 m8

>Blood Bowl
Blood Bowl

lmao shutup you fucking nerd

buy and paint the models. Play the games once you have an understanding of the actual hobby.

>Spending hundreds of dollars on a game I might not even like and can only play in person with a very small group of people

It isn't about the game. It's about learning to paint and having a physical miniature in your hand that you painted yourself. You know, Something you learned to help create. Something nearing an actual hobby.

good luck finding a gamestore still in business, faggot

I already do that much more cheaply and easily without having to deal with Jew Workshop.

The game's a hassle to play and the miniatures are insanely overpriced if customization is your thing.

>The game is a hassle to play
Good thing AoS and 8th edition 40k was built for you faggots.

I like the recent (2013-ish) Space Hulk that was released. Rotten with DLC campaigns but worth a pirate. Mobile version vary greatly in quality---my phone version (Galaxy S7 Edge) runs well but my tablet (Nexus 9) runs like raw shit on a supposed "high quality" mode that is not toggle-able.

I mean actually having to find someone to play with and go to another physical location after setting aside several hours to actually play it.