Who should I romance?

Who should I romance?

the dwarf

The dog, if you're Canadian
the one with the unwashed cunt, if you're french
the fat golem, if you're american

Just play Dragon Age Inquisition it's much better looking than this, outdated and clunky "game".
I refuse to play any games which are older than 3 years. DA:I is about as far as I'm willing to go.

And if you are British or German, get raped by the brown man

Morrigan, the plot importance she has in both Origins and Inquisition makes her pretty much the canon romance choice

fight me Leliana cucks

came here to post this

This, as much as I prefer Leliana, the story kind of wants you to romance Morrigan for it to make any sense.

I thought Morrigan romance was pretty well done. Not sure how the Leiliana's compare since I've never talk to her all that much.
Alistair's can be sweet or bittersweet depending on what your playing as and the choices uou make in his story.
Zeveran comes in pretty late in the game. I thought his romance was nice, but it depends on how much you like gis character. He also doesn't get mentioned much in later games.

Whoever has the biggest muscles, obviously.


Yeah, but if you romance Leliana she has an open affair with the Hero of Fereleden and gets rid of celibacy requirements

>try to play Witcher 1
>hate it at first
>takes me several hours to get used to the now outdated gameplay
>after several hours, it turns fun
>try to play DA:O
>hate it right now
Will it get better, lads?

Nearly done with DA2.
How does anyone sympathize with mages in this game?
Everyone in this god forsaken city is a fucking bloodmage and if they aren't they a bad thought away from becoming one.
>Save a group of mages only for them to come back and kidnap your brother and try to kill you
>Befriend Merrill. End up having to kill her entire clan later
>Mother killed by psycho bloodmage
>Circle full of bloodmages
>Anders who isn't a bloodmage might as well be one after the mind numbing retarded plan he pulled. I couldn't stab his ass soon enough.
I had to stop the game once I got to Orsino after the stupid shit he pulled. Doesn't even make sense, the guy face an entire fleet of Qunari on his own and live. I'm seriously thinking about reloading and choosing templars, because I'm struggling to find a redeemable mage in this city.

The game's climax is just poorly written altogether. No matter what you do or what you choose, everyone goes full retard by the end.
The DLCs will give a cheap excuse as to why that happens, and also a cheap excuse as to why every mage is literally a saturday cartoon villain.

both sides are poorly written just like almost everything else in the whole game

American here, can confirm I romanced Shale.

hurf durf fagets get off my vidyer

I can get off ON your vidya if you want, senpai

> putting morrigan in heavy armor


I love Dragon Age man, even if it has been tainted by social politics and shit that's in the game just for the sake of promoting someone's agenda rather than being a plot device.

Origins was fucking kino in all aspects and allowing your Warden go after a romanced Morrigan through the Eluvian was amazing

2 was definitely a let down but i still enjoyed playing it, i wish they had more time to develop it, there's some hints of greatness in it, like the Arishok story arc

Inquisition was good enough for me, the graphics were great and the gameplay was fun enough, i didn't like the massive amount of boring side quests and the skill tree was too small for a 50+hours game. I really liked the way they linked the three games by your choices and making important characters return, like Alistair, Hawke (being able to customize them was great) and Morrigan (they kinda made her the canon romance for The Warden, her Inquisition arc is great with all of the Flemmeth stuff). I also found the Solas stuff and Tresspaser really interesting, i wish they did more with that plot in Inquisition rather than keeping it for DA4 (if it ever gets released), the Inquisition main story with Corypheus was rather boring.

The Uninstall Wizard.

I vaguely remember reading that Leliana was actually romanced by more players.

I also disagree with Morrigan's importance in Inquisition and Origins. You can tell her to fuck off in the beginning of Origins and the story isn't changed at all. She still tries to fuck you at the end but you can tell her to fuck off again.

The God child plot point in Inquisition is also not important and will not even happen if you tell her to fuck off in Origins.
She is not canon at all.


I feel like people will never understand the difference between what is actual "social politics and an agenda" and "writters put what they like and believe in their works."
Their lead writter is a literal homo. It's no surprise he cares about homos or trannies or whatever other stuff flies his boat. Just because you disagree with it, it ain't an agenda.

I guess I have to look that up later since I don't have any of the DLC for this game.
Does it explain why Orsino did what he did? His switch just felt so sudden.

Anders really changed a lot from Awakening to 2 didn't he? I don't remember his personality being so somber.

Didn't they turn the Qunari into pretty much LGBTRFGTUHBFTNHXQ6JUZRTVHGNLOEP+ cunts?
The ones who show no mercy to deserters and enslave mages just like if not worse than the templars?

It "explains" it. Not straight up, but gives you a reasoning for the general behavior of everyone in the city to be literal bonkers.
If you don't mind lesser spoilers without too much detail;
They are sitting on a literal underground full of You Gonna Go Crazy materials, and everyone slightly sensitive to magic eventually goes nuts around it. Like the red lyrium, but not.

>Refuses to play the only good dragon age.

It's funny that people overreact this much to a completely random side comment from a character then go on to rant about how progressive stuff is not necessary.
Iron Bull declares the Qun believes you can choose your gender so long you can pull off its role. Nobody else confirms this, nobody in the Qun behaves in kind to it, and he is literally a lying piece of shit whose whole purpose IS to lie.
Said liar has a tranny friend who is going through a hard path and wanted to kill herself/himself/whatever, until he heard what he said.

Tying dots would be easier (he likely lied to stop him from killing himself) if you people didn't wildly burst into flames the moment anything inclusive gets mentioned in vidya.

Conscripting Templars in DA:I is objectively the right choice
>siding with mages means you side with a bunch of murderous crybabies who willingly side with a Venatori
>siding with templars means you side with people who want to protect the general public from magic
>you also save them from being corrupted by red lyrium
>convincing Cullen to quit lyrium means you get the Templars off lyrium
Debate me

>You must be 18 to post
Now fuck off faggot


Nobody will debate you because it was wildly obvious the game wanted you to get the Templars. Their storyline side is much better written and fitting, with two of your advisors being related and pushing you towards it, while the mage storyline is not only retarded, but wraps up with the mages whining at YOU instead.

Qunari consider women who do a mans job as men. If a woman fights, she is man.
Same for a man who bakes bread, he would be considered a woman due to performing a woman's job.

>I vaguely remember reading that Leliana was actually romanced by more players.
That seems believable, most people played a "good" character, meaning Morrigan's approval rating tanked pretty much every time you did anything. Leliana was the obvious "good" romance option.

Since this is a DA thread I want a genuine opinion on Inquisition. I've been pondering whether I care to play it or not. So my main questions are

1. How much of the story is reliant on me having played 2? (Never going to play it)
2. Is the story actually 'good', comparable to Origins at least?
3. same question as above but in regards to the combat


1. Knowing certain key plot character's past relies on it, but not much is actually important.
3.It's alright, actually. I enjoyed it well enough.

>mages leave the Inquisition, reform the college
>templars dissolve the order, join the Inquisition permanently
Don't see why anyone would ever want to side with the turncoat mages

Just go blood mage and fuck shit up.

Leliana so you can go on a holy crusade in the name of the Maker with her

Any rpg with bara characters released recently?

>morrigan wearing armor
fucking pleb.

once you lower standards sure

>Morg in plate
U wut m8?

>King's Quest is an artistic landmark

Into the trash it goes.

It's essentially standalone. I thought the plot was barely passable but not really terrible, and the combat was slightly worse than that.

I imagine if it's someone's first RPG it has enough of what works about the genre that that person would like it, but if you have much of a frame of reference it's pretty disheartening.

I always kind of disliked Shale because her huge fucking damage meant you were missing out if you didn't have her in your party at all times.

name one (1) game that's art

Leliana with a female warden, the comments she makes about how pretty the femwarden is are very cute.

Morrigan for male warden obviously.

I really want to like this game but something about it really turns me off. Like I played through baldur's gate and planescape torment but something about this game really kills it for me. Any tips for how to get into the game?

I think the original intent was to let you side with one faction and then only fight the opposing faction.

But then the game was coming in on the short side and Bioware decided if everyone was just retarded and evil that meant more content at the expense of giving you any sort of player agency.

Best girl

The dog

You can adjust the interface to play the game from a top view perspective like BG. I recommend not playing on easy. Also be patient with the gameplay cause the skill tree gets alot more diverse at later stages of the game.

Nah you can 100% romance Morrigan while being a moralfag. It's one of the few constants between my playthroughs of Origins. I actually find that it makes the story work better because of how your moralfag influence on her helps with her character arc.

1. 2's main plot and consequences are kinda forgotten, Varric is a main companion and Hawke appears in one or two main quests and you get to make an important choice in regards to his/her fate.
2. Main plot is interesting at first then it gets meh, Morrigan and Flemeth's plot is really interesting and Trespasser is kino.
3. Its fun but it gets repetitive after a while because its a longish game and theres not many skills for each class so you end up spamming the same 3 to 4 buttons each fight

I remember slapping the bitch every once in a while made her wet for my warden 24/7.

or you can just kill her mom
bitches love it when you kill their mom
