Take out that down+medium, medium, down+heavy bullshit. Spammers would be getting fucked without.
How would you improve FighterZ?
Other urls found in this thread:
Remove Goku Black
without it*
Spamming what, bnbs?
>he has a problem with a standard combo
>not that literally everything (including vanish a full screen teleport for one bar) is plus on block
Cell and Vegeta can’t be on the same team.
Faggots using them to do infinite loops.
>change blacks assist
>give teen gohan more reach
>give krillin more damage on his projectiles
>make blugeta not have to spend 2+ bars for a basic combo into super
>make beerus balls faster
>give blukus divekick a crossup on hit so it has its own unique use. As is its just worse than every other dive attack and has no use outside of his assist.
>give tien and gotenks slightly less scaling
>make piccolos chops a hard knockdown
>make 17 assist do more damage since 18 herself was nerfed before release.
>give 21 more opportunities to move steal without sacrificing damage
That's about all the changes I think would help the game a lot and make more characters more common. Even doing half of those would add a ton of character variety currently
Holy fuck. You're all shitty scrubs. Thank god nobody will listen to you.
>doesn't understand how to punish easily punishable moves like vanish
Are you retarded?
>vanish is easily punishable
you clearly do not own the game, kill yourself moron
remove Down circle and the game would be fixed imediatly
Something like Faultless defense would be nice.
>remove the dedicated aa button
I think you should just super dash less
Vanish puts people in the air and you d+h has some air invincible frames. Even if they're sparking you can fuck someone up hard if you read or react to an obvious vanish.
This man knows what he is talking about.
Add more characters
>People have problems with Goku Black
Dude a single combo usually shaves off 70% of his life. As far as actual improvements go, making deflections faster would make a better option when you’re on the defense, since you there’s fuck all you can do when blocking.
A single combo is 70% of everyones health. The pools are universal.
Add actual defensive options and nerf vanish so it's not +2 on block.
Add Radditz, Janemba, Broly, and Cooler.
Super 13 would be cool too.
Bam, game is fixed, and goty.
>>remove the dedicated aa button
Anti air
anti grab
anti punch
anti teleport
anti any other move in the game
Super Dashing should probably just be an 8 way movement ability because I just dont think autolocking onto them is working too well for me and you dont know where they hell the game is taking you if they happen to vanish (and it punishes them) or cross you up and you fly in a full circle or straight into the sky.
>Super 13
>no 8
if you going to choose a android, atleast choose a canon one
Say that to any staggered string or ki blast/ beam cancel and enjoy getting anti antied. Most are slow as shit and don't have any invincibility from about the chest down so just do a low or let it whiff and dash in.
With how fast it is it should not be safe on block.
Sure if you literally predict it with a 2H you can counter it, but generally you're not predicting vanishes
most of the time it literaly hits the enemy, but they still do the upercut on you because its has priority
Offline party mode
A USB hub shouldn't have too much input delay unless you are using an F grade stick or a converter on top of that
Game needs more defensive options and maybe not everything needs to be so plus on block.
why cant you activate the sparkle during a combo like any other fighting game?
If you're doing ki blasts letting it whiff you shouldn't be hit at all.
It should be because its pretty much a universal tool and reversal that can be stuffed. If they do it raw you should've been able to see it coming. Basically anytime you're not pressing buttons in each others faces or someone is cornered you should expect them to dash and vanish to try and get in. If they're smart they will cover with an assist so that you have to hold it. You have to learn to bait and punish until they stop doing it or die.
This, and fuck 2H.
You can activate sparkling cider in a combo. It's like X-factor only you wait a second for it to recover first. It causes a ground bounce.
in your combo yeah i meant to break the other guy combo
like the blast on blazblue ot GG
What you want is a burst
I haven't played much cause I just generally don't like the game but I think not having FD or barrier was a big mistake. Being able to very your distance on defense why managing meter (more so in FD case since barrier drain has mostly been negligible in blaz) is an important and engaging part of defense. I especially want it cause reflect doesn't feel that useful. Does reflecting set you both back to a complete neutral? It never feels like I have any frame advantage after reflecting.
They might have thought DBZ players weren't used to breaking a combo. Correct me if i'm wrong but there was never a burst mechanic in the budokais or Xenobaby games.
budokai had a burst
L2 + circle would use the little stamina balls to do either a buff or a defense burst
Xenoverse has one too. R2 + X, you can equip bursts, defensive walls or fast dodges
Not balls, the 4" under the character picture
>Does reflecting set you both back to a complete neutral?
It kind of disrupts them for a second, and it gives you an extremely small window to get the fuck out of there. Otherwise they press one button and they're right back in your face.
>make super dash punishable on block
>make it so it doesn't track as well as it does >have a burst like in gg/bb
>make characters have different assists
>make ground recoveries manual
>make deflect faster
>give piccolo's qcf have slight invincibility
Reflect is already active on the first frame. That's why people do wakeup reflect against a meaty.
>slightly reduce i-frames on level 3s
>make superdash and vanish negative on block
>make sparking activation a combo breaker
You're a literal tard. One of the main things top level players are complaining about is that vanish is too strong.
Are you the same idiot complaining about a basic universal combo?
Take out a combo?
No they're literally not.
>complaining about combo spammers
get good and learnt o block. Not their fault you keep getting hit by the same thing like a retard.
Only improvement I need is them adding Cooler to the game.
What's it for?
remove the anti are (down + O)
If they give minor nerfs to Cell and 16 I'll be happy
That's literally it, I don't want them to fuck with anything else
Make it so that Dragon Dash cannot be cancelled into from blocked attacks. This would make blockstrings and the overall playing of the game SO much more fun for everyone.
DBFZ, what else?
>Dragon Dash
Super Rush
Holy shit you are such a fucking retard if you legit thought for a second that's what I meant. What I obviously mean was, what's in the patch?
So no lows and no anti airs?
I don't remember what it is called. Whatever R2 is. Sorry if I can't remember the name of one of the many arbitrary techniques thrown into these games.
>super something
>dragon something
>beam something
rebalance and bugfixes for some characters and apparently a fix for the ring and arena matching bugs. but that last part is not for sure until test
i know what you meant
no patch notes yet
probably brolly and bardock + network fixes
No vanish during combos, that would make the combo game return to capitalize a punishment from milk the pinata town
It gets pretty ridiculous for how long people will milk that combo just for a meager ~10% damage
That shit seriously drains all my will to play, it's simply not fun to sit the controller in a game as fast paced as this
Just bug fixes, backend tweaks to online, and I think a couple QoL features like matchmaking for party mode and individual BGM selection, nothing else
Completely remake the online interface. It is horrendous. Arcs has been trying these gimmicky matchmaking lobby systems since Xrd/Blazblue and it just doesn't work. It makes everything more tedious to do and makes finding other players much harder. It is cute at first, but it doesn't actually promote communities or help people really matchmake or meet other people.
Being able to have easy access to Quick Match, Ranked, etc... is far better. SFV sucks, but it has an amazing matchmaking interface because it makes it as easy as possible to matchmake with other people. That should be the standard for all fighting games. It's a shame too when Under Night in Birth does it great too and Arcs handles that games online.
Seriously who designed this "main menu"? Nothing is more obnoxious than constantly getting booted out of lobbies, and having to teleport around just to do basic things I want like training mode. Even if they fix the horrible netcoding, it will still be a pain. It's a shame because one of the best things about this game is the Ring Party Random system, but actually getting a match going is really difficult because of how inefficient the lobby system is. It actively makes it harder to play with other people, and it would even if the netcoding wasn't trash.
Some characters would be legit trash without vanish in combos. Terrible idea.
If someone wants to burn the meter away then let them. Its more advantages for you. At the same time if you have 5+ you might as well start burning them whether its for 10% or 30%.
Overall, I like the game. It's a gorgeous DragonBallZ game and the 2nd real DBZ fighter. (Dragon Ball Super, PS2 was made by Street Fighter 2 devs, dont care if it was 3D or not.)
The netcode is fucking trash. If you play ring matches and host more than 2 players, someone joining while you're playing will cause lag between you and the opponent you're fighting.
The fucking random lobby disconnects. You can't tell who is ragequitting against who is getting randomly disconnected from the lobby.
Vanish and grabs. The active frames on grabs in this game is retarded. You can literally wakeup into a meaty grab. What the fuck?
No pushblock? Why the fuck not? Why does my perfect blocking of mixups and assist calls net me in the corner while my opponent can mash safe strings away? My only option being to vanish and spend meter. Fuck that.
I'm having fun but these problems make me rage against the machi-- game.
It's balanced in that they're keeping you blocking longer but they're spending a bar of their meter to do it, and you're building up meter the entire time you block
Also some specials would be irredeemable garbage if you couldn't vanish to make them safe on block, it's already bad enough for them that whiffing means death
The crazy thing is that combos in this game are still way shorter than in Under Night, Blazblue, Guilty Gear, MvC3, etc... They generally take about ten seconds. They are really uninteresting to watch or perform though. So much overlap throughout the cast.
Rollback is shit. GGPO is a fucking meme. I'll keep my 2~ frame delay sync, thank you very much.
Don't be such a baby. If they want to flex that hard for a tiny bit more damage if it's not guaranteed to kill, let them.
how do i set up the comentator?
Replays. You can change it in the customization options, iirc.
>Guilty Gear
wut? GG combos are hella short boy. Blazblue and Marvel 3 are long tho.
Remove Sparking and replace it with burst. Sparking is just a garbage mechanic, as is the equivalent in literally every fighting game that has something like it. Being able to escape a combo once would be a great overall balanced comeback mechanic that allows for more interesting matches. Also, tying the jump cancel and other changes (like R2 pushing you forward on block) to Sparking is really stupid. There are Sparking only combos and some characters like Tien get a lot stronger with Sparking. It's just not an interesting mechanic. I hate feeling like the match has only just begun once someone is down to their last guy and activates Sparking. The immense health regen is also really boring. Thankfully Neo Tri Beam couldn't care less about it.
SD punishable on block, change a16 5H, end of story.
Under Night combos don't feel nearly as long as blazblue or marvel.
I'm talking about the versions we actually got to play.
>sparking activation a combo breaker
I agree, but don't let that lead into anything, like burst from gg
Ability to limit your team to one or two characters with buffed health pools and slightly increased damage output, CvS2 style.
Something like two characters with 15000 health each and the first hit causes no damage proration.
One character with 25000 health and the first two hits in a combo causes no proration.
I get that delay can cause you to drop combos, but I still don't get how that's worse than rollback where you try to confirm off a hit that was actually blocked and end up doing something unsafe, or fail to react to an overhead because it didn't show up on your screen until it hit you
If I'm forced to play through a laggy match I'd rather deal with frame delay than have my opponent jitter and teleport all over the screen
I guess this is why people like the game, but I just wish it felt like other fighting games. I can see why Sonic Fox does well in it, because it has a lot of the same issues the NRS games have. I feel like so much of the skill and strategy I learned from other fighting games do not apply to DBFZ because of its core design.
>feels like nearly everything in the game is plus or unpunishable on block
>recovery on most moves is stupidly low even if it looks like a move they should be unable to move for a long time after
>huge overlap throughout the cast
>no real nuances to play styles; game only really rewards one way of playing
>way too many things can be special cancelled, which defeats the purpose of those moves and makes blockstrings really braindead, and block -> punish significantly harder to do
It really does feel like I'm playing a NRS game in that regard, where everyone just mindlessly rushes in for 50/50s and keeps doing their safe hit confirmable strings, to which are not punishable and lead to big damage no matter what hit you got hit by.
>Remove combos from this fighting game
more characters
teleporting only happens in the shittiest of connections. When I play delay netcode games I get lag spikes in yellow bar.
There can also be hybrid delay/rollback
I'm a CIS major and currently reading mauve.mizuumi.net
It's an interesting read. I can name a shitton of good rollback implementations but only 1 shit one (SFV). I can't say the same for delay.
>more copy and pasted movesets with almost no unique qualities to them
>more two generic special moves that aren't ever used in neutral and barely used during combos
With how they designed the base cast, they could churn out Tenkaichi numbers of characters with ease.
>expecting Sup Forums to make sense when it comes to fighting games
Not combos, just the universal staircase combo that makes everyone play all characters exactly the same, fishing for that 2M 5M so they can jMLL jMLL 2H Dash jMLL Special Knockdown Super. The only times they stray from that shit is when there's a gimmicky character-specific 5000+ damage combo like Cell Loops (which still starts with 2M 5M jump cancel).
You can still do them but not in that order.
is the game in maintenance
who are you quoting?
>It's another "character does an extremely long corner string until he eventually gets a hit in, then does the same combo as always" episode
Gee I don't know
what is the change log for the update on PC?
What do you consider a combo?
Crouching forward into fireball
If it's not that, it's going to be the auto combo until eternity. People in general are always going to look for the easy way out.