We now have a fucking furshit-like mythical

>we now have a fucking furshit-like mythical
How did Pokémon stoop this fucking low Sup Forums?


It's not a mythical, though

What Digimon is that?

Incineroar's boifriend

wow no one cares

>Gen 1 legendary
>Mythical force of nature birds, a genetic freak with a savage heart, and the genetic prototype of all pokemon
>Gen 8
>Literally fucking digimon

It looks like a man in a skintight fursuit. They don't even try anymore.

Gen 1 and 2 seems more natural in terms of design. I really like gen 3 as well.

I think it mostly has to do with the watercolor paint to be honest.

Watercolors cant stop gen 7 starters from looking like furry cosplayers


Honestly, just stop playing that shit.

But VGC is fun

I actually like this design but the color scheme isn't particularly attractive.

Just lose the black.

He honestly looks better than Lucario

>Genwhiner Thread

This should be fun.

So they're just going to blatantly cater to furrys now



Charizard existed in Gen 1.


I remember when I learned that words ending in -y change to -ies when made plural
That was in first grade
I haven't fucked it up once since

How do you people actually function in the world

I feel like cringing whenever I look at the cat Are there really people who like that design who don't also want to fuck it? Look at its hands, look at its lumpy anatomy. Say what you will about the seal and the owl but the cat is straight up one of the worst designed Pokemon.

What the fuck is a mythical? And how does it differ from a poster pokemon like Lucario?



sounds good to me

we need more pokemon like braixen desu

Mythical are event Pokemon that you can't normally catch in game. Deoxys, Mew, Celebi, Jirachi, Shaymin, Arceus, Hoopa
Lucario is a mascot, but he isn't any different from regular pokemon.

>Are there really people who like that design who don't also want to fuck it?
Stop projecting

It looks like lucario fucked a luxray

Didn't you have to get him through an event the gen he released in? Or was that Riolu?

Pic unrelated? Because Mewtwo exists and had plenty of porn before you were even old enough to get your dick hard you underage faggot.

It's close to a legendary but technically not one and mythicals are usually obtainable only through limited time mystery gift events. Take Keldeo and Victini, for instance

Today I will remind them



No? He's slightly unique, but after Riolu hatches from this egg you can breed him like wild. After these games he appeared in regular catchable areas.

We're allowed to talk about the pokemon video games on Sup Forums you silly billy

ask vp where this belongs, you stupid faggot

The design itself is fine, it easily lends to what it does i.e. punch electric cat. Just not fond of its colors.

they all look good desu