post good games
Post good games
This game is way fucking harder than I was expecting. Has any gotten good yet?
Playing it on hard. Haven't managed to get past the second island yet. A lot of fun.
Won on Normal first try (2 island win).
Hoping Hard is more challenging.
Just finished first run through (on Easy). I couldn't finish first island on Normal. Enjoying it so far
>discussing good video games on Sup Forums
>get down to last hit at the end of second island boss battle
>fuck up my order and lose when I had the win
FUCK. Not bad for my first run, though.
I managed to get past the first island on one of my runs on Normal. Damn this game is unforgiving, and sometimes just plain unfair, but like FTL I love it for that. Making the best of what you got. Classic game design right there, some of the best board games are designed around.
Opportunity cost, making risky plays to try to get ahead in a fight you are usually way outnumbered on.
Pushing units is an amazing double edged sword. You can pull of crazy combos, but at the same time you can fuck yourself over easily. And sometimes you have to bite the bullet and force your own units to take the hit deliberately to try to get ahead.
It's pretty genius. I love it.
So it's enjoyable?
I just saw it came out but I'm not sure I wanna drop 15 burgerbucks on it right now.
But if it's FTL quality then I'll do so in a heartbeat.
It is really good, but dont expect it to be better than FTL. FTL is one of the greatest games of all time
how replayable is it? Is it like one campaign or is it like FTL where you never really get tired of it?
In other words, this game is more akin to a very lite Xcom than it is Advanced Wars. Stylistically it borrows from a lot of different things. Pacific Rim, Front mission, Advance Wars, Starship Troopers. All sorts of little details here and there. It's cool.
Its like FTL where trying different ships is fun, except now it's different mechs
I got to the very last mission on my first playthrough and only lost due to carelessness. I don't know how people struggle with normal.
but is it the same campaign and scenarios in the same order every run or are they randomized like the encounters in FTL, with a fixed boss at the end?
so is the game good or is it just mobile phone game tier
>tfw even hired shills take forever to respond to a potential buyer.
We shouldn't have outsourced our shills to India
>yfw you can reset a turn once in battle if you fuck up
I didn't realize this was a thing until after I got my first 2-island win on normal.
You have to manipulate a lot of abstract information in your mind at once and simulate all possible results of a decision before you make a move.
Whereas in FTL you just have a ship style and go with that every fight.
That's one difference from FTL. A bit more tiring on the brain.
There's a pilot that even let's you reset a second time I kinda regret passing him up
So which squads are fun I got 5 coins now so I can buy a 2nd tier squad and rusting hulk or just one tier 3 squad
At first I thought Rusting Hulk was gonna be a bit shit.
>tfw upgraded Storm Generator and just got Smoke Drop at the shop
Out of my way Vek fucking shits
they have a judo bot that you just fucking throw shit around with. the other two are pretty shit though but thats why you make a custom squad
Less scenarios. Honestly could have used more random events between missions
Randomized with fixed boss I believe first time I played I got a protect the train mission, died, restarted and then it was a protect powerplants
Fuck that sounds awesome guess that's what I'm going for
As a Fire Emblem fan, would I enjoy this game?
The hazardous mecha fucking suck. What a waste of 6 coins
A 2 damage cannon that hurts yourself for 1.
And a prime unit who only does 1 damage.
>start with zero options to customize your squad and have to unlock alternate pilots and mechs by playing and dying over and over
>you can only choose mechs in fixed sets, you can't even have two of the same mech
This is about as tactical as Nuclear Throne
Sounds like they heal when killing vek though right?
>you can't even have two of the same mech
Why is there an achievement for beating the game with three of the same mech then?
>can't even have 2 of the same mech
But you can there's literally an achievement for winning a game with 3 of the same exact mech
So is this game any good?
What about the OST? It is great like FTL OST?
The first set of mechs you get is really good. If you can't get far enough to unlock more with that set, you're only gonna have more problems down the line
same composer as FTL, its pretty damn good
Ehh not sure you stay with the same units you chose the entire current game and its less about attacking dealing damage and such and more about protecting shit by pushing and pulling enemies around the map to make them miss their attacks or attack each other
They do, it barely matters. Use your 6 coins on something else believe me
It's almost the game involves time travel and you going back to fix your mistakes.
Won first island, won't be playing any more, game world is so unappealing.
Good that it's a small torrent file.
>tfw if you fuck up after beating an island you replay the game with everything unlocked till that point.
It can actually make the game harder, having to deal with later units on earlier maps.
Those people who got lucky and sailed through a ton first time may not get a repeat performance.
Game is a complete RNG shitfest. Missions often fuck you up on the first turn, if the enemies decide to do a certain layout, side objectives are impossible to complete. Unless you do your skinner box duties over and over.
Piss poor design.
You know you can influence the first turn with your positioning right?
Keep rollin'
I am good at strategy games, I don't waste time on games of chance.
Positioning is meaningless considering you cannot know which way the enemies will go and you often cannot even reach them, they can go and stand in the way so you
1. can't move them with artillery
2. can't get to them in the first turn to move them
As a result, the side objective instantly gets offed.
Yeah, the story is shit, the graphics is shit, it's a complete RNG shitshow and the characters have the personality of a cardboard.
>build $2000 pc
>only exclusives are 2D pixel art shit
You can to an extent predict the ennemy movements though when you know what attacks they have and how far they can move.
It's almost like there's a function that lets you go back several turns to fix that issue.
>to an extent
So it's not a strategy game but a game of chance. You play and hope things align in an optimal way.
Admittance to bad design. And it's not 'several turns', don't lie.
>buy Blitzkreig
>get chain lightning for mass bug zapping
>Scorpion in tank form for pulling bugs into water/hazards/etc and has +Armor for reduced damage taken
>mother fucking BOULDER THROWING mech for extreme bug squashing and blocking new bugs from spawning
>mfw Scorpion tank gets the skill to battering ram bugs for good damage and be immune to his own collateral because +armor
The only issue I have is that the start of maps can be highly variable where you are literally put into a "well you're taking damage, have fun" situation.
Learn to video montage and make kino
I fucking hate video games, I only play VtMB, DeusEx and Chess.
No you're right, you just scrub out and complain rather than figure out a better solution because it doesn't fit into your jigsaw pattern thinking.
>Admittance to bad design.
More like admittance of failure of thinking on your point. The games in essence are a puzzle game. It's hilarious that you use a Chess webm to inflate your bruised ego but you don't realise taht even within Chess there are puzzle elements to solve within the given parameters of the board and pieces too.
It is closer to advance wars than to FF.
You do know you can't predict with certainty what your opponent will do in chess either right?
>what are openings
White should have gone into the Valenica opening. Anytime I can play a closed or pseudo closed game as White is the best game for me.
Even with openings there's no way to know if your opponent is going to open up with c4, d4 or e4 as White. Or maybe they go Nf3. Or maybe White goes with e3 for Van Kruyt's opening. Either way you can't predict with absolute certainty.
The point is that chess doesn't have the opponent suddenly teleport his queen to your kingside and fuck up your rook and pawn before you can do anything to stop it.
And neither does this game.
>& Ten Expansions
Well no but Chess also doesn't tell what the exact next move is going to be and have that move be executed regardless of if there is a purpose or not. You can't predict the exact specific movement of certain enemies but you can be assured that they will either attack your guys or attack buildings. You can either opt to sacrifice hp by blocking a spawn or choosing to tank a hit meant for a building.
I wasn't complaining about this shitty game being broken in the mid game, I was noticing that it's a RNG shitshow because I finished the first island in a dozen or so tries, and while later on I made mistakes out of lack of concentration, I often found myself fucked in the earliest stages of the map; there was no way to stop the enemy from preventing me to protect side objectives.
>enemy moves left instead of right
>hook tank has nothing to do 90% of the times
>same for shielding flying shit
>suicide tank is a fucking meme
>pushing crab is even bigger meme
>jet is the definition of meh
Playing with stock squads sucks.
>and while later on I made mistakes out of lack of concentration
There's your problem right there. Don't blame the game for your own mistakes because they're YOUR mistakes. If my ADHD brain can take its time to think of the solutions to the challenges presented on the maps and deal with the so called "RNG" then I don't see how you have any reason to not be able to accomplish the same.
Get that upgrade son. 2 damage, action null, and movement
Hook Tank is god tier.
>pulled 4 enemies in a row into water
Nig, while I am not the dude calling the game shit, it does give you situations occasionally where you can't do anything but either lose an objective or take a building hit at the start because you have two flying critters that run from you and there just isn't the space to do much about it. It happens. This game is going to put you into situations where you have to minimize losses. However, it feels gay to have that situation out of the gate instead of after a move or two. It doesn't make the game dogshit, just like FTL having a dumb final boss doesn't make it dogshit.
Are you reading my words? I didn't blame the game for my mistakes but for putting me in situations that were unwinnable. It's bad design.
Which game is this?
Onto the Beach
What should one focus on upgrading first?
This would be a good game if it had a better theme (art direction and writing). Feels completely dry.
>it does give you situations occasionally where you can't do anything but either lose an objective or take a building hit at the start because you have two flying critters that run from you and there just isn't the space to do much about it. It happens. This game is going to put you into situations where you have to minimize losses. However, it feels gay to have that situation out of the gate instead of after a move or two.
The the building the gets hit, big fucking deal. Did it lead to a game over? Did you die? No? Suck it up and keep going. You're not going to get every result to be perfect, you are going to have to make choices.
>Are you reading my words? I didn't blame the game for my mistakes but for putting me in situations that were unwinnable. It's bad design.
No you can still win, you just want to win "perfectly" without a blemish and can't accept anything less than a perfect result. The fault is entirely with you and your perfectionist thinking.
>I couldn't finish first island on Normal.
>you share a board with people like this
who /zenith/ here
yeah ok, you can be good at video games, i'll be good at shagging your mum
Come on
Not true, if there's a side objective it should be winnable.
>start game
>immediately take a hit from not fault of your own
>defending this
It doesn't ruin the game, but it isn't good design, negro. You should ultimately be punished for merit, not because you were literally unlucky. How can you defend this? Just concede it isn't optimal but doesn't ruin the game, sperglord.
It's called a SIDE OBJECTIVE user. It's not the PRIMARY OBJECTIVE. You only do the side objective if it is possible and doesn't interfere with your primary goal. There's no point clamoring for a side objective if you will fuck up your primary goal and make future missions worse for you.
Oh so you took a hit at the start of the game and your mech's paint job got scratched. Boo fucking hoo. Man the fuck up and finish the mission.
Hey now. You didn't slide out of the womb with a high score in Donkey Kong.
The man just needs to improve.
It can happen at the start of any map, user. Why are you being such a cooter about this? Are you the dev? Is fifteen dollars your weekly allowance?
Don't deflect user. Yes it can happen at the start of the map but if it doesn't result in a game over for me then what's the problem? Sounds like you're just frustrated that you can't accomplish a perfectionist run.
>Why are you being such a cooter about this?
Because the scrub mentality in this thread is fucking hilarious. "Oh nothing went my way 100% so this game has RNG and I can't adapt." Like fuck me it's like the very notion of a mission being completed where you had to make some sacrifices in regards to bonus objective choices is just completely foreign to some people.
There's a difference between sacrificing a bonus objective and never getting the chance to do anything. Once again, it isn't good design. Your entirely argument is that it is possible to work around or beat the game so it's fine. The game isn't ruined but that doesn't mean it's good design. I bet you defend the final boss of FTL as well.
There is no deflection, either. I'm the one conceding it doesn't break the game. You're the one unable to admit it is bad design because you can still beat the game. You're the one strawmanning here.
Judoka are so much fun but so useless in my hands
>I bet you defend the final boss of FTL as well
Not that user but there's literally nothing wrong with the flagship fight.
Don't forget that the magnet bot can target allies too, it's saved my ass more than once
>There's a difference between sacrificing a bonus objective and never getting the chance to do anything. Once again, it isn't good design. Your entirely argument is that it is possible to work around or beat the game so it's fine. The game isn't ruined but that doesn't mean it's good design. I bet you defend the final boss of FTL as well.
So let me get it straight, you're saying that either you're too stupid to figure out the solutions to the puzzles presented but someone like me using basic rudimentary problem solving skills makes me too smart at this game? What a load of bullshit, all i'm doing is basic problem solving solutions. The fact that I have found solutions within the means of this game does not mean the game is at fault, it's the USER who is at fault if they can't figure out the solution. The design of the game is not to make you feel good by giving you 5 star maximum point 100% hp perfect SSS rank.
Also the final boss of FTL is perfectly fine and don't know why you bring it up like some sort of downside. You know exactly what the final boss of FTL will do everytime. That part never changes and is a constant.
>hook tank has nothing to do 90% of the times
It's a tank, you tank damage with it
>defending a final boss that has basically RNG-gearchecks in it
There's a reason why nobody can consistently win FTL (even if their W/L gets rather high) even after they literally know the odds of every decision and what to do in any given situation. That is not good design.
See, this is where you fail reading comprehension. The game itself is totally fine overall in the same way FTL is. It's a good little game that has decent strategy in it because it makes you weigh your options and choose wisely. It has safety rollback mechanics in place and generally plays pretty nice. It, however, can put the player in initial situations where no choice can be effectively made-- you are losing resources no matter what before you had a chance to actually do anything about it. Is this rare? Yes, pretty rare. Does it occur? Yes. It has nothing to do with intelligence, it has to do with the fact that the game is difficult to balance around that fact and the Dev just thought it good enough. It's like saying parts of IVAN are good design. I love IVAN, it's probably my favorite roguelike due to the mechanics, but there are certain spots of the game that amount to taking meaningful choice out of the player's hands. This isn't good design. This doesn't mean the game is unwinnable or shit or whatever, it means that the game has a flaw. Quit being a drooling retard and acting like this is your precious baby.
This. It has high health, takes 1 less damage from attacks, and can insta-kill in the right situations; it's amazing.
>There's a reason why nobody can consistently win FTL (even if their W/L gets rather high) even after they literally know the odds of every decision and what to do in any given situation. That is not good design.
No it's because the average person always tries to brute force every battle and not realise you can't win every fight in FTL and you should just put maximum power to engines and escape. They are also terrible at risk management and go for high risk options in random encounters(e.g they always fight giant alien spiders with a crew of 3 people) And i'm laughing at the notion that people can't consistently win FTL, there are people online that show you how and can win games of FTL with ridiculously high rates.
I think the core question here is something like this: "is it better for a game to be winnable 100% of the time at the cost of unpredictability?"
I don't think it is. The unknown keeps an element of excitement, otherwise the game is just solved. why bother playing?
Win/loss is just a result, obviously win is desirable. But the challenge of getting there is the game. the unpredictability adds to the challenge.
Maybe its possible to have both and that's the other argument
>pic unrelated.