Is Half Life: Blue Shift worth playing or is it really that bad?

Is Half Life: Blue Shift worth playing or is it really that bad?

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the problem with blue shift is that the game is neither good nor bad, just more of the same
while opposing force added a lot of new content to the game, blue shift is just a new area to the original half-life, almost a mod

It's better than OF.

Blue Shift kinda sucks
Opposing Force is great tho

It's not bad by any stretch. But after HL and OF it's certainly boring.
Old Black Mesa was a cool part though.

shortest expansion but it's got some nice cameos.
They the only unique thing about it (hand held flashlight weapon) so it's basically a vanilla map pack whereas OP4 and Decay add unique features and entities.
It's okay

The fuck--They CUT the only unique thing they were offering in it.

Originally the crowbar was replaced with a hand held flashlight identical to what the guard had in HL1's intro, but they cut it for some reason and left everything vanilla.

Treat it as map pack to the original HL.It's pretty short,but enjoyable.No new content sadly(even from OP)

It's fun but felt really half baked and doesn't really add anything new. I remember finishing it and thinking "is that it? That's all?". That's the taste this game leaves.

With that said, it's like another chapter to hl1 which is fun so you should try it.

It's worth playing if you just really want more Half-Life

I always wondered what happened those guys in the Uplink demo.

play it in-between HL and Op4 for best experience

more like Blue Shit lmaoooo

Uplink is kind of redundant anyways because it's based on the cut HL chapter, but then the whole premise of it got merged into Decay later on.

It's great. Yeah, it's essentially just more of what you got in HL1, but it's all the good stuff with no fluff

OpFor is overrated. The level design in that game is mediocre

It's only a few hours, what do you have to lose by playing it? Do you like Half-Life? If you do, you'll like Blue Shift. Just don't go in expecting Opposing Force.

>hand held flashlight weapon
Isn't the flashlight just the same as normal Half-Life? You just pick it up rather than it being integrated in the suit.

Look for the mod Azure Sheep if you want a better version of this.

Why do people say Azure Sheep is good?
The level design in that mod is horrid--almost all the levels are just blocky rooms and hallways devoid of any detail because they wanted to stitch all these unrelated areas together from across the game.

Some of it's good but when it's bad it's really bad.

So it's just like OpFor, then?

It's very forgettable
Maybe if you want some more HL style exposition and gameplay
It's not the worst thing ever but after opposing forces it's a step down with nothing new except following/protecting glitchy NPCs

While you are entitled to 1 opinion, your opinion can also be wrong.

it actually made Xen fun to play

>The level design in that game is mediocre

What are you on about? It's more combat and less platforming compared to the other campaigns. Combat being what FPS games do best, and platforming what they do worst, it's a good decision all around.

OP's maps in the later chapters were a bit underdeveloped, but swathes of AZ's maps were worse. It wasn't just lack of detail because that's a side effect of having mile long stretches of hallway with like nothing in them.

The rail sections don't count; they're the same as they are in Half-L


It's worth playing, basically just more of the same

Being a bit provocative with that picture, eh? We don't accept yer kind here.

why couldn’t furries turn everything into something less disturbing, like clowns?

The level design in OpFor is uncreative. Too many long, empty corridors. Usually uncomfortably cramped or with too much open, empty space. Poor attempt to create the illusion that Black Mesa is a real place (something that HL1 and BS do very well). The levels don't stand out from each other

We don't accept you either you autistic Sup Forums faggot

I loved blue shift. Hated OF though, just felt like your generic 'huur u r armee man' game with some half life sprinkles on top.

>hating furfags make you a Sup Forumsack now

Whoa look out the furfag is getting uppity again
Get ready for his gay porn dump

posting Sup Forums memes make you Sup Forums?

Of the three, HL, OF & BS, the latter absolutely has the best puzzles. Other than that, it's pretty much "a bit more of HL" and nothing more.

To be fair it was meant to be a bonus mission for the Dreamcast. It's pretty much a dumping ground for Gearbox's work on DC HL, hence the HD pack.

quiet, furfag

It is not bad at all. But it is really short and doesn't really have any unique mechanics. It's like a fan made level with voice acting.

It's more just Half-Life and made by competent people. Sure why the fuck not


good one

i thought furfags are heavily pro-Sup Forums tho due to germanics

Agree. OF adds a bunch of bad combat encounters and gay enemies.

Point of View is great mod too

>Sup Forums
I guess you weren't here for the time Sup Forums was celebrating furfags getting gassed in some hotel

>degenerate furfag calling someone autistic

Go choke on a dog's dick.

>the people who made half life blue shift in 2001 are the same people who work on gearbox in 2018

>Less platforming
opfor had platforms and box puzzles everywhere

>there are people who didn't played decay
>there are people who don't know how it was because of two women that the entire facility scietist teams were being hunted by the military

Blue shift is ok, not great.
Opposing force is literally top tier and by far the best half life game

Offensively easy imo. It's like a tutorial for Half Life.

Opposing Force did it right, in the sense that it is significantly more difficult than vanilla Half Life. Expansions should be made on the assumption that all players are familiar with the original.

and being a furry makes you a fag?

I wish this was released to PC already.

There are mods tho.

You'll just need a friend to play with.

Source on that fanart?

Oh cool, thanks mate

Ur welcome.