Blizzard did it again!

>Translocator now lasts 20 seconds.
>Gun spread reduced.
>Hack time reduced to .6 seconds.
>Hack now disables more abilities.

Yeah guys lets make a character 1v1 anybody with complete ease, while also having an escape rope for whenever they get outplayed. FUCKING GENUIS DEVS.

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck you blizzard for ruining mayhem with more hack spam

I want to marry this Mexican hacker

Good, fuck everyone that she's a counter to.

she can shut down genjis walk climb and lucios speed and healing. fuckin huge.

>Disables Pharah's hover jets
That seems like a bit much.

If it helps, Phara's a pretty low prioirty hacking target. Being able to stop Genji entirely and neuter Lucio are a huge deal, especially Lucio, who can stall a point for like 15 seconds by himself just because of how hard he is to hit while shrugging off what little damage he takes with sick beats.
I just hope when Sombra hacks Lucio, it plays this

Nah, Sombra still gets rape in a straight fight.

Her DPS is inferior to all of the offensive characters and most of the defensive characters.

Genji still destroys her with his shurikens. The problem is that most Genji main suck with them and relied too much on macros/exploits.

Pederastem kurwa

she still doesnt do much
you need to hack a rien when ever there is one
he dies because he was hacked
mercy just rezes him making that play worthless

>not this

more like annoy you slightly then run away because she can't out dps anyone.

just another small fuck you to dive change

>The amount of Sombra porn is about to skyrocket as she becomes FOTM

My dick is ready.

Just make her fat like an actual Mexican

I want to eat her pussy lips for breakfast, lunch, and dinner

Stop making me want to racemix.

>not this

>Complains when Blizzards buffs and under-developed or generally hated character

I bet you're one of those salty boys who got from Top 500 to Silver thanks to the Mercy nerf. It's not like Tracer can one-clip every single support in the game with ease, while McCree is the only one who can stop her for 0.7 seconds before she recalls and solo kills the entire team. At least Sombrero will work better now with that buff of hers, now I won't insist on going ''Slambulance''/Quad-tank when they pick FUCKING TRACER

That art is fantastic and I would be very pleased if you or anyone ITT where to know the sauce of this

>not this

How do I into Sombra lads? Whenever it's a critical moment and the team expects me to kill off the healer, I end up choking and whiffing all my shots

Sombra's official art is hideous but her in game model and appearance in the her short are both very cute.

and? overwatch is still shit
back to /vg/ retard

Especially Dive and Genji


As long as they feauture the summer skin.

I don't understand how anybody other than Reinhardt players get hacked, it plays a loud as fuck sound, has mediocre range, and gets instantly disabled if you turn around and press mouse 1.

Game sucks anyway because blizzard lets feedback from shitters like ((you)) who complain about getting 1v1'd by a character that is basically a walking ultimate shape patches.

Because despite what you superhumans expect of the average player, its hard to locate a specific person in the middle of a firefight in 0.6 seconds.

I have no idea how you are supposed to play her now, when she came out she seemed like a flanker\disabler more reliant on teamwork, then it was just hack health packs and wait for ult, are they trying to turn her into another straight DPS?

>instead of fixing Sombra by replacing her kit with something better Blizzard doubles down on her retarded translocating and hack spamming

Is there truly nobody at Blizz HQ who gives a single shit about this game? lol.

only 20 seconds? it should be infinite, she is hit and run, just make the cooldown a few more seconds

unless hacking an orisa who has a shield out already makes it disappear then these changes havent done shit.

what fucking abilitys didnt her hack effect before?
when are these changes active on ps4?

You play her the same, you retard

Not with that stupid hair.

so, literally everyone?

People still play this shit?

They nerfed her ult gain from healthpacks, you can't play her the same retard.

>losing a 1v1 to Sombra
Only acceptable if you're playing a support and even then you've got a decent chance.

When you're in the shit, she's not that easy to get to/hit. If you're out in the open and she's trying to get you solo then of course you'll slap her shit.

>what fucking abilitys didnt her hack effect before?
movement shit like Lucio's wallride, genji double jump and wall climb, pharah all flying etc.

>mooooom i posted it again

They did fix her kit.

Sombra is now perfect for disruption and hit-fade tactics.

Only people bitching about her minor buff are shitty Genji players who rely too much on macros/exploits.

why are her eyebrows drawn on with sharpie?

>hacks Tracer
>Tracer oneclips her
>hacks Pharah
>two rockets later she's dead
>hacks Reaper
>oneshots her
>hacks McCree
>headshot+bodyshot = dead
>hacks Soldier
>five bullets to the face

The only offensive character she actively counters is Genji. This so-called buff is ass.

>he still plays overflop

they didn't fix her kit at all. She is still a free kill in 90% of situations.

Nah, Sombra is now great at negating Winston and dives.

Shitty macro Genjis getting raped is just an added bonus.


sombra is the new mercy

Fix her terrible invisibility from being borderline useless and let her get ult from healing herself at her own kits at the very least. Then you can bitch about her being "overpowered"

non pro competitive Sombra becomes the ultimate anti-dive hero

pro competitive she becomes 80% pick rate

>Have over 200 hours of Sombra
>Can't even play her in any game I have anymore because people always hop on her
>Ask kindly, nobody budges anyway
>Almost all of them are fucking awful or try to play like Tracer

Bandwagoning faggots

As I sombra main im soo happy but shes pretty OP now so the nerfs will come later.

18 second trans locator
and hacked health packs will also have a longer duration time.

everyone whos mad with this update is just bad.

Sombra doesn't do so well against characters that don't use abilities much. McCree and Reaper will just blow her brains out. It's great that there's a hero that can shut down Tracer now. McCree and Roadhog were iffy because the flash or hook can miss but Tracer will get dicked by Sombra consistently and I love that.

Also, Sombra was shit before, she was just an ult machine because of her getting 25% ult from healthkits. She couldn't kill shit, except to finish off weak targets. Genji and Tracer were always used more because they can go into a backline and kill people whereas Sombra couldn't get those kills and just "disrupted" as Blizzard described it.

Blizzard can't balance for shit

I too hate fighting Genji.

>characters goes from useless to overpowered in one patch
Welcome to Blizzard games.

>Genji and Tracer finally have soft and hard counters respectively
>people are mad about this
I too love characters with tiny hitboxes and overtuned kits dominating the game since launch

Who cares? Dead game

You’re a faggot for having 200 hours in this game, let alone in a SINGLE character.



>not playing casually with friends
I have over 4k hours in TF2 and 2k in CS 1.6, stay mad autist

Seriously, who fucking designed Tracer?
>Can one clip over 50% of the cast
>best movement abilities
>"I fucked up" button that can instantly restore her health to full
>smallest hitbox in the game
>annoying giggle all the time

>Every face is literally the same mesh blend shaped to be slightly different
You just called S76 cute you fag.

You forgot
>Lowest HP in the game
>Has cooldowns on her abilities
>gets caught in a fight with proper positioning
>alongside other obvious weaknesses