A Master Gamer passed a novice gamer one day

A Master Gamer passed a novice gamer one day.

The Master noted the novice's preoccupation with a hand-held computer game.

"Excuse me," he said, "may I examine it?"

The novice bolted to attention and handed the device to the Master. "I see that the device claims to have three levels of play: Easy, Medium, and Hard," said the Master. "Yet every such device has another level of play, where the device seeks not to conquer the human, nor to be conquered by the human."

"Pray, Great Master," implored the novice, "how does one find this mysterious setting?"

The Master dropped the device to the ground and crushed it with his heel. Suddenly the novice was enlightened.

wait what
so not playing is a difficulty option? and if it was, wouldn't it technically be easier than playing on "Easy"?
this shit doesnt make any sense dude

try not playing


A Master Gamer passed a novice gamer one day.

The Master noted the novice's preoccupation with a hand-held computer game.

"Excuse me," he said, "may I examine it?"

The novice bolted to attention and handed the device to the Master. "I see that the device claims to have three levels of play: Easy, Medium, and Hard," said the Master. "Yet every such device has another level of play, where the device seeks not to conquer the human, nor to be conquered by the human."

"Pray, Great Master," implored the novice, "how does one find this mysterious setting?"

The Master dropped His pants on the ground and presented his ass. A loud whirring sound came from his bum. Suddenly the novice was sucked into the masters anal cavity. "Nooo! I need my Switch!", he exclaimed. But it was too late.

at least is not as bad as whiirrrrr threads upboated

How old were you when you realised that buddhism was the one true way, Sup Forums?

and do fucking what instead?

Reach another level of play.

>not taoism
Filthy scum

dont act like a retard and anwer the question you stupid fag

You must find the answer within.

Shitpost on Sup Forums like the three of us are doing now. We are all masters.

>Not jainism

Absolutely unenlightened

look if you are not going to antwoord me then fuck off


So he figured out the only winning move, is what you're trying to tell me?

See, this is why you are a novice. You can't not play it. You can't beat the hardest challenge games have to offer.

go fuck yourself till you give an alternative i dont care faggot take you right wing pro guns bullshit and fuck off

I must be a grand fucking master then. 90% of the shit released today is hot garbage and i have no desire to touch any of it.

Did you crush your Switch yet?

Or you are just a stupid faggot.

Never bought one

A Master Gamer passed a novice gamer one day.

The Master noted the novice's preoccupation with a hand-held computer game.

"Excuse me," he said, "may I examine it?"

The novice bolted to attention and handed the device to the Master. "I see that the device claims to have three levels of play: Easy, Medium, and Hard," said the Master. "Yet every such device has another level of play, where the device seeks not to cuckold the human, nor to be cucked by the human."

"Pray, Great Master," implored the novice, "how does one find this mysterious setting?"

The Master docked the device to a widescreen TV and later swapped it for a powerful console/PC. Suddenly the novice was enlightened.

Buddhism is just a hygiene; daoism is the way. and neither are enlightened.





I laughed

"Two Buddhists, student and teacher are walking across a bridge. The student asks the teacher what the meaning of the Buddha is. In response to this, the teacher picked up the student and tossed him into the river below. Thus the student learned the meaning of the Buddha."