Other urls found in this thread:
Perhaps things are not as bad as they seem?
Does the collector have a backstory?
Belongs in all the darkest threads.
eldritch deity that has a fetish with heads
How quickly the turns tide!
>That amazing feeling when you land a crit that kills a strong enemy and the narrator says BACK TO THE PIT
I want to hold hands with graverobber!
>not even the best girl
Plague doctor or nothing you corpse fondler fondler
Guys, you should move to new games. Everything was already said and done about this game.
Faster than light.
Slay the spire.
Try them, not exactly same as dd, but the risk management and the whole
>go big and die fast or win fast VS slowly and carefully come to your doom
are there as well.
Plague doctor is great too. Especially because I didn't know she was a girl until my third playthrough.
The latest dlc is coming in a couple of months so people are on edge about it. Ftl is fun and would probably still be talked about if it had more updates like dd but the devs are instead making their own version of advanced wars.
game is too repetitive
>a warrior and a poet
get out
ded game
obviously NEETs would waifu the smelly fucking loser who doesn't even show her face in public
>petals must fall
why is the leper indisputably the most bad ass warrior of all time?
Why did the general die? Was thinking about getting the game.
it is, ill come back to it once in a while but there arent enough enemies and having to fight the same boss 3 times just gets dull, way too long of a grind for so little content
once the DLC comes out it'll probably fire back up
because all generals divulge into waifufaggotry and so deserve to die
Hello /dadg/
I'm at week 57. Will I get Wolves at the Door the moment somebody hits Rank 5?
It's actually the opposite. If a general goes into waifufagging and shipping and crap it literally never dies, even though it should.
What KS general are we up to even?
That is, if you already have three other rank 5s.
im pretty sure the dd general died literally because it was just full of waifufags and nothing else, you can see glimpses of it here in these threads even. so youre correct but i guess the sane people left realised it wasnt worth keeping it alive just for a select few circlejerking waifuniggers.
The best way to avoid it is to not even do Crimson Court until lategame when you have a bleed party of level 2s for Baron. Just stick with The Town is Abuzz! for more than a fucking year until you're ready.
/ntg/ died because Nuclear Throne was killed, because Vlambo are into twitter politics now and not into actually making their game better or any less dead. I still have some soundfonts saved from that time, and if you dive into archives deep enough you could very well find the old /ntg/ OPs and the links therein.
What trinkets does the Flagellant want?
I have lost two teams to the 3rd Hag encounter, what the fuck. How do I kill this bitch?
Last encounter I got her down to 8HP with Arbalest, Vestal, Man-at-Arms, and Hellion.
Hit her very hard.
and fast
youre missing a leper or two
News on the next DLC when
Blood amulet to ensure he will only ever bleed when you want him to and increase his chance of bleeding against others, or Shards of Glass if you want to be risky in exchange for even more bleed chance. DoT attacks that crit last for 5 rounds instead of 3, so maybe something like Ancestor's Pen as well. Don't bother with healing increasing trinkets, the percentage ones already heal enough and the heal over time is a unique effect unaffected by trinkets.
>I have lost two teams to the 3rd Hag encounter
>Last encounter I got her down to 8HP with Arbalest, Vestal, Man-at-Arms, and Hellion.
that's a solid setup
strategy is a simple as this: bring 4 heroes that can hit the back line. T1 she pots someone. Focus fire her until she dies. If you are even moderately decent at the game you'll kill her well before the potted hero hits DD, and even then they get DD checks while cooking
Don't talk shit about CRITS FOR DAYS
>Radiant difficulty
>get absolutely shit on by Wulff 5 times in a row
>rage quit because fuck this garbage game
>come back months later
>begin micro-managing every trinket
>cure serious afflictions as they appear
>reinforce the best positive quirks
>focus on team composition
>just the Darkest Dungeon and 2/3rds of the Crimson Court to go
I'm scared lads
I swear to god having my Dungeon specific parties crimson cursed is a fucking pain in the ass
And the Countness dungeon is enormeous, and these fucking gatekeepers never spawn
I beat VVulf without losing any hero
Once Crimson Court missions turn red no pun intended, they become fuck yourself hard. And those cunts show up everywhere, too: I was just finishing up a long dungeon and heading into the boss when I got smacked with a surprise fight against two Chevaliers, a Sycophant and one of the little bastards. Had to abandon the quest.
Fellow Heir
Allow me to advice you
The Darkest Dungeon is very heavy on damage, bleed DoT and Stress, with a little of Stun and Markings
I only got to fight the first boss fight of the DD, the Shuffling Horror.
My advice: DONT bring a 'rigid' team composition, make a team that can deal dish out nice damage at all positions, to keep up the damage. Shuffling heroes are best for this
The countness dungeon is not much of a labyrinth, but is LONG and HUGE, your heroes will be walking for very long amounts of time, and you will be spending a lot of invitations
I havent faced the Countness yet, I believe I'm close
>2 Chevalliers
Horrifying, but mate, try 3 Chevalliers in a single fight
Hope you have a good amount of bleed dot heroes, and stuns
In the court I allow myself to use the Flagellant without shame, because holy shit it's fucking hard
plague doctor's warm, fuzzy pits
Bring a team comp that can handle getting shuffled for the first Darkest Dungeon quest.
I can't wait until Fagellants *click* with me, because I hear they're excellent. Also hearing that my girl the Arabalest is low-tier, despite her critting marked fools from the back-line all day every day, while supplementing the Vestal's healing.
As for stuns, I'm finding that unless I specifically build trinkets to enhance it, nothing's going to stun a high-level Court enemy.
Will do, thanks.
How long did it take for him to show after you got your fourth champion?
As of now I'm nervously juggling around XP so that I don't get another rank 5. It's getting annoying.
>the almighty 3 Chevalier beating
Flagman is indeed excellent once you learn how to use him
Just dont let him reach 100 stress
Honestly, I dont know, I was doing courtyard quests until all out of the sudden he appeared
I decked him out fairly easy tho
Got my first wipe from a 3 chevalier encounter. Thankfully, I was able to recover the trinkets right after with a Shrieker mission, but I was thoroughly reminded that day.
By that point, hope you brought tanky heroes with lots of heal, because might as well just try to 'endure' the fight.
My Leper took a really fucking beating, but his self heal saved him many times
My Flagellant kept getting DD'd, but everytime he got reduced to 0 either he fucked them up or saved other hero
Poor doggomaster and clownman almost died too
Is the Crimsom Court and Shieldbreaker worth it?
CC, yes. It gives you plenty of new content and everything is well designed. Shieldbreaker only gives one class that is fun but you can really pass up on it.
Right-o. I could scum it with a trinket, but I have a feeling that he needs to be outfitted with bleed gear.
Shoot, thanks for reminding me to pick up Shieldbreaker.
I'd say so. But how much is 15 burgerbux to you, though?
15 shekels isn’t anything to worry about. But I’m actually Jewish and my brain is hardwired to always save money.
>ambushed by The Fanatic when running a sub-optimal, low-level team who took a hard beating in a medium dungeon beforehand
>Arabalest, Occultist, Doggo-Duo, Flagellant
>mark/crit and bleed that fucker to death in 3-4 turns
>fuck YES
>mfw finding out he isn't permanently dead
I have two rookies left in a full roster. How am I supposed to level them up? I can't bring them to veteran dungeons, can I?
The game generates low level missions if you have low levels in your roster.
Not really, his 'Punishment' main attack also debuffs enemy bleed resistance, besides having rather decent bleed DoT himself
What I always do is stack -Stress items on him, particurally Aria's box (-25% stress) and Book of Sanity (-20% stress), means he will almost never go rapturous.
Also, with such stress trinkets, the Flagellant becomes the perfect Stress sponge, use Endure on your stressed heroes, let him take all the stress, in which he will get half of the stress he'd normally recieve. Then use a Jester, Crusader or just his destress camping skill to clear the stress on him
You can, they will take stress damage and you will need to babysit them but it can be done.
Should I dismiss heroes afflicted by Nerver Again? The Darkest Dungeon is only thing I am left to clear and they don't want to go
Don't heroes with Never Again free up roster space?
>1st playthrough
>Trying to get Dismas and Reynauld to the end of the game for funsies/achievement
>Send dismas in a weald dungeon
>2 mushroom zombies and that motherfucker with a cowskull appear
>Dismas gets targeted twice by the zombies, gets crit
>death's door
>One of the zombies bleed to death by accident and that fucking anti-healing fungus spawns
>Gets hit once more
They do. So you can go above the cap no worries. No need to fire anyone
So I just can't wrap my head around when to mark an enemy for more damage. If I'm fighting a group of 3 or 4, it feels like it's always more useful to use their other skills rather than spending their entire turn marking, even if there is more than one person on my team that can take advantage of it.
Rough. If I were going for that achievement, I'd just make my peace with the fact that I only have 28 max spaces on the roster after the second week.
Just started my first run and almost lost the first ruins run due to losing light at the last minute.
Any tips I should know? What do teach of the Afflictions do?
>not graverobber's silky blonde bush
best girl now and fivever
Leper's got some cool art. This is really Mignola-esque.
>Always have a healer or make sure your entire squad can sufficiently self-heal
>Go for stress dealers first. Damage is much easier to heal than stress.
>You should pretty much always be on >75 light unless you're at the end of the dungeon and are opening some treasures
>For now bring more supplies than you think you may need and take note on how much you should actually be bringing
>Remind yourself that overconfidence is a slow and insidious killer.
Buy a lot of shit. It's better to be over prepared than to be underprepared. Letting it go Dark is basically killing yourself.
>assembly team to kill Champion boss
>get in dungeon
>second dungeon fight is the Collector
>fuck RNG
>he summns highwaymans
>one crits my nun for 42 damage
>fuck RNG
>instantly deathblow to bleed proc
>after I kick the Collector's nuts I decide to abandon the quest because I can't go without my main healer
This game is so badly designed holy shit
Yet I keep playing
this game was in my wishlist for a long time
tell me why I should buy it
I don't know if I'd call it badly designed.
But I might
For the narration
>tfw no Mike Mignola darkest dungeon comic
being Sup Forums is suffering
God-tier Narrator
Hardcore as fuck difficulty
You will learn new, very fancy words and vocabulary
You will learn new concept of hell and monsters
Pretty good game overrall... if you're a masochist
tfw found pic related a while back but can't find anything else about it
tfw no shantae skin
You can play it with just one hand.
Some of the best art and atmospheric style that exists, especially in such a simple game, you will remember the narrators voice forever
Fun difficulty, it gets easier the more you learn
Losing is frustrating, but doesnt set you back very far so you're never stabbed for your time like a roguelike would
It's been suffering for years now, Sup Forumsmrade. Too many.
Occultist and Houndmasters are the best ones to mark, since they are not really the damage dealers, Use occultist mark DODGE enemies, and Houndmaster for PROT enemies
There's the party "Marked for Death" literally made for this exact purpose.
If you want to take full advantage of marks, take +SPD trinkets for the Markers (Occultist and Houndmaster) so they can go first, and +CRT and/or DMG for the damage dealers (Arbalest and Bounty Hunter).
I think only mark bosses or if the mark applies a good debuff as well.
The thumbnail makes this look like Plague's Leon/ Ashley picture.