>spend 600 dollars building a PC
>AMD 2200g + gtx 1050ti
>doesn't work with windows 8
Why are they forcing me to install the ultimate botnet 10 experience? how come a video game like FF XV or Sonic Forces only working with W10 ?
Spend 600 dollars building a PC
>Windows 8
>Doesn't want to install botnet
You're way too fucking late to even consider not letting Microsoft molest you.
So what should I do?
I just installed 7 I don't give a fuck about new games, plus I've always been like a decade behind on operating systems.
You bought a CPU with a built in GPU, and also bought a GPU. You are the dumbest person on the planet. Suicide would be too good for you. You should live a long and miserable life that never reaches fulfilment and satisfaction.
shota Gohan a cute
>APU and an nvidia gpu
n-word what are you doing?
Mods ban you for it now outside of Sup Forums.
That rule has been there forever and I don't see people banned. Are you sure?
>AMD 2200g
throw it in the trash
use windows 7 64bit
is this b8 m8?
>You bought a CPU with a built in GPU, and also bought a GPU
Tell me a cheaper CPU option. There isn't
for 110 dollars it's the best one out there
4790k get em for nothin on ebay
>wanting to use windows 8
Should have got the higher clocked r3 2100
Should've bought a used processor, would've been able to get something better.
It happened in a thread a few days agi. A few posters even got freaked out about it and suggest this place is becoming compromise.
Have you used 8.1?
>buying an inferior and used card
the Sup Forums mentality
Have you eaten shit?
>DDR3, inferior L1 cache, inferior L2 cache, almost 100W
nice choice faggot
17% better performance over that AMD saltine
>buying a GPU with an APU
Intel cpus are literally apus they just don't use the AMD terminology. They all have integrated graphics as well as a cpu. What op's doing is fine. All the other ryzen cpu don't come with any integrated graphics so if your gpu does one day you could be fucked till you salvage a replacement. At least with people using Intel cpu and amd apu they can use their pc without dedicated graphics if needed
Cpu dies one day *
Fuck meant - GPU dies one day**
Goddamn it
>it has 500mhz more so it's better
CPU mark is shit
it's passmark you idiot
>Sup Forums doesn't know you can disable GPU in the bios
>they actually think intel processors after 2012 don't come with integrated GPU
The state of pc gamers
17% "better" for an used shit with tons of backdoors and more expensive. not worth it
2200G is a better value than any intel as of today, unless you want to builda GTX 1080ti build fo 4K30fps with hairworks™
Shut up nigger.
even with the OS gimp it still outperforms that AMD crapnugget
That ''17%" more isn't noticeable for video games for many reasons
single core performance is superior, of course it will be reflected in vidya you idiot.
Seriously at that budget there's no point. Just go without until you have double that then go in for the true gaming experience, fuck half-measures. There's no reason in getting a PC if you're going to have low-mediocre performance, the PC's whole advantage is that it can be a powerhouse. If you're not going for top of the line graphics/performance, then why bother? Why not just settle with a console or save for a better PC?
Passmark is awful mate.
Cinebench put 2200g just 20 points behind 4790k and it represent much more realistic CPU performance that would be reflected in gaming benchmark.
>$350 cpu vs $99 cpu
Might as well get Coffee Lake at this price point.
Yeah, gotta buy those CPU cards new.
You're a stupid person.
no because ddr3
>windows 8
Huh. Either a piece of shit or a pile of puke. Looks like you got your decision made for you already
Hey niggers I'm about to upgrade my piece of shit CPU, have to upgrade motherboard and get new ram too. May as well get a new box and SSD too. Am I fucking up?
GTX 1050
500B power supply
i3 8th gen
MSI ATX Motherboard Z370-A PRO
Cooler Master HAF 912
Silicon Power 240GB SSD
Ballistix Sport LT 8GB Single DDR4
Together it's costing $420 to upgrade to something that can run Kangdom come. Right now the AMD Phenom ii x4 is a piece of slow shit and doesnt work.
>i3 8th gen
You are getting a G4520 but paying twice as much
>Why are they forcing me to install the ultimate botnet 10 experience?
your own fault for being a pedophile bud